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Created April 13, 2011 02:17
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Build a url query string in obj-c from a dictionary of params like jquery does
+(NSString*)urlEscape:(NSString *)unencodedString {
NSString *s = (NSString *)CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(NULL,
(CFStringRef)@"!*'\"();:@&=+$,/?%#[]% ",
return [s autorelease]; // Due to the 'create rule' we own the above and must autorelease it
// Put a query string onto the end of a url
+(NSString*)addQueryStringToUrl:(NSString *)url params:(NSDictionary *)params {
NSMutableString *urlWithQuerystring = [[[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:url] autorelease];
// Convert the params into a query string
if (params) {
for(id key in params) {
NSString *sKey = [key description];
NSString *sVal = [[params objectForKey:key] description];
// Do we need to add ?k=v or &k=v ?
if ([urlWithQuerystring rangeOfString:@"?"].location==NSNotFound) {
[urlWithQuerystring appendFormat:@"?%@=%@", [Http urlEscape:sKey], [Http urlEscape:sVal]];
} else {
[urlWithQuerystring appendFormat:@"&%@=%@", [Http urlEscape:sKey], [Http urlEscape:sVal]];
return urlWithQuerystring;
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