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Last active March 3, 2018 21:37
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""" Web application for serving agent """
import time
import json
import bottle
import numpy as np
import battlesnake.agent
def map_state(player, state, width, height):
as_xy = lambda locs: [ { 'x': l[0], 'y': l[1] } for l in locs ]
enemy_snakes = [ s for s in state['snakes'] if s['id'] != player ]
player_snake = [ s for s in state['snakes'] if s['id'] == player ][0]
return {
'width': width,
'height': height,
'food': {
'data': as_xy(state['food'])
'snakes': {
'data': [ {
'name': s['id'],
'body': {
'data': as_xy(s['locations'])
} for s in enemy_snakes ]
'you': {
'health': player_snake['health'],
'body': {
'data': as_xy(player_snake['locations'])
agent = battlesnake.agent.Agent()
def static(path):
return bottle.static_file(path, root='static/')'/start')
def start():
data = bottle.request.json
game_id = data['game_id']
board_width = data['width']
board_height = data['height']
head_url = '%s://%s/static/head.png' % (
return {
'color': '#D5FD67',
'taunt': 'Whoooooops!',
'head_url': head_url,
'name': 'Silly Snake'
def move():
start = time.time()
data = bottle.request.json
totals = np.array([ 0 ] * 4)
deaths = np.array([ 0 ] * 4)
while (time.time() - start) < .150:
game =
height=data['height'], width=data['width'],
food=0, snakes=0
for food in data['food']['data']:[ food['x'], food['y'] ])
for snake in data['snakes']['data']:
locations = [ [ p['x'], p['y'] ] for p in snake['body']['data'] ]
'locations': locations,
'id': snake['id'],
'health': snake['health'],
'alive': True
for i in range(5):
moves = []
for snake in game.snakes:
agent_state = map_state(snake['id'], game.get_state(), game.width, game.height)
move = agent.move(agent_state)
if i == 0 and snake['id'] == data['you']['id']:
if move == 'up': picked_move = 0
if move == 'right': picked_move = 1
if move == 'down': picked_move = 2
if move == 'left': picked_move = 3
moves.append((snake['id'], move))
post_state = game.get_state()
alive_snakes = [ s['id'] for s in post_state['snakes'] ]
if data['you']['id'] not in alive_snakes:
deaths[picked_move] += 1
totals[picked_move] += 1
ratios = (totals - deaths) / totals
i = np.nanargmax(ratios)
print(ratios == np.nanmax(ratios))
print((ratios == np.nanmax(ratios)).sum())
if (ratios == ratios.max()).sum() > 1:
move = agent.move(data)
print('More than 1 equal move')
if i == 0: move = 'up'
if i == 1: move = 'right'
if i == 2: move = 'down'
if i == 3: move = 'left'
end = time.time()
print('Response time', int((end - start)*1000),'ms')
return {
'move': move
run =
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