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EMG Raw Data access for Myo Unity package in SDK for Windows version 0.8.0
Patch for Myo Unity package for SDK Windows 0.8.0 to access EMG raw data.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Thalmic.Myo
public class MyoEventArgs : EventArgs
public MyoEventArgs(Myo myo, DateTime timestamp)
this.Myo = myo;
this.Timestamp = timestamp;
public Myo Myo { get; private set; }
public DateTime Timestamp { get; private set; }
public class ArmSyncedEventArgs : MyoEventArgs
public ArmSyncedEventArgs(Myo myo, DateTime timestamp, Arm arm, XDirection xDirection)
: base(myo, timestamp)
this.Arm = arm;
this.XDirection = xDirection;
public Arm Arm { get; private set; }
public XDirection XDirection { get; private set; }
public class AccelerometerDataEventArgs : MyoEventArgs
public AccelerometerDataEventArgs(Myo myo, DateTime timestamp, Vector3 accelerometer)
: base(myo, timestamp)
this.Accelerometer = accelerometer;
public Vector3 Accelerometer { get; private set; }
public class GyroscopeDataEventArgs : MyoEventArgs
public GyroscopeDataEventArgs(Myo myo, DateTime timestamp, Vector3 gyroscope)
: base(myo, timestamp)
this.Gyroscope = gyroscope;
public Vector3 Gyroscope { get; private set; }
public class OrientationDataEventArgs : MyoEventArgs
public OrientationDataEventArgs(Myo myo, DateTime timestamp, Quaternion orientation)
: base(myo, timestamp)
this.Orientation = orientation;
public Quaternion Orientation { get; private set; }
public class PoseEventArgs : MyoEventArgs
public PoseEventArgs(Myo myo, DateTime timestamp, Pose pose)
: base(myo, timestamp)
this.Pose = pose;
public Pose Pose { get; private set; }
public class RssiEventArgs : MyoEventArgs
public RssiEventArgs(Myo myo, DateTime timestamp, sbyte rssi)
: base(myo, timestamp)
this.Rssi = rssi;
public sbyte Rssi { get; private set; }
public class EmgDataEventArgs : MyoEventArgs
public EmgDataEventArgs(Myo myo, DateTime timestamp, int[] emg)
: base(myo, timestamp)
this.Emg = emg;
public int[] Emg { get; private set; }
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
namespace Thalmic.Myo
internal static class libmyo
private const string MYO_DLL = "myo";
private const string MYO_DLL = "myo-android";
#elif WIN64
private const string MYO_DLL = "myo64.dll";
#elif WIN32
private const string MYO_DLL = "myo32.dll";
public enum Result
EntryPoint = "libmyo_error_cstring",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern string error_cstring(IntPtr error);
EntryPoint = "libmyo_error_kind",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern Result error_kind(IntPtr error);
EntryPoint = "libmyo_free_error_details",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern void free_error_details(IntPtr error);
EntryPoint = "libmyo_init_hub",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern Result init_hub(out IntPtr hub, string applicationIdentifier, IntPtr error);
EntryPoint = "libmyo_shutdown_hub",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern Result shutdown_hub(IntPtr hub, IntPtr error);
public enum LockingPolicy
EntryPoint = "libmyo_set_locking_policy",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern Result set_locking_policy(IntPtr hub, LockingPolicy lockingPolicy, IntPtr error);
public enum VibrationType
EntryPoint = "libmyo_vibrate",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern void vibrate(IntPtr myo, VibrationType type, IntPtr error);
EntryPoint = "libmyo_request_rssi",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern void request_rssi(IntPtr myo, IntPtr error);
public enum StreamEmg
EntryPoint = "libmyo_set_stream_emg",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern Result set_stream_emg(IntPtr myo, StreamEmg type, IntPtr error);
public enum PoseType
Rest = 0,
Fist = 1,
WaveIn = 2,
WaveOut = 3,
FingersSpread = 4,
DoubleTap = 5,
Unknown = 0xffff
public enum UnlockType
Timed = 0,
Hold = 1
EntryPoint = "libmyo_myo_unlock",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern void myo_unlock(IntPtr myo, UnlockType unlockType, IntPtr error);
