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Last active January 6, 2016 05:09
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Gulp + jekyll + sass + connect + livereload
var gulp = require('gulp'),
concat = require('gulp-concat'),
sass = require ('gulp-ruby-sass'),
autoprefixer = require ('gulp-autoprefixer'),
uglify = require('gulp-uglify'),
imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin'),
jekyll = require('gulp-jekyll'),
// livereload = require('gulp-livereload'),
watch = require('gulp-watch'),
jshint = require("gulp-jshint"),
deploy = require("gulp-gh-pages"),
rename = require("gulp-rename"),
minifycss = require("gulp-minify-css"),
connect = require('gulp-connect'),
jshint = require("gulp-jshint"),
bower = require('gulp-bower'),
cp = require('child_process'),
spawn = require('child_process').spawn,
plumber = require('gulp-plumber'),
debug = require('gulp-debug');
var paths = {
scripts: ['js/*.js'],
images: 'img/**/*',
sass: ['scss/**/*.scss'],
jekyll: ['_layouts/*.html', '_posts/*', '_sites']
// gulp.task('bower', function() {
// bower()
// .pipe(gulp.dest('lib/'));
// var vendorStream = gulp.src(['./bower_components/*/*.js'])
// .pipe(concat('vendors.js'))
// .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist'));
// });
// gulp.task('html', function() {
// return gulp.src([ + '/*.html', + '/**/*.html', + '/*.md', + '/**/*.md'])
// .pipe(connect.reload());
// })
// Run Jekyll Build Asynchronously
gulp.task('jekyll', function () {
var jekyll = spawn('bundle', ['exec jekyll build']);
jekyll.on('exit', function (code) {
console.log('-- Finished Jekyll Build --')
* Server
gulp.task('connect', function() {
root: __dirname,
livereload: true
gulp.task('style', function() {
return gulp.src({glob: 'scss/**/*.scss'})
.pipe(sass({ style: 'compact' }))
.pipe(autoprefixer('last 2 version', 'safari 5', 'ie 8', 'ie 9', 'opera 12.1'))
.pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'}))
gulp.task('style-dev', function() {
return gulp.src('scss/**/*.scss')
debugInfo : true,
lineNumbers : true,
sourcemap: true,
// loadPath : 'scss',
style : 'expanded'
.pipe(autoprefixer('last 2 version', 'safari 5', 'ie 8', 'ie 9', 'opera 12.1'))
* Scripts
gulp.task('scripts', function() {
// Minify and copy all JavaScript (except vendor scripts)
return gulp.src(paths.scripts)
* Images
// Copy all static images
// gulp.task('images', function() {
// return gulp.src(paths.images)
// // Pass in options to the task
// .pipe(imagemin({optimizationLevel: 5}))
// .pipe(gulp.dest('build/img'));
// });
* Scripts
gulp.task('watch', function() {, ['scripts']);, ['styles-dev']);['*.html', '*/*.html', '*/*.md', '!_site/**', '!_site/*/**'], ['jekyll']);
//, ['images']);
// When a file in the _site directory changes, tell livereload to reload the page['_site/*/**']).on('change', function (file) {
* Deploy
gulp.task('deploy', function () {
.pipe(deploy(gitRemoteUrl, remote));
// The default task (called when you run `gulp` from cli)
gulp.task('default', ['style-dev', 'connect', 'jekyll', 'watch']);
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