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Created January 26, 2009 15:38
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' Add this to the page that contains the master PivotTable
' assumes the page containing the slave PivotTables is named "Transform"
' On PivotTable update in the Display page
Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
Dim masterPf As PivotField
Dim slavePf As PivotField
Dim pt As PivotTable
' for each PageField in the master PivotTAble
For Each masterPf In Target.PageFields
' check all the PivotTables in the transform sheet
For Each pt In Worksheets("Transform").PivotTables
' if the slave PivotTable contains a PageField
' with the same value as the masterPf
For Each slavePf In pt.PageFields
If slavePf.Value = masterPf.Value Then
' make the slave PageField have the same CurrentPage (selected item)
' as the master PageField
Worksheets("Transform").PivotTables(CStr(pt)).PivotFields(CStr(slavePf)).CurrentPage = CStr(masterPf.CurrentPage)
End If
Next slavePf
Next pt
Next masterPf
End Sub
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