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Created March 30, 2009 20:16
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Fetch people for Twitalyzer's mechanical turk. Will fetch and submit
Twitalyzer turk people forever with DELAY seconds between each pull.
Hit Ctrl-C (OSX, Linux) or Ctrl-D (Windows) to stop.
To use, just run:
> python
import urllib, re, pprint, time, random
# time to wait between fetches
DELAY = 10.0
# regex to find people in Twitalyzer's Mechanical Turk page
people_re = re.compile('href=\"/twitalyzer/r.asp\?u=.*\&uri=turk.asp\">')
# url to load a person's data
engine_url = ''
# turk
turk_url = ''
while True:
# get the content of the turk page
turk_content = urllib.urlopen(turk_url).read()
# grab all the people
turk_people = []
for tp in people_re.findall(turk_content, re.MULTILINE):
name = tp[26:-15]
if name:
if turk_people:
# pick a person at random
person = random.choice(turk_people)
print "%d people in queue" % len(turk_people)
print "\tfetching", person
starttime = time.time()
f = urllib.urlopen(engine_url % person).read()
print "\tprocessed in %.2f seconds" % (time.time() - starttime)
except Exception, e:
print "Ooops! Hit a problem:", e
print "\tsleeping for %.1f seconds" % DELAY
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