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Last active April 22, 2020 18:20
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class EasyLASTFM
const ENDPOINT = '';
const URL = '';
const API_KEY = '';
const CACHETIME = '86400'; // 24 hours in seconds
private function create_dir($path) {
if ( !is_dir( $path ) ) {
mkdir( $path, 0755, true);
private function generate_url($method, $args) {
$str = '&';
foreach ($args as $key => $value) {
$str .= $key . '=' . $value . '&';
$url = self::ENDPOINT . '?method=' . $method . '&extended=1&&api_key=' . self::API_KEY . $str;
return $url;
public function get_latest_tracks($args) {
$dir = 'cached-files/';
$cachefile = $dir . date( 'mdY' ) . '.txt';
if( file_exists($cachefile) && time() - self::CACHETIME < filemtime($cachefile) ) {
$tracks = file_get_contents( $cachefile );
$tracks = json_decode( $tracks );
} else {
$tracks = file_get_contents( $this->generate_url( 'user.getrecenttracks', $args ) );
$this->create_dir( $dir );
file_put_contents( $cachefile, $tracks );
$tracks = json_decode( $tracks );
return $tracks->recenttracks->track;
public function get_latest_loved_tracks($args) {
$dir = 'cached-files/';
$cachefile = $dir . date( 'mdY' ) . '.loved.txt';
if( file_exists($cachefile) && time() - self::CACHETIME < filemtime($cachefile) ) {
$tracks = file_get_contents( $cachefile );
$tracks = json_decode( $tracks );
} else {
$tracks = file_get_contents( $this->generate_url( 'user.getLovedTracks', $args ) );
$this->create_dir( $dir );
file_put_contents( $cachefile, $tracks );
$tracks = json_decode( $tracks );
return $tracks->lovedtracks->track;
public function get_album_url($album, $artist) {
$album_uri = str_replace( ' ','+', $album );
$artist_uri = str_replace( ' ','+', $artist );
return self::URL . $artist_uri . '/' . $album_uri;
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