EntryPoint = "libmyo_myo_lock",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern void myo_lock(IntPtr myo, IntPtr error);
public enum UserActionType
Single = 0
EntryPoint = "libmyo_myo_notify_user_action",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern void myo_notify_user_action(IntPtr myo, UserActionType type, IntPtr error);
public enum EventType
EntryPoint = "libmyo_event_get_type",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern EventType event_get_type(IntPtr evt);
EntryPoint = "libmyo_event_get_timestamp",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern UInt64 event_get_timestamp(IntPtr evt);
EntryPoint = "libmyo_event_get_myo",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern IntPtr event_get_myo(IntPtr evt);
public enum VersionComponent
EntryPoint = "libmyo_event_get_firmware_version",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern uint event_get_firmware_version(IntPtr evt, VersionComponent component);
public enum Arm {
EntryPoint = "libmyo_event_get_arm",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern Arm event_get_arm(IntPtr evt);
public enum XDirection {
EntryPoint = "libmyo_event_get_x_direction",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern XDirection event_get_x_direction(IntPtr evt);
public enum OrientationIndex
X = 0,
Y = 1,
Z = 2,
W = 3
EntryPoint = "libmyo_event_get_orientation",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern float event_get_orientation(IntPtr evt, OrientationIndex index);
EntryPoint = "libmyo_event_get_accelerometer",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern float event_get_accelerometer(IntPtr evt, uint index);
EntryPoint = "libmyo_event_get_gyroscope",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern float event_get_gyroscope(IntPtr evt, uint index);
EntryPoint = "libmyo_event_get_pose",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern PoseType event_get_pose(IntPtr evt);
EntryPoint = "libmyo_event_get_rssi",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern sbyte event_get_rssi(IntPtr evt);
EntryPoint = "libmyo_event_get_emg",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern sbyte event_get_emg(IntPtr evt, uint sensor);
public enum HandlerResult
public delegate HandlerResult Handler(IntPtr userData, IntPtr evt);
EntryPoint = "libmyo_run",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern Result run(IntPtr hub, uint durationMs, Handler handler, IntPtr userData, IntPtr error);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Thalmic.Myo
public class Myo
private readonly Hub _hub;
private IntPtr _handle;
private bool streamEmg;
internal Myo(Hub hub, IntPtr handle)
Debug.Assert(handle != IntPtr.Zero, "Cannot construct Myo instance with null pointer.");
_hub = hub;
_handle = handle;
public event EventHandler<MyoEventArgs> Connected;
public event EventHandler<MyoEventArgs> Disconnected;
public event EventHandler<ArmSyncedEventArgs> ArmSynced;
public event EventHandler<MyoEventArgs> ArmUnsynced;
public event EventHandler<PoseEventArgs> PoseChange;
public event EventHandler<OrientationDataEventArgs> OrientationData;
public event EventHandler<AccelerometerDataEventArgs> AccelerometerData;
public event EventHandler<GyroscopeDataEventArgs> GyroscopeData;
public event EventHandler<RssiEventArgs> Rssi;
public event EventHandler<EmgDataEventArgs> EmgData;
public event EventHandler<MyoEventArgs> Unlocked;
public event EventHandler<MyoEventArgs> Locked;
public int[] emgData = new int[7];
internal Hub Hub
get { return _hub; }
internal IntPtr Handle
get { return _handle; }
public void Vibrate(VibrationType type)
libmyo.vibrate(_handle, (libmyo.VibrationType)type, IntPtr.Zero);
public void RequestRssi()
libmyo.request_rssi(_handle, IntPtr.Zero);
public Result SetStreamEmg(StreamEmg type)
streamEmg = true;
return (Result) libmyo.set_stream_emg(_handle, (libmyo.StreamEmg)type, IntPtr.Zero);
public void Unlock(UnlockType type)
