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Created December 15, 2019 15:03
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Tactical voting site analysis
### Load libraries
## Data from
dat <- read.csv("data.csv")
### Graph things
p1 <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = LD17, y = LD,
group = (Rec.b4b == "LD"),
alpha = (Rec.b4b == "LD"))) +
scale_x_continuous("Lib Dem share in 2017") +
scale_y_continuous("Lib Dem share in 2019") +
geom_point(size = 4,
aes(shape = (Rec.b4b == "LD"), colour = (Rec.b4b == "LD"))) +
scale_shape_discrete("Recommended by Best for Britain") +
scale_alpha_manual(values = c(0.5, 1), guide = "none") +
scale_colour_manual("Recommended by Best for Britain",
values = c("grey", "goldenrod")) +
geom_smooth(se = FALSE, aes(colour = (Rec.b4b == "LD")), linetype = "dotted") +
labs(title = "Lib Dems did better when they received a Best for Britain recommendation",
subtitle = "This holds controlling for Lib Dem vote share in 2017",
caption = "@chrishanretty") +
theme_ipsum_rc() +
theme(legend.position = c(0.9, 1.05))
p2 <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = LD17, y = LD,
group = ( == "LD"),
alpha = ( == "LD"))) +
scale_x_continuous("Lib Dem share in 2017") +
scale_y_continuous("Lib Dem share in 2019") +
geom_point(size = 4,
aes(shape = ( == "LD"), colour = ( == "LD"))) +
scale_shape_discrete("Recommended by Remain Utd") +
scale_colour_manual("Recommended by Remain Utd",
values = c("grey", "goldenrod")) +
scale_alpha_manual(values = c(0.5, 1), guide = "none") +
geom_smooth(se = FALSE, aes(colour = ( == "LD")), linetype = "dotted") +
labs(title = "Lib Dems also did better when they received a Remain United recommendation",
subtitle = "This holds controlling for Lib Dem vote share in 2017",
caption = "@chrishanretty") +
theme_ipsum_rc() +
theme(legend.position = c(0.9, 1.05))
ggsave(p1, file = "p1.png", width = 9 * 72, height = 5 * 72, dpi = 300)
ggsave(p2, file = "p1.png", width = 9 * 72, height = 5 * 72, dpi = 300)
### Create models for different dep. vars using different sites
f_con_b4b <- Con ~ Con17 + Con15 + Con10 + ld_winner + remainHanretty + b4b_rec_ld+ poly(Con.b4b, 2) + Green_cand + PC_cand
f_lab_b4b <- Lab ~ Lab17 + Lab15 + Lab10 + lab_winner + remainHanretty + b4b_rec_ld+ poly(Lab.b4b, 2) + Green_cand + PC_cand
f_ld_b4b <- LD ~ LD17 + LD15 + LD10 + con_winner + remainHanretty + b4b_rec_ld+ poly(LD.b4b, 2) + Green_cand + PC_cand
f_green_b4b <- Green ~ Green17 + Green15 + Green10 + remainHanretty + b4b_rec_ld+ poly(Green.b4b, 2) + Green_cand + PC_cand
ols_con_b4b <- lm(f_con_b4b,
data = dat)
ols_lab_b4b <- lm(f_lab_b4b,
data = dat)
ols_ld_b4b <- lm(f_ld_b4b,
data = dat)
ols_green_b4b <- lm(f_green_b4b,
data = dat)
ols_ld_ru <- lm(LD ~ LD17 + LD15 + LD10 + ld_winner + remainHanretty + ru_rec_ld + poly(, 2) + Green_cand + PC_cand,
data = dat)
ols_con_ru <- lm(Con ~ Con17 + Con15 + Con10 + con_winner + remainHanretty + ru_rec_ld + poly(, 2) + Green_cand + PC_cand,
data = dat)
ols_lab_ru <- lm(Lab ~ Lab17 + Lab15 + Lab10 + lab_winner + remainHanretty + ru_rec_ld + poly(, 2) + Green_cand + PC_cand,
data = dat)
ols_green_ru <- lm(Green ~ Green17 + Green15 + Green10 + remainHanretty + ru_rec_ld + poly(, 2) + Green_cand + PC_cand,
data = dat)
### Create RDD models using rdrobust
### (Not reported)
rdd_ld_b4b_a <- rdrobust(y = dat$chg_ld, x = dat$rv.b4b)
rdd_ld_b4b_b <- rdrobust(y = dat$chg_ld, x = dat$rv.b4b,
fuzzy = as.numeric(dat$Rec.b4b == "LD"))
rdd_ld_ru_a <- rdrobust(y = dat$chg_ld, x = dat$
rdd_ld_ru_b <- rdrobust(y = dat$chg_ld, x = dat$,
fuzzy = as.numeric(dat$ == "LD"))
### What would the results have been but for this?
alt_parties <- c("Con.alt", "Lab.alt", "LD.alt", "Green.alt", "Plaid.alt", "SNP.alt", "Other.alt")
dat$Con.alt <- dat$Lab.alt <- dat$LD.alt <- dat$Green.alt <- dat$Plaid.alt <- dat$SNP.alt <- dat$Other.alt <- NA
dat[,alt_parties] <-
dat[,c("Con", "Lab", "LD", "Green", "Plaid", "SNP", "Other")]
changes <- c(tidy(ols_con_b4b) %>% filter(term == "b4b_rec_ld") %>% pull(estimate),
tidy(ols_lab_b4b) %>% filter(term == "b4b_rec_ld") %>% pull(estimate),
tidy(ols_ld_b4b) %>% filter(term == "b4b_rec_ld") %>% pull(estimate),
tidy(ols_green_b4b) %>% filter(term == "b4b_rec_ld") %>% pull(estimate),
for (i in alt_parties) {
dat[,i] <- ifelse(dat$b4b_rec_ld,
dat[,i] - changes[which(alt_parties == i)],
winners <- alt_parties[apply(dat[,sub(".alt", "", alt_parties)], 1, which.max)]
table(winners, useNA = "always")
alt_winners <- alt_parties[apply(dat[,alt_parties], 1, which.max)]
table(alt_winners, useNA = "always")
### Seats which would have been lost w/o tactical voting sites
which(winners == "LD.alt" & alt_winners != "LD.alt")
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