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Created March 6, 2012 19:58
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SASS adaptation of 960 GS
// SASS adaptation of 960 GS
// IMPORTANT: This adaption does not use Global Variables and thus requires that in the file you are importing these mixins into, you must first declare a function called grid_vars in which you define all your parameters. This allows us pass different starting variables to the mixins here and generate different layouts for different device sizes.
$container_width : grid_vars("container_width");
$col_count : grid_vars("col_count");
$col_gutter : grid_vars("col_gutter");
$col_width : ( $container_width / $col_count ) - $col_gutter;
// The width of a column including the margin.
$col_outer_width: $col_width + $col_gutter;
@mixin grid_container( $width: $container_width ) {
width: $width;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
// computes the inner width of the grid of size $n columns
@mixin grid_width( $n, $cols: $col_count, $gutter: $col_gutter ) {
width: $container_width / $cols * $n - $gutter;
// sets base styles for a single grid unit / column
@mixin grid_unit_base( $gutter: $col_gutter ) {
display: inline;
float: left;
position: relative;
margin-left: $gutter / 2;
margin-right: $gutter / 2;
// computes the width of the grid of $n columns
@mixin grid( $n, $cols: $col_count, $gutter: $col_gutter ){
@include grid_unit_base( $gutter );
@include grid_width( $n, $cols, $gutter );
@mixin alpha { margin-left: 0; }
@mixin omega { margin-right: 0; }
@mixin grids( $cols: $col_count, $gutter: $col_gutter ) {
// create our .grid_1, .grid_2, etc classes
#{enumerate(".grid", 1, $cols, $separator)} {
@include grid_unit_base( $gutter );
@for $n from 1 through $cols {
.grid#{$separator}#{$n} {
@include grid_width( $n, $cols, $gutter );
// Prefix: Extra Leadgin Space
@mixin prefix( $n ) {
padding-right: 0px;
padding-left: $col_width * $n;
@mixin prefixes( $cols: $col_count ) {
@for $n from 1 through $cols - 1 {
.prefix#{$separator}#{$n} {
@include prefix( $n );
// Suffix: Extra Trailing Space
@mixin suffix( $n ){
padding-left: 0px;
padding-right: $col_width * $n;
@mixin suffixes( $cols: $col_count ) {
@for $n from 1 through $cols - 1 {
.suffix#{$separator}#{$n} {
@include suffix( $n );
// Push: moves a column 'n' columns to the left.
@mixin push($n) {
position: relative;
left: $col_outer_width * $n;
// Pull: moves a column 'n' columns to the right.
@mixin pull($n) {
position: relative;
left: $col_outer_width * -$n;
// Creates all the .push_1, .pull_1, etc classes
@mixin grid_movements( $cols: $col_count ) {
#{enumerate(".push", 1, $cols - 1, $separator)},
#{enumerate(".pull", 1, $cols - 1, $separator)} {
position: relative;
@for $n from 1 through $cols - 1 {
.push#{$separator}#{$n} {
@include push( $n )
.pull#{$separator}#{$n} {
@include pull( $n )
// Builds our whole grid
@mixin grid_system ( $cols: $col_count ) {
@include grid_container( $container_width );
@include grids( $cols );
@include prefixes( $cols );
@include suffixes( $cols );
@include grid_movements( $cols );
.alpha {
@include alpha();
.omega {
@include omega();
body {
min-width: $container_width;
// Example File Demonstrating the use of partial
// Define your 960gs variables
// This function must be declared before importing partials/960
// These are the values for the default 960px layout
// ------------------------------------------------------------
@function grid_vars($var) {
@if ( $var == "container_width" ) { @return 960px; }
@else if ($var == "col_count") { @return 12; }
@else if ($var == "col_gutter") { @return 20px; }
// This gives access to the 960 grid mixin
@import "partials/960";
.container {
@include grid_system();
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