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Created August 1, 2021 19:03
Show Gist options
  • Save chrisjsimpson/77c7a642d0e702ff04f4a4e195927955 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save chrisjsimpson/77c7a642d0e702ff04f4a4e195927955 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

blank slate setup

install dokku, visit in browser to complete install genrate ssh key for github actions/dokku server using ssh-keygen, and copy the private key to the github repo secrets.

Create front-end app

dokku apps:create front-end dokku git:initialize front-end dokku git:set front-end deploy-branch main; dokku docker-options:add front-end build --file=/home/dokku/front-end/Dockerfile;

HOOK: vi front-end/hooks/pre-receive

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
set -o pipefail

curl > /home/dokku/front-end/Dockerfile

cat | DOKKU_ROOT="/home/dokku" dokku git-hook front-end

On local: do first push to trigger initial app build.

git remote add dokku-front-end dokku@:front-end

git push dokku-front-end main

Visit application

Create database

dokku apps:create database dokku git:initialize database dokku git:set database deploy-branch main; dokku docker-options:add database build --file=/home/dokku/database/Dockerfile;

HOOK: vi database/hooks/pre-receive

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
set -o pipefail

curl > /home/dokku/database/Dockerfile

cat | DOKKU_ROOT="/home/dokku" dokku git-hook database

On local: do first push to trigger initial app build.

git remote add dokku-database dokku@:database

git push dokku-database main

Create api app

dokku apps:create api dokku git:initialize api dokku git:set api deploy-branch main; dokku docker-options:add api build --file=/home/dokku/api/Dockerfile;

HOOK: vi api/hooks/pre-receive

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
set -o pipefail

curl > /home/dokku/api/Dockerfile

cat | DOKKU_ROOT="/home/dokku" dokku git-hook front-end

On local: do first push to trigger initial app build.

git remote add dokku-api dokku@:api

git push dokku-api main

On the dokku server rebuild:

dokku ps:rebuild api

SSH setup

  • generate a key with ssh-keygen
  • copy the public key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys # yes really
  • Add the key to dokku cat ~/.ssh/ | dokku ssh-keys:add github


dokku@dokku:~$ dokku docker-options:report front-end
=====> front-end docker options information
       Docker options build:          --file=/home/dokku/salon-booking-guru/front-end/Dockerfile 
       Docker options deploy:         --restart=on-failure:10  
       Docker options run:

Add to /home/dokku/front-end/hooks/pre-receive:

mkdir -p /home/dokku/front-end && curl > /home/dokku/front-end/Dockerfile

If you need to reset / clear the options

  1. take a copy of all existing settings dokku docker-options:report front-end
  2. Clear the options dokku docker-options:clear
  3. Add the settings back you want for each stage e.g. dokku docker-options:add front-end deploy --restart=on-failure:10

Api setup env

dokku config:set api SALON_BOOKING_GURU_DB_HOST=database.web

dokku config:set api SALON_BOOKING_GURU_DB_PORT=5432

dokku config:set api SALON_BOOKING_GURU_DB_PASSWORD="changeme"

dokku config:set api SALON_BOOKING_GURU_DB_DBNAME="salon_booking_guru"

dokku config:set api SALON_BOOKING_GURU_DB_USER="postgres"

Verify settings:

dokku config:show api

Database setup env

dokku config:set database POSTGRES_PASSWORD="changeme"

dokku config:set database POSTGRES_DB=salon_booking_guru


dokku network:create mynetwork

dokku network:set database attach-post-create mynetwork dokku network:set api attach-post-create mynetwork

dokku ps:rebuild database dokku ps:rebuild api # or must re-push if never previously successful

Destroy / Uninstall

Warning: This will remove all dokku apps on the dokku server, by force.

dokku apps:list | tail -n +2 | xargs --max-args 1 dokku apps:destroy --force

Get the web addresses of apps deployed

dokku domains:report
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