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Created October 15, 2016 05:49
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Simple Python script for exporting Windows 10 Lock images for use as desktop background.
import os, sys, imghdr
from os import listdir, makedirs
from os.path import join, isdir, exists
from PIL import Image
from shutil import copyfile
# accept extract location as a command line argument or default to the Desktop
extractLocation = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else os.path.expanduser("~") + '\\Desktop'
# create folder paths to extract the images to
extractLocation = join(extractLocation, 'LockImageExtract')
tallPath = join(extractLocation, 'Tall')
widePath = join(extractLocation, 'Wide')
# create extract directories if needed
if not exists(extractLocation):
if not exists(tallPath):
if not exists(widePath):
startingPath = join(os.path.expanduser("~"), 'AppData\Local\Packages')
microsoftFolderPrefix = 'Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_'
subPath = 'LocalState\Assets'
microsoftPath = ''
# we need to find the path where windows 10 stores the images
for directory in listdir(startingPath):
microsoftPath = join(startingPath, directory)
tempPath = join(startingPath, microsoftFolderPrefix)
if isdir(microsoftPath) and microsoftPath.startswith(tempPath):
# set the source path
sourcePath = join(microsoftPath, subPath)
print('Extracting images from: ' + sourcePath)
for fileName in listdir(sourcePath):
filePath = join(sourcePath, fileName)
fileExtension = imghdr.what(filePath)
if isdir(filePath) or not (fileExtension == 'jpeg' or fileExtension == 'png'):
image =
size = image.size
# ignore store assets
if(size[0] < 300 and size[1] < 300):
targetDir = tallPath if size[1] > size[0] else widePath
targetPath = join(targetDir, fileName + '.' + fileExtension)
if not exists(targetPath):
copyfile(filePath, targetPath)
print('Extracted: ' + targetPath)
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