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Created July 10, 2019 04:59
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QuickLoad and Save examples
* Try adding this component in a page with the url
* /random/:profile
* and going to the url:
* /random/2bc127d0-a2b5-11e9-b219-497155168b2c?event=3b46d0c8-df0e-44a4-8bb6-5eeff03aff46
(RaiselyComponents, React) => {
const { quickLoad, save } = RaiselyComponents.api;
const { Button } = RaiselyComponents.Atoms;
const { Spinner } = RaiselyComponents;
const userUuid = '971e0150-22d3-11e8-a398-7df9eb465a00';
class Rsvp extends React.Component {
letsRsvp() {
const { rsvpClick } = this.props;
return (
<p>Lets RSVP</p>
<Button onClick={rsvpClick}>RSVP!</Button>
render() {
const { rsvp, attendClick, saveClick } = this.props;
if (!rsvp) return this.letsRsvp();
return (
<p>{"I'm"} coming with {rsvp.guests - 1} guest</p>
{rsvp.attended ? (
<p>I attended!</p>
) : (
<Button onClick={attendClick}>Confirm Attendance</Button>
<Button onClick={saveClick}>Save Rsvp</Button>
return class LoadAllTheThingsComponent extends React.Component {
state = {};
componentDidMount() {
async loadTheThings() {
// Lets pretend this was passed in via props
const props = {
postUuid: 'b8ea0550-9bf8-11e9-b800-c954df621000',
try {
const records = await quickLoad({
models: ['event', { name: 'profile', required: true }, 'post'],
this.setState({ records });
} catch (e) {
this.setState({ error: `Error Loading: ${e.message}` });
clickRsvp = () => {
const { event } = this.state.records;
const rsvp = {
guests: 2,
eventUuid: event.uuid,
this.setState({ rsvp });
clickAttend = () => {
const { rsvp } = this.state;
rsvp.uuid = 'bogus-uuid-to-make-it-save';
rsvp.attended = true;
save = async () => {
try {
const { rsvp } = this.state;
const updated = await save('eventRsvp', rsvp);
this.setState({ rsvp: updated });
} catch (e) {
this.setState({ error: `Error Loading: ${e.message}` });
render() {
const { error, records, rsvp } = this.state;
if (error) return <p>{error}</p>;
if (!records) return <Spinner />;
const { event, profile, post } = records;
return (
<p>Profile: {}</p>
{event ? (<p>Event: {}</p>) : ''}
{post ? (<p>Post: {post.title}</p>) : ''}
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