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Last active February 26, 2024 17:41
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Notes for installing Core Lightning on MacOS M1

Notes for installing Core Lightning on MacOS M1 (tested on M1 Max)

Keep in mind that the instructions are designed for Intel, so /usr/local needs to be replaced by /opt/homebrew in most places.

Make sure native rust toolchain is installed for rust stuff

install nightly-aarch64-apple-darwin toolchain to get rid of errors about wrong arch lib linked

rustup install nightly-aarch64-apple-darwin

Then to make this toolchain your default:

rustup default nightly-aarch64-apple-darwin


export LDFLAGS="-L/opt/homebrew/opt/sqlite/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/homebrew/opt/sqlite/include"

Configure and make:

./configure && make -j$(( $(nproc) - 1))

Nondeterministic issues with cpu usage on first launch

If lightningd hogs all your CPU when you start it up, kill it, delete its pid file, and try again. I haven't discovered why this happens.

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