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Created September 18, 2018 07:06
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Compare appSettings configured in OctopusDeploy variables and Local *.config files
param (
$ExcludePaths = @('bin', 'Partials', 'Debug', 'Release', 'obj')
$OctopusAuth = @{
'X-Octopus-ApiKey' = $OctopusDeployApiKey
$OctopusVariables = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$OctopusDeployAddress/api/variables/names?project=$OctopusDeployProjectId" -Headers $OctopusAuth
$ConfigFiles = Get-ChildItem -Recurse '*.config'
$Rows = @()
foreach ($File in $ConfigFiles) {
[xml]$XmlDocument = Get-Content $File
$appSettings = $XmlDocument.configuration.appSettings.add
$connectionStrings = $XmlDocument.configuration.connectionStrings.add
$ServiceName = $File.Directory.Name
$FileFullName = $File.FullName.Replace($pwd, '.')
if (($appSettings.keys.Count -gt 0) -and
!((Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $File.Directory.FullName.Split('/').Split('\') -DifferenceObject $ExcludePaths -IncludeEqual).SideIndicator -eq "==")
Write-Host "$ServiceName`t" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
Write-Host "($FileFullName)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
foreach ($setting in $appSettings)
$Key = $setting.key
$Value = $setting.value
if ($OctopusVariables.Contains($Key) -or
$OctopusVariables.Contains("$ServiceName/$Key")) {
Write-Host "`t`t Octopus" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
$Source = 'Octopus'
else {
Write-Host "`t`t $($File.Name)" -ForegroundColor DarkBlue -NoNewline
$Source = $File.Name
if ($Key.ToLower().Contains('secret') -or
$Key.ToLower().Contains('key') -or
$Key.ToLower().Contains('password') -or
$Key.ToLower().Contains('authtoken')) {
$Value = "*** MASKED ***"
Write-Host "`t$Key = $Value"
$Rows += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
FileName = $FileFullName
ServiceName = $ServiceName
Source = $Source
SettingName = $Key
ConfigValue = $Value
$ExportPath = "$Env:TMPDIR/settingexport.csv"
$Rows | Select-Object ServiceName, Source, SettingName, ConfigValue, FileName | Export-Csv -Path $ExportPath
Write-Host "Exported To: $ExportPath" -ForegroundColor Gray
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