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Created July 23, 2015 10:14
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Example of a simple Swift alternative to KVO. Inspired by reactive cocoa's MutableProperty. Weakly-referenced subscribers and all.
import Foundation
// Simple observable property
// Careful: Not thread safe! You should use this only from the main thread, or modify to
// have locks.
class Property<T> {
private var _value: T
var value: T {
get { return _value }
set {
_value = newValue
init(_ value: T) {
_value = value
var subscriptions = [Subscription<T>]()
func subscribe(subscriber: AnyObject, next: T -> Void) {
subscriptions.append(Subscription(subscriber: subscriber, next: next))
private func tellSubscribers() {
subscriptions = subscriptions.flatMap(tellAndFilterSubscription)
private func tellAndFilterSubscription(subscription: Subscription<T>) -> Subscription<T>? {
if subscription.subscriber != nil { // Subscriber is still around.
return subscription
} else { // Subscriber has gone, so cull this subscription.
return nil
struct Subscription<T> {
weak var subscriber: AnyObject?
let next: T -> Void
// Tests / examples of how to use it.
class Foo { // The one with the property.
let property = Property("Blah") // Here's how you declare a property.
class Bar { // The observer.
var string: String?
class Test {
var string: String?
func test() {
// Setup bar subscribed to foo's property.
let foo = Foo()
var bar: Bar? = Bar()!) {
[weak bar] newValue in
bar?.string = newValue
// Example of how to subscribe. {
[weak self] newValue in
self?.string = newValue
// Test it calls the subscriber. = "Test"
print(bar!.string) // Should be "Test"
print(string) // Should also be "Test"
// Test it culls nilled subscribers.
print( // Should be 1.
bar = nil = "GiveItAChanceToCull"
print( // Should be 0.
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