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Created March 21, 2012 23:30
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Drupalcon Denver 2012 - store your data with entities
Drupal 7
- example bundles
- node type
- vocabulary
What are entities
- drupal commerce entity / product display
- organic groups
- profile2
What is the entity api used for?
- unified way to access data
- every type of grouping of data is an entity:
- profile
- product
- rules
- entity reference
- groups
- vote
- search
Interacting with entities
- in core there are api functions
- entity_get_info()
- entity_load()
Entity api module
- System takes care of language that it provides
- entity allows you to save values
property info
- enables you to validate data
Modules currently using entities
- entities views creates views output instead of sql query from views
creating an entity type
- create entity with hook_entitity_info()
- specify your controller class
- implement hook_schema
Example - Profile2 module
Entity exportable
- entity api allows exportable much like ctools
- export into code
- entities are automatically exportable just define different controller
Integrating exportable entity
- property info generated
- features takes in info and crud controller
Example module - Profile2
- best makes use of most of entities features
- adding a new profile type
Entities allows different types of storage
- entities decouples and allows implementations of database storage
- nosql, doctrine, phpcr
- remote entities - a good way to integrate data remote server (e.g. contrib module, restWS)
how does it integrate with the field api
- feeds create and stored in local databaseb
- if you just want to implement remote data
no-db entities
- still allow for integration of contrib modules
- entity cache allows entity storage and caching with memcache
Example - google picasa entitites
Room for improvement
- efq (entity field query) views
- read only mode
Drupal 8 entity api
- use with class entity object
- easily get entity type
- full storage controller in core
- comments moved to comments (see below)
comments example
- create entity
- then use all other methods: save, id, delete, delete multiple
- create and extend entityDatabaseStorageController
- every entity has to have EntityInterface
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