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Created April 4, 2024 11:18
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Predictions from predict.bam and marginaleffects::predictions with and without discretization
### PURPOSE OF THIS CODE: estimate a large model in bam and speed-test
### predictions using mgcv::predict.bam and
### marginaleffects::predictions with and without discretization and
### parallelization
### ##################################################################
### load libraries
### ##################################################################
### Some small config
my_threads <- 12
### ##################################################################
### transform data to help in modelling departure delay
### ##################################################################
## Handle date: convert to a numeric so we can use it as a smooth term
flights <- flights |>
transform(date = as.Date(paste(year, month, day, sep = "/"))) |>
transform(date.num = as.numeric(date - min(date)))
### Handle wday: convert to numeric
flights <- flights |>
transform(wday = as.POSIXlt(date)$wday)
## Handle time of departure, again convering to numeric
flights <- flights |>
transform(time = as.POSIXct(paste(hour, minute, sep = ":"), format = "%H:%M")) |>
transform(time.dt = difftime(time,
as.POSIXct('00:00', format = '%H:%M'), units = 'min')) |>
transform(time.num = as.numeric(time.dt))
### Handle the outcome, specifically early and missing data
flights <- flights |>
transform(dep_delay = ifelse(dep_delay < 0, 0, dep_delay)) |>
transform(dep_delay = ifelse(, 0, dep_delay))
### Transform some things to factors
flights <- flights |>
transform(carrier = factor(carrier)) |>
transform(dest = factor(dest)) |>
transform(origin = factor(origin))
### ##################################################################
### Estimate models with and without discretization
### ##################################################################
### Takes about 135 seconds single-threaded
m_base <- bam(dep_delay ~ s(date.num, bs = "cr") +
s(wday, bs = "cc", k = 3) +
s(time.num, bs = "cr") +
s(carrier, bs = "re") +
origin +
s(distance, bs = "cr") +
s(dest, bs = "re"),
data = flights,
family = poisson,
discrete = FALSE)
### Takes about 8 seconds
m_discrete <- bam(dep_delay ~ s(date.num, bs = "cr") +
s(wday, bs = "cc", k = 3) +
s(time.num, bs = "cr") +
s(carrier, bs = "re") +
origin +
s(distance, bs = "cr") +
s(dest, bs = "re"),
data = flights,
family = poisson,
discrete = TRUE,
nthreads = my_threads)
### ##################################################################
### generate predictions, w/ and w/o SEs, w/ and w/o discretization
### ##################################################################
### Case 1: mgcv, w/o SEs, w/o discretization
### takes around 3 seconds
p1 <- predict(m_base, = FALSE)
tot <- toc()
e_1 <- tot$toc - tot$tic
### Case 2: marginaleffects, w/o SEs, w/o discretization
### takes around 3 seconds
p2 <- predictions(m_base, vcov = FALSE)
tot <- toc()
e_2 <- tot$toc - tot$tic
### Case 3: mgcv, w/ SEs, w/o discretization
### takes around 17 seconds
p3 <- predict(m_base, = TRUE)
tot <- toc()
e_3 <- tot$toc - tot$tic
### Case 4: marginaleffects, w/ SEs, w/o discretization
### takes around 356 sceonds
p4 <- predictions(m_base, vcov = TRUE)
tot <- toc()
e_4 <- tot$toc - tot$tic
### Case 5: mgcv, w/o SEs, w/ discretization
### takes around 1/3rd of a second
p5 <- predict(m_discrete, = FALSE,
discrete = TRUE, nthreads = my_threads)
tot <- toc()
e_5 <- tot$toc - tot$tic
### Case 6: marginaleffects, w/o SEs, w/ discretization
### takes around 0.8 seconds
p6 <- predictions(m_discrete, vcov = FALSE,
discrete = TRUE, nthreads = my_threads)
tot <- toc()
e_6 <- tot$toc - tot$tic
### Case 7: mgcv, w/ SEs, w/ discretization
### takes around 3.6 seconds
p7 <- predict(m_discrete, = TRUE,
discrete = TRUE, nthreads = my_threads)
tot <- toc()
e_7 <- tot$toc - tot$tic
### Case 8: marginaleffects, w/ SEs, w/ discretization
### takes around 82 seconds
p8 <- predictions(m_discrete, vcov = TRUE,
discrete = TRUE, nthreads = my_threads)
tot <- toc()
e_8 <- tot$toc - tot$tic
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