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Created January 6, 2022 12:46
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Recursive deletion experiment (as far as I got)
;; Functions added to clash.api.postgres/video-comment
(defn get-all-by-user
[postgres user-id]
(postgres/execute! postgres
{:select [:*]
:from :video-comments
:where [:and
[:= :deleted-at nil]
[:= :creator-id user-id]]}))
(defn get-comments-by-parent
[postgres {::video-comment/keys [id]}]
(postgres/execute! postgres
{:select [:*]
:from :video-comments
:where [:and
[:= :deleted-at nil]
[:= :parent-id id]]}))
(defn delete-child-comment
[postgres {::video-comment/keys [id]}]
(postgres/execute-one! postgres
{:insert-into [[:video-comments-deleted
{:select [:video-comments.created_at
:from :video-comments
:where [:and
[:= :parent-id id]
[:= :deleted-at nil]]}]})
(postgres/execute-one! postgres
{:delete-from :videos-comments
:where [:and
[:= :parent-id id]
[:= :deleted-at nil]]}))
;; added to bottom of clash.api.postgres/video-comment-test
(defn- active-child-comment [video-id user-id parent-id created-at]
(-> {::video-comment/id (uuid/uuid)
::video-comment/text "some comment"
::video-comment/created-at created-at
::video-comment/is-liked-by-video-creator false
::video-comment/updated-at nil
::video-comment/deleted-reason nil}
(assoc ::video-comment/deleted-at nil
::video-comment/parent-id parent-id
::video-comment/creator-id user-id
::video-comment/video-id video-id)))
(defn child-comments [num-comments parent-id video-id user-id]
(let [created-at (timestamp/now)]
(->> #(active-child-comment video-id user-id parent-id created-at)
(repeatedly num-comments)
(defn- setup-child-comments
[postgres num-children {user-id ::user/id} {::video-comment/keys [id video-id]}]
(let [child-comments (child-comments num-children id video-id user-id)]
(fixtures/insert-multi! postgres :video_comments child-comments)))
(def system
(atom nil))
(defn start-system
(reset! system (component/start-system (t/system))))
(defn stop-system
(swap! system #(component/stop-system %)))
(defn setup-recursive-comments
(let [{:keys [postgres] :as system-map} @system
[user child grandchild] (user.fixtures/setup-active-user! postgres {} 3)
[video] (video.fixtures/setup-videos-for-user! postgres user 1)
top-level-comments (video-comment.fixtures/setup-comments-for-video! postgres
child-comments (mapcat (partial setup-child-comments postgres 100 child) top-level-comments)]
(run! (partial setup-child-comments postgres 100 grandchild) child-comments)
[user child grandchild]))
(defn recursively-fetch-comments
[postgres result parent]
(let [children (sut/get-comments-by-parent postgres parent)]
(if (zero? (count children))
(mapv (partial recursively-fetch-comments postgres (cons children result)) children))))
(def users
(count users)
(let [{:keys [postgres]} @system]
(postgres/execute! postgres
{:select [[[:count :*]]]
:from :video-comments}))
(let [{:keys [postgres]} @system]
(postgres/execute! postgres
{:select [[[:count :*]]]
:from :video-comments
:where [:= :creator-id (::user/id (nth users 2))]}))
(let [{:keys [postgres]} @system
user-id (-> users first ::user/id)
top-level-comments (sut/get-all-by-user postgres user-id)
child-comments (mapcat (partial sut/get-comments-by-parent postgres) top-level-comments)
grandchild-comments (mapcat (partial sut/get-comments-by-parent postgres) child-comments)]
(count grandchild-comments))
(let [{:keys [postgres]} @system
user-id (-> users first ::user/id)
top-level-comments (sut/get-all-by-user postgres user-id)
low-level-comments (reduce (partial recursively-fetch-comments postgres) [] top-level-comments)
(reduce #(+ %1 (count %2)) 0 low-level-comments))
(let [{:keys [postgres]} @system
user-id (-> users first ::user/id)
top-level-comments (sut/get-all-by-user postgres user-id)
low-level-comments (reduce (partial recursively-fetch-comments postgres) [top-level-comments] top-level-comments)]
(count low-level-comments))
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