libmyo.myo_unlock(_handle, (libmyo.UnlockType)type, IntPtr.Zero);
public void Lock()
libmyo.myo_lock(_handle, IntPtr.Zero);
public void NotifyUserAction()
libmyo.myo_notify_user_action(_handle, libmyo.UserActionType.Single, IntPtr.Zero);
internal void HandleEvent(libmyo.EventType type, DateTime timestamp, IntPtr evt)
bool outputEmgData = false;
switch (type)
case libmyo.EventType.Connected:
if (Connected != null)
Connected(this, new MyoEventArgs(this, timestamp));
case libmyo.EventType.Disconnected:
if (Disconnected != null)
Disconnected(this, new MyoEventArgs(this, timestamp));
case libmyo.EventType.ArmSynced:
if (ArmSynced != null)
Arm arm = (Arm)libmyo.event_get_arm(evt);
XDirection xDirection = (XDirection)libmyo.event_get_x_direction(evt);
ArmSynced(this, new ArmSyncedEventArgs(this, timestamp, arm, xDirection));
case libmyo.EventType.ArmUnsynced:
if (ArmUnsynced != null)
ArmUnsynced(this, new MyoEventArgs(this, timestamp));
case libmyo.EventType.Orientation:
if (AccelerometerData != null)
float x = libmyo.event_get_accelerometer(evt, 0);
float y = libmyo.event_get_accelerometer(evt, 1);
float z = libmyo.event_get_accelerometer(evt, 2);
var accelerometer = new Vector3(x, y, z);
AccelerometerData(this, new AccelerometerDataEventArgs(this, timestamp, accelerometer));
if (GyroscopeData != null)
float x = libmyo.event_get_gyroscope(evt, 0);
float y = libmyo.event_get_gyroscope(evt, 1);
float z = libmyo.event_get_gyroscope(evt, 2);
var gyroscope = new Vector3(x, y, z);
GyroscopeData(this, new GyroscopeDataEventArgs(this, timestamp, gyroscope));
if (OrientationData != null)
float x = libmyo.event_get_orientation(evt, libmyo.OrientationIndex.X);
float y = libmyo.event_get_orientation(evt, libmyo.OrientationIndex.Y);
float z = libmyo.event_get_orientation(evt, libmyo.OrientationIndex.Z);
float w = libmyo.event_get_orientation(evt, libmyo.OrientationIndex.W);
var orientation = new Quaternion(x, y, z, w);
OrientationData(this, new OrientationDataEventArgs(this, timestamp, orientation));
case libmyo.EventType.Pose:
if (PoseChange != null)
var pose = (Pose)libmyo.event_get_pose(evt);
PoseChange(this, new PoseEventArgs(this, timestamp, pose));
case libmyo.EventType.Rssi:
if (Rssi != null)
var rssi = libmyo.event_get_rssi(evt);
Rssi(this, new RssiEventArgs(this, timestamp, rssi));
case libmyo.EventType.Emg:
outputEmgData = true;
SetEmgData(evt, timestamp);
case libmyo.EventType.Unlocked:
if (Unlocked != null)
Unlocked(this, new MyoEventArgs(this, timestamp));
case libmyo.EventType.Locked:
if (Locked != null)
Locked(this, new MyoEventArgs(this, timestamp));
if (!outputEmgData && streamEmg) {
SetEmgData(evt, timestamp);
protected void SetEmgData(IntPtr evt, DateTime timestamp)
int[] emg = {
libmyo.event_get_emg(evt, 0),
libmyo.event_get_emg(evt, 1),
libmyo.event_get_emg(evt, 2),
libmyo.event_get_emg(evt, 3),
libmyo.event_get_emg(evt, 4),
libmyo.event_get_emg(evt, 5),
libmyo.event_get_emg(evt, 6),
libmyo.event_get_emg(evt, 7)
emgData = emg;
public enum Result
public enum Arm
public enum XDirection
public enum VibrationType
public enum StreamEmg
public enum UnlockType
Timed = 0, ///< Unlock for a fixed period of time.
Hold = 1 ///< Unlock until explicitly told to re-lock.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Arm = Thalmic.Myo.Arm;
using XDirection = Thalmic.Myo.XDirection;
using VibrationType = Thalmic.Myo.VibrationType;
using Pose = Thalmic.Myo.Pose;
using UnlockType = Thalmic.Myo.UnlockType;
using StreamEmg = Thalmic.Myo.StreamEmg;
// Represents a Myo armband. Myo's orientation is made available through transform.localRotation, and other properties
// like the current pose are provided explicitly below. All spatial data about Myo is provided following Unity
// coordinate system conventions (the y axis is up, the z axis is forward, and the coordinate system is left-handed).
public class ThalmicMyo : MonoBehaviour {
// True if and only if Myo has detected that it is on an arm.
public bool armSynced;
// Returns true if and only if Myo is unlocked.
