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Created November 18, 2016 01:05
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Basic implementation of the Two-Phase Simplex Method """
import sys
import numpy as np
class Solver():
def __init__(self, A, b, c):
rows = A.shape[0]
cols = A.shape[1]
self.x = np.concatenate((np.zeros(cols), b))
self.z = np.concatenate((-c, np.zeros(rows)))
self.A = np.concatenate((A, np.identity(rows)), axis=1)
self.beta = np.array([n+A.shape[1] for n in range(rows)]) = np.array([n for n in range(cols)])
def solve_primal(self):
while True:
# Step 1: Check for optimality
z_nu_star = self.z[]
if (z_nu_star >= 0).all(): break
# Step 2: Select entering variable
j = [j for j in if self.z[j] < 0][0]
# Step 3: Compute Primal Step Direction
B = self.A[:, self.beta]
N = self.A[:,]
e_j = np.zeros(len(
e_j[[i for i, j in enumerate( if self.z[j] < 0][0]] = 1
delta_x_beta = np.linalg.inv(B).dot(N).dot(e_j)
# Step 4: Compute Primal Step Length
x_beta_star = self.x[self.beta]
t = (delta_x_beta / x_beta_star).max() ** -1
if t <= 0: raise Exception('Primal is unbounded')
# Step 5: Select leaving variable
i = self.beta[np.argmax(delta_x_beta / x_beta_star)]
# Step 6: Compute Dual Step Direction
e_i = np.zeros(len(self.beta))
e_i[np.argmax(delta_x_beta / x_beta_star)] = 1
delta_z_nu = -np.linalg.inv(B).dot(N).transpose().dot(e_i)
# Step 7: Compute Dual Step Length
j2 = [i for i, j in enumerate( if self.z[j] < 0][0]
s = z_nu_star[j2] / delta_z_nu[j2]
# Step 8: Update Current Primal and Dual Solutions
x_beta_star = x_beta_star - t * delta_x_beta
for c, index in enumerate(self.beta):
self.x[index] = x_beta_star[c]
self.x[j] = t
z_nu_star = z_nu_star - s * delta_z_nu
for c, index in enumerate(
self.z[index] = z_nu_star[c]
self.z[i] = s
# Step 9: Update basis
beta_index = np.where(self.beta==i)
nu_index = np.where(
temp = self.beta[beta_index]
self.beta[beta_index] =[nu_index][nu_index] = temp
return self.x[:len(]
def solve_dual(self):
while True:
# Step 1: Check for optimality
x_beta_star = self.x[self.beta]
if (x_beta_star >= 0).all(): break
# Step 2: Select entering variable
i = [i for i in self.beta if self.x[i] < 0][0]
# Step 3: Compute Dual Step Direction
B = self.A[:, self.beta]
N = self.A[:,]
e_i = np.zeros(len(self.beta))
e_i[[j for j, i in enumerate(self.beta) if self.x[i] < 0][0]] = 1
delta_z_nu = -np.linalg.inv(B).dot(N).transpose().dot(e_i)
# Step 4: Compute Dual Step Length
z_nu_star = self.z[]
s = (delta_z_nu / z_nu_star).max() ** -1
if s <= 0: raise Exception('Dual is unbounded')
# Step 5: Select leaving variable
j =[np.argmax(delta_z_nu / z_nu_star)]
# Step 6: Compute Primal Step Direction
e_j = np.zeros(len(
e_j[np.argmax(delta_z_nu / z_nu_star)] = 1
delta_x_beta = np.linalg.inv(B).dot(N).dot(e_j)
# Step 7: Compute Primal Step Length
j2 = [j for j, i in enumerate(self.beta) if self.x[i] < 0][0]
t = x_beta_star[j2] / delta_x_beta[j2]
# Step 8: Update Current Primal and Dual Solutions
x_beta_star = x_beta_star - t * delta_x_beta
for c, index in enumerate(self.beta):
self.x[index] = x_beta_star[c]
self.x[j] = t
z_nu_star = z_nu_star - s * delta_z_nu
for c, index in enumerate(
self.z[index] = z_nu_star[c]
self.z[i] = s
# Step 9: Update basis
beta_index = np.where(self.beta==i)
nu_index = np.where(
temp = self.beta[beta_index]
self.beta[beta_index] =[nu_index][nu_index] = temp
return self.x[:len(]
def solve(self):
# Check for current optimality
if (self.x >= 0).all() and (self.z >= 0).all():
return self.x[:len(self.beta)]
# Primal feasible but not dual feasible
if (self.x >= 0).all() and not (self.z >= 0).all():
return self.solve_primal()
# Not primal feasible but dual feasible
if not (self.x >= 0).all() and (self.z >= 0).all():
return self.solve_dual()
# Neither primal nor dual feasible
if not (self.x >= 0).all() and not (self.z >= 0).all():
original_z = self.z
self.z = np.abs(self.z)
self.z = original_z
return self.solve_primal()
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print('Usage:', sys.argv[0], 'my_A.csv my_b.csv my_c.csv')
A = np.genfromtxt(sys.argv[1], delimiter=',')
b = np.genfromtxt(sys.argv[2], delimiter=',')
c = np.genfromtxt(sys.argv[3], delimiter=',')
solver = Solver(A, b, c)
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