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Created October 21, 2020 15:37
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pragma solidity 0.6.12;
import "";
import "";
import "";
interface IChicken {
function burnToMint(address _user, uint256 _amount) external;
contract BurnToMint is Ownable {
using SafeMath for uint256;
* @dev Details of each transfer
* @param contract_ contract address of ER20 token to transfer
* @param to_ receiving account
* @param amount_ number of burnList to transfer to_ account
* @param failed_ if transfer was successful or not
struct Burn {
address contract_;
address to_;
uint amount_;
bool failed_;
* @dev a mapping from transaction ID's to the sender address
* that initiates them. Owners can create several bTransactions
mapping(address => uint[]) public bTransactionIndexesToSender;
* @dev a list of all transfers successful or unsuccessful
Burn[] public bTransactions;
IChicken public chicken;
address public blackHole;
* @dev list of all supported burnList for transfer
* @param string token symbol
* @param address contract address of token
struct sBurnList {
address addr;
uint256 divisor;
mapping(bytes32 => sBurnList) public burnList;
* @dev Event to notify if transfer successful or failed
* after account approval verified
event BurnSuccessful(address indexed from_, address indexed to_, uint256 amount_);
event BurnFailed(address indexed from_, address indexed to_, uint256 amount_);
event TokenAdded(bytes32 symbol, address indexed token, uint256 divisor);
constructor(address _chicken, address _blackHole) public {
chicken = IChicken(_chicken);
blackHole = _blackHole;
* @dev add address of token to list of supported burnList using
* token symbol as identifier in mapping
function addNewBurnToken(bytes32 symbol_, address address_, uint256 divisor_) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {
burnList[symbol_].addr = address_;
burnList[symbol_].divisor = divisor_;
emit TokenAdded(symbol_, address_, divisor_);
return true;
* @dev remove address of token we no more support
function removeBurnToken(bytes32 symbol_) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {
require(burnList[symbol_].divisor != 0);
return true;
function getBurnTokenAddress(bytes32 symbol_) public returns (address){
return burnList[symbol_].addr;
function burnTokens(bytes32 symbol_, uint256 amount_) public {
require(burnList[symbol_].divisor != 0);
require(amount_ > 0);
address to_ = blackHole;
address contract_ = burnList[symbol_].addr;
address from_ = msg.sender;
IERC20 TOKEN = IERC20(contract_);
contract_: contract_,
to_: to_,
amount_: amount_,
failed_: true
uint256 transactionId = bTransactions.length;
bTransactionIndexesToSender[from_].push(transactionId - 1);
require(amount_ <= TOKEN.allowance(from_, address(this)), 'Burn: Not enough allowance');
if(amount_ > TOKEN.allowance(from_, address(this)))
emit BurnFailed(from_, to_, amount_);
TOKEN.transferFrom(from_, to_, amount_);
//bTransactions[transactionId - 1].failed_ = false;
uint256 mint = amount_.div(burnList[symbol_].divisor);
chicken.burnToMint(msg.sender, mint);
emit BurnSuccessful(from_, to_, amount_);
* @dev allow contract to receive funds
//fallback() external public payable {}
* @dev withdraw funds from this contract
* @param beneficiary address to receive ether
function recoverEther(address payable beneficiary) public payable onlyOwner {
function recoverERC20(address tokenAddress, uint256 tokenAmount) public onlyOwner {
IERC20(tokenAddress).transfer(owner(), tokenAmount);
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