public bool unlocked;
// The current arm that Myo is being worn on. An arm of Unknown means that Myo is unable to detect the arm
// (e.g. because it's not currently being worn).
public Arm arm;
// The current direction of Myo's +x axis relative to the user's arm. A xDirection of Unknown means that Myo is
// unable to detect the direction (e.g. because it's not currently being worn).
public XDirection xDirection;
// The current pose detected by Myo. A pose of Unknown means that Myo is unable to detect the pose (e.g. because
// it's not currently being worn).
public Pose pose = Pose.Unknown;
// Myo's current accelerometer reading, representing the acceleration due to force on the Myo armband in units of
// g (roughly 9.8 m/s^2) and following Unity coordinate system conventions.
public Vector3 accelerometer;
// Myo's current gyroscope reading, representing the angular velocity about each of Myo's axes in degrees/second
// following Unity coordinate system conventions.
public Vector3 gyroscope;
public Thalmic.Myo.Result streamEmg;
public int[] emg;
// True if and only if this Myo armband has paired successfully, at which point it will provide data and a
// connection with it will be maintained when possible.
public bool isPaired {
get { return _myo != null; }
// Vibrate the Myo with the provided type of vibration, e.g. VibrationType.Short or VibrationType.Medium.
public void Vibrate (VibrationType type) {
_myo.Vibrate (type);
// Cause the Myo to unlock with the provided type of unlock. e.g. UnlockType.Timed or UnlockType.Hold.
public void Unlock (UnlockType type) {
_myo.Unlock (type);
// Cause the Myo to re-lock immediately.
public void Lock () {
_myo.Lock ();
/// Notify the Myo that a user action was recognized.
public void NotifyUserAction () {
_myo.NotifyUserAction ();
void Start() {
if (isPaired) {
streamEmg = _myo.SetStreamEmg (_myoStreamEmg);
void Update() {
lock (_lock) {
armSynced = _myoArmSynced;
arm = _myoArm;
xDirection = _myoXDirection;
if (_myoQuaternion != null) {
transform.localRotation = new Quaternion(_myoQuaternion.Y, _myoQuaternion.Z, -_myoQuaternion.X, -_myoQuaternion.W);
if (_myoAccelerometer != null) {
accelerometer = new Vector3(_myoAccelerometer.Y, _myoAccelerometer.Z, -_myoAccelerometer.X);
if (_myoGyroscope != null) {
gyroscope = new Vector3(_myoGyroscope.Y, _myoGyroscope.Z, -_myoGyroscope.X);
if (isPaired && streamEmg == Thalmic.Myo.Result.Success) {
emg = _myo.emgData;
pose = _myoPose;
unlocked = _myoUnlocked;
void myo_OnArmSync(object sender, Thalmic.Myo.ArmSyncedEventArgs e) {
lock (_lock) {
_myoArmSynced = true;
_myoArm = e.Arm;
_myoXDirection = e.XDirection;
void myo_OnArmUnsync(object sender, Thalmic.Myo.MyoEventArgs e) {
lock (_lock) {
_myoArmSynced = false;
_myoArm = Arm.Unknown;
_myoXDirection = XDirection.Unknown;
void myo_OnOrientationData(object sender, Thalmic.Myo.OrientationDataEventArgs e) {
lock (_lock) {
_myoQuaternion = e.Orientation;
void myo_OnAccelerometerData(object sender, Thalmic.Myo.AccelerometerDataEventArgs e) {
lock (_lock) {
_myoAccelerometer = e.Accelerometer;
void myo_OnGyroscopeData(object sender, Thalmic.Myo.GyroscopeDataEventArgs e) {
lock (_lock) {
_myoGyroscope = e.Gyroscope;
void myo_OnEmgData(object sender, Thalmic.Myo.EmgDataEventArgs e) {
lock (_lock) {
_myoEmg = e.Emg;
void myo_OnPoseChange(object sender, Thalmic.Myo.PoseEventArgs e) {
lock (_lock) {
_myoPose = e.Pose;
void myo_OnUnlock(object sender, Thalmic.Myo.MyoEventArgs e) {
lock (_lock) {
_myoUnlocked = true;
void myo_OnLock(object sender, Thalmic.Myo.MyoEventArgs e) {
lock (_lock) {
_myoUnlