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Last active October 20, 2018 19:25
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- hosts: all
become: yes
# On CentOS, epel-release is available in the default repositories. Therefore,
# ius-release can just resolve the dependency automatically. On RHEL (or other
# RHEL clones) you will need to explicitly install epel-release first. This
# task can be moved to it's own play if you want to be able to require it
# independently of the IUS state declaration.
- name: install EPEL release package for RHEL
name: "{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.noarch.rpm"
state: latest
when: ansible_distribution == 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux'
- set_fact:
ius_distribution_abbrev: "{{ (ansible_distribution == 'CentOS') | ternary('centos', 'rhel') }}"
# Must be state: present due to deficiency in ansible. See:
- name: install IUS release package
name: "https://{{ ius_distribution_abbrev }}{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}"
state: present
when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
register: install_via_url
ignore_errors: yes
- name: download IUS release package
url: "https://{{ ius_distribution_abbrev }}{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}"
dest: "/tmp/ius-release.rpm"
tmp_dest: '/tmp/'
when: install_via_url.failed
register: downloaded_package
ignore_errors: yes
- name: install IUS release package (local)
name: "/tmp/ius-release.rpm"
state: present
- install_via_url.failed
- downloaded_package.succeeded
ignore_errors: yes
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