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Last active December 30, 2016 09:15
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AngularJS Jasmine test snippets for Sublime Text 2.
describe('${1:SuiteName}', function() {
var scope, \$httpBackend, initController;
beforeEach(function() {
module('${2:ModuleName}', function(\$provide){
inject(function(\$injector) {
var \$rootScope, \$controller;
\$rootScope = \$injector.get('\$rootScope');
\$controller = \$injector.get('\$controller');
\$httpBackend = \$injector.get('\$httpBackend');
scope = \$rootScope.\$new();
initController = function(opts) {
\$controller('${3:ControllerName}', angular.extend({
\$scope: scope
}, (opts || {})));
afterEach(function() {
// \$httpBackend.verifyNoOutstandingExpectation();
// \$httpBackend.verifyNoOutstandingRequest();
it('should pass', function() {
// \$httpBackend.expectGET('').respond(200);
describe('${1:SuiteName}', function() {
var elm, scope, isolateScope,
html = '${3:<div>Element Template</div>}';
beforeEach(function() {
module('${2:ModuleName}', function(\$provide){
inject(function(\$injector) {
var \$compile, \$templateCache, \$rootScope;
\$compile = \$injector.get('\$compile');
\$rootScope = \$injector.get('\$rootScope');
// \$templateCache = \$injector.get('\$templateCache');
// \$templateCache.put('${4:templateUrl}', '<div></div>');
elm = angular.element(html);
scope = \$rootScope.\$new();
// isolateScope = elm.isolateScope();
afterEach(function() {
it('should pass', function() {
describe('${1:SuiteName}', function() {
var ${3:ServiceName}, scope;
beforeEach(function() {
module('${2:ModuleName}', function(\$provide){
inject(function(\$injector) {
var \$rootScope;
\$rootScope = \$injector.get('\$rootScope');
${3:ServiceName} = \$injector.get('${3:ServiceName}');
scope = \$rootScope.\$new();
afterEach(function() {
it('should pass', function() {
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