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Created November 9, 2012 16:48
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Passbook server API
class PassAPI extends Plugin
# Registration
# register a device to receive push notifications for a pass
# POST /v1/devices/<deviceID>/registrations/<typeID>/<serial#>
# Header: Authorization: ApplePass <authenticationToken>
# JSON payload: { "pushToken" : <push token, which the server needs to send push notifications to this device> }
# Params definition
# deviceID - the device's identifier
# pass_typeID - the bundle identifier for a class of passes, sometimes refered to as the pass topic, e.g., registered with WWDR
# serial - the pass' serial number
# pushToken - the value needed for Apple Push Notification service
# server action: if the authentication token is correct, associate the given push token and device identifier with this pass
# server response:
# --> if registration succeeded: 201
# --> if this serial number was already registered for this device: 304
# --> if not authorized: 401
public function rest_post_v1_devices__deviceID_registrations__typeID__serial($params) {
$payload = json_decode($_POST);
$args['serial'] = $params['serial'];
$args['auth_token'] = $auth_token;
$args['count'] = true;
if( Passcard::exists( $args) ) {
$uuid = $params['deviceID'] . '-' . $params['serial'];
if( !Registration::exists( array('uuid' => $uuid) ) ) {
// No registration present, make one.
$regdata = array();
$regdata['uuid'] = $uuid;
$regdata['deviceID'] = $params['deviceID'];
$regdata['pass_typeID'] = $params['typeID'];
$regdata['push_token'] = $payload->pushToken;
$regdata['serial'] = $params['serial'];
Registration::create( $regdata );
$status = 201;
} else {
// Device already registered, so say so.
$status = 304;
} else {
// No device matching those args, go away.
$status = 401;
$ar = new AjaxResponse($status, null, null);
# Updatable passes
# get all serial #s associated with a device for passes that need an update
# Optionally with a query limiter to scope the last update since
# GET /v1/devices/<deviceID>/registrations/<typeID>
# GET /v1/devices/<deviceID>/registrations/<typeID>?passesUpdatedSince=<tag>
# server action: figure out which passes associated with this device have been modified since the supplied tag (if no tag provided, all associated serial #s)
# server response:
# --> if there are matching passes: 200, with JSON payload: { "lastUpdated" : <new tag>, "serialNumbers" : [ <array of serial #s> ] }
# --> if there are no matching passes: 204
# --> if unknown device identifier: 404
public function rest_get_v1_devices__deviceID_registrations__typeID($params) {
$args = array();
$serials = array();
$updatable_passes_payload = array();
$allowed = $_GET->filter_keys( 'passesUpdatedSince' );
foreach ( $allowed as $key => $value ) {
$key = $value;
if( !Registration::exists( array('deviceID' => $params['deviceID']) ) ) {
$registrations = Registrations::get( array('deviceID' => $params['deviceID'], 'pass_typeID' => $params['typeID']) );
foreach( $registrations as $register ) {
$serials[] = $register->serial;
if( isset($passesUpdatedSince) && $passesUpdatedSince != '' ) {
$passes = Passcards::get( array('serial' => $serials, 'where' => "updated_at IS NULL OR updated_at >= $passesUpdatedSince") );
} else {
$passes = Passcards::get( array('serial' => $serials) );
if( $passes ) {
foreach( $registrations as $register ) {
$reg_serials[] = $register->serial;
$update_time = date(DATE_RFC822);
$updatable_passes_payload['lastUpdated'] = $update_time;
$updatable_passes_payload['serialNumbers'] = $reg_serials->to_json();
$status = 200;
} else {
$updatable_passes_payload['lastUpdated'] = '';
$updatable_passes_payload['serialNumbers'] = '';
$status = 204;
} else {
$updatable_passes_payload['lastUpdated'] = '';
$updatable_passes_payload['serialNumbers'] = '';
$status = 404;
$ar = new AjaxResponse( $status, null, $updatable_passes_payload );
# Pass delivery
# GET /v1/passes/<typeID>/<serial#>
# Header: Authorization: ApplePass <authenticationToken>
# server response:
# --> if auth token is correct: 200, with pass data payload
# --> if auth token is incorrect: 401
public function rest_get_v1_passes__typeID__serial($params) {
$args['serial'] = $params['serial'];
$args['serial'] = $params['pass_typeID'];
$args['auth_token'] = $auth_token;
if( Passcard::exists($args) ) {
$pass_output_path = file_get_contents( Site::get_url('user') . '/data/passes/' . $params['serial_number'] . '.pkpass' );
http_send_content_disposition( $params['serial_number'] . '.pkpass', true );
http_send_content_type( 'application/' );
http_throttle( 0.1, 2048 );
http_send_file( $pass_output_path );
} else {
$status = 401;
$ar = new AjaxResponse( $status, null, null );
# Unregister
# unregister a device to receive push notifications for a pass
# DELETE /v1/devices/<deviceID>/registrations/<passTypeID>/<serial#>
# Header: Authorization: ApplePass <authenticationToken>
# server action: if the authentication token is correct, disassociate the device from this pass
# server response:
# --> if disassociation succeeded: 200
# --> if not authorized: 401
public function rest_post_v1_version_devices__deviceID_registrations__typeID__serial($parameters) {
var_dump($parameters); exit();
* POST request to webServiceURL/version/log
public function rest_post_v1_log($parameters) {
var_dump($_GET); exit();
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