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Last active May 22, 2020 19:29
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KIPP Chicago attendance approach
library(tidyverse) # tidyvese
library(silounloadr) # KIPP Chicago data acess package
library(lubridate) # data stuff
library(janitor) # munging stuff
lirbrary(googlesheets4) # for tossing the data into a Google Sheet
# Need to get get the 2 digit PowerSchool Year id (2019-2020 = 29)
# this function returns the 4 digit year id (2019-2020 = 2900) and divides by 100 to get 2 digit
ps_yearid_4_years_ago <- silounloadr::calc_ps_termid(2019-3)/100
# This gets everyone who was enrolled on each calendar day. It's s record for every student on that data
membership <- get_powerschool("ps_membership_reg") %>%
select(studentid, schoolid, date = calendardate, yearid) %>%
# This gets _recorded_ attendence codes. If a student is present then they won't appear in this table. They
# only appear if the were absetn, suspended, hospitalized, late, left early, weere leate _and_ left early_
attendance <- get_powerschool("attendance") %>%
select(schoolid, studentid, date = att_date, yearid, attendance_codeid, att_mode_code, ada_value_code,
ada_value_time, yearid) %>%
att_mode_code == "ATT_ModeDaily") # there are many ways to record attendnace (by period, by day). This is daily.
# This has the actual codes (A, S, I ...) and their descriptions (Absent, Out of School Suspensions, In-school Suspensions, ...)
att_codes <- get_powerschool("attendance_code") %>%
select(attendance_codeid = id, att_code, description)
# Just pulling a subest of current studnets here
stus_8th <- get_powerschool("students") %>%
filter(grade_level==8) %>%
select(studentid = id, student_number, last_name, first_name, schoolid)
# Leffj oin membership (evryone) with the absence data
mem_att <- membership %>%
left_join(attendance, by = c("yearid", "date", "schoolid", "studentid")) %>%
left_join(att_codes, by = c("attendance_codeid")) %>%
inner_join(stus_8th %>% select(studentid), by = "studentid") %>%
collect() #pull the data down from the warehouse.
#the NAs _and_ blanks (i.e., "") here indicate present days (so does P, of which there's only one student in these data)
tabyl(mem_att, att_code)
# Let's change the NAs to ""
mem_att %>%
mutate(att_code = if_else(, "", att_code)) %>%
# Let's calcualte ADA over 4 years for 8th graders
# we only used it above to filter data in the warehouse before collecting it
# So let's pull these student data down
stus_8th <- collect(stus_8th)
perfect_ada <- mem_att %>%
dplyr::mutate(att_code = if_else(, "", att_code), # change NAS to ""
present = att_code %in% c("", "I", "T", "H", "P", "L", "E"), # All of these codes = Present
present_value2 = as.integer(present), # Change True/False to 1/0
present_value = if_else(att_code == "H", 0.5, as.numeric(present_value2)), # hopsitalization = 1/2 day present
enrolled= 1) %>% # all students in this list are enrolle
group_by(studentid) %>%
dplyr::summarise(ada = sum(present_value)/sum(enrolled), # Average daily attendance rate
enrolled = sum(enrolled), # total days enrolled
present = sum(present_value), # total days present
years = n_distinct(yearid)) %>% # count of school years in which student was enrolled
filter(ada == 1) %>% # filter for perfect attendence
inner_join(stus_8th, by = "studentid") %>% # add student info
arrange(desc(ada), desc(years), last_name, first_name) # sort nicely
# now you can toss into a Google sheet
ss <- gs4_create("19-20 Perfect Attendance Student List", sheets = list(KOA = percect_ada_koa))
percect_ada_koa <- percect_ada %>%
filter(schoolid == 400180) %>%
n_years = years,
days_present = present,
days_enrolled = enrolled,
ADA = ada)
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