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Last active May 27, 2017 00:47
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Redux Thunk Helpers
import * as Redux from 'redux'
import { ThunkAction } from 'redux-thunk'
import { Store } from './store'
export type Status = 'pending' | 'success' | 'fail'
export interface Request {
status: Status
error?: string
export interface LoadEndpoint<T> extends Redux.Action {
type: string
request: Request
data: T
type Creator = (dispatch: Redux.Dispatch<Store>, getState: () => Store) => void
export function thunk (creator: Creator): ThunkAction<void, Store, null> {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
/** define and then call an async function */
(async (dispatch, getState) => {
await creator(dispatch, getState)
})(dispatch, getState).catch(error => {
export function loadEndpoint<T> (endpoint: Promise<T>, type: string, fallbackData: any) {
return thunk(async (dispatch, getState) => {
dispatch<LoadEndpoint<T>>({ type, request: { status: "pending" }, data: fallbackData})
await endpoint.then( data => {
dispatch<LoadEndpoint<T>>({ type, request: {status: "success"}, data })
}, why => dispatch<LoadEndpoint<T>>({type, request: { status: "fail", error: why}, data: fallbackData}))
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