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Last active October 10, 2016 11:15
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WordPress External API endpoint class
WpExternalApi class use
$api = WpExternalApi::get('url-slug');
will create endpoint at and
function callback($input){
// Return variable will be encoded into JSON or XML response
// e.g.
return array('status'=>'OK'); // {'status':'OK'}
// For XML, use nested arrays to create structure - set xml_parent_node for top level node, default is <Response>
return array('status'=>array('value'=>'OK', 'attributes'=>array('really'=>'ok')));
// <Response><Status really="ok">Ok</Status></Response>
class WpExternalApi
* Constants
const VERSION = '0.1';
const DEFAULT_XML_PARENT = 'response';
const DEFAULT_REQUEST = 'xml';
const DEFAULT_XML_SYNTAX = 'ucfirst';
* Variables
private $slug;
private $name;
private $default_request;
private $xml_syntax;
private $xml_parent_node;
private $query_vars;
private $request;
* Static container for API instances
static $instances;
* Static function to create or retrieve instances
static function get($slug)
if (isset(self::$instances[$slug])) {
return self::$instances[$slug];
} else {
self::$instances[$slug] = new static($slug);
return self::$instances[$slug];
* Constructor: $slug required for ID, other properties can be set later
function __construct($slug, $logic = null, $url_path = null, $options = array() )
// Set required variables
$this->name = $slug;
$this->logic = $logic;
// Set URL Path
if ($url_path) {
$this->url_path = $url_path;
} else {
$this->url_path = str_replace('_', '-', $this->name);
// Set Defaults
$this->xml_parent_node = self::DEFAULT_XML_PARENT;
$this->default_request = self::DEFAULT_REQUEST;
$this->xml_syntax = self::DEFAULT_XML_SYNTAX;
// Set options
if (0 < count($options) ) $this->set_options($options);
// Actions
add_action('init', array($this, 'rewrite_rules'));
add_action('parse_request', array($this, 'parse_request'), 99);
// Filters
add_filter('query_vars', array($this, 'query_vars'));
* Set logic callback
function set_logic($callback)
if ($this->logic) {
throw new \Exception('Logic callback already defined');
} else {
$this->logic = $callback;
* Set options
function set_options($options = array())
// Override with options if set
foreach ($options as $option_name => $option_value) {
if ( $option_value ) {
$this->{$option_name} = $option_value;
* Add API endpoint rewrite rules
function rewrite_rules()
add_rewrite_rule( '^'.$this->url_path.'/?([^/]*)?/?([^/]*)/?' , 'index.php?'.$this->name.'=$matches[1]&'.$this->name.'_query=$matches[2]', 'top' );
* Parse request
function parse_request(&$wp)
if (array_key_exists($this->name, $wp->query_vars)) {
$this->query_vars = $wp->query_vars;
$this->request['get'] = apply_filters($this->name.'_get', $_GET, $this->query_vars);
$this->request['post'] = apply_filters($this->name.'_post', $_POST, $this->query_vars);
$this->request['cookie'] = apply_filters($this->name.'_cookie', $_COOKIE, $this->query_vars);
$this->request['body'] = http_get_request_body();
switch ($wp->query_vars[$this->name]) {
case 'xml':
case 'json':
* Add query vars
function query_vars($query_vars)
$query_vars[] = $this->name;
$query_vars[] = $this->name.'_query';
return $query_vars;
* Get response from API method
function api_method()
if ( is_callable($this->logic) ) return call_user_func($this->logic, $this->request);
* XML Request Response
function xml_request()
$response = apply_filters($this->name.'_xml_response', $this->api_method());
$xmlcontainer = $this->process_xml_syntax($this->xml_parent_node);
$responseXML = new \SimpleXMLElement('<'.$xmlcontainer.'></'.$xmlcontainer.'>');
foreach ($response as $response_name => $response_content ) {
$response_value = apply_filters($this->name.'_'.$response_name, $response_content['value'], $response);
$responseMessage[$response_name] = $responseXML->addChild($this->process_xml_syntax($response_name), $response_content['value']);
if (isset($response_content['attributes'])) {
foreach ($response_content['attributes'] as $attribute_name => $attrubute_value) {
$responseMessage[$response_name]->addAttribute($attribute_name, $attrubute_value);
// Response
header('Content-type: text/xml');
echo $responseXML->asXML();
* XML Syntax Processor
function process_xml_syntax($variable)
switch ($this->xml_syntax) {
case 'ucfirst':
return ucfirst($variable);
case 'uppercase':
return strtoupper($variable);
case 'lowercase':
return strtolower($variable);
case 'camelcase':
return ucwords($variable);
case 'callback':
return apply_filters($this->name.'_xml_syntax', $variable);
* JSON Request Response
function json_request()
$response = apply_filters($this->name.'_json_response', $this->api_method());
// Response
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo json_encode($response);
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