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Created December 7, 2012 18:39
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Kickboard long to wide (2 row per student) format for R
## Script to transform
## Long format Kicboard culture csv
## to wide format (by behavoir event), where
## each student is represented by 2(!) rows
## One row for negative paycheck events (i.e., deductions)
## and the other row for postive (though value 0) culture events (Create Points)
#Load Libraries
#Get Kickboard culture data
kb.long<-read.csv("/Users/chaid/Dropbox/Consulting/KIPP Ascend/Data Requests/Random/Kickboard_long_to_wide/culture-analysis_121202.csv")
#Discriminate between Create Points and Paycheck Decutions
#This functino simply prodives consecutive numbering to a sorted dataframe
#Data Range to rearrange
x.long<-subset(kb.long, ymd(Behavior.Date)>=ymd("2012/11/26")&ymd(Behavior.Date)<=ymd("2012/12/02"))
#Change numeric to factors so that values don't get NA's during melt opoeration (see next line)
#make what is long even longer
x<-melt(x.long, id.vars=c("Student","Group","CreatePoint"), measure.vars=c("Behavior", "Dollar.Value", "Behavior.Date", "Staff", "Comments"))
#rename variables to comport with Kate's mail merge input spreadsheet column headers
levels(x$variable)<-c("Behavior", "Dollar", "Date", "Staff", "Comments")
#add numbering for each event
x<-ddply(x, .(Student, CreatePoint, variable), function(df) consecutive(df))
#rename the variables with number, name, number (the first number is later dropped, it is used for ordering (thouhg I think this can be deprecated))
x$variable2<-paste(x$OrderID, x$variable, x$OrderID, sep=" ")
#get max number of student events for the period
#go from long to wide and rearrange by group and student names
x.wide<-arrange(cast(x, Student+Group+CreatePoint~variable2), Group, Student)
#strip leading number from column headers
names(x.wide)[-(1:3)]<-gsub("(\\d{1,2})(\\s)(Behavior|Date|Comments|Dollar|Staff)(\\s)(\\d{1,2})", "\\3\\4\\5", names(x.wide)[-(1:3)])
#reorder columns to comport with Kate's mail merge input spreadsheet
cats<-c("Behavior", "Dollar","Date", "Staff", "Comments")
for(i in 1:n){<-paste(cats, i, sep=" ")
#Get paycheck totals (50 + the sume of negative decuctions)
paycheck<-ddply(subset(x, variable=="Dollar"), .(Student, Group), summarise, Paycheck=50+sum(as.numeric(levels(value))[value],na.rm=T))
#merge paycheck totals with events
x.merge<-merge(x=x.wide, y=paycheck, by.x=c("Student", "Group"), by.y=c("Student","Group"), all.x=T)
#rearrange and drop unnecessary columns
z<-x.merge[,c("Student", "Group","Paycheck", col.order)]
#rename Group to Homeroom
#resort order by Group name and then Student name
z<-arrange(z,Homeroom, Student)
#write the file
write.csv(z,"/Users/chaid/Dropbox/Consulting/KIPP Ascend/Data Requests/Random/Kickboard_long_to_wide/KB_121202e.csv", row.names=FALSE,na="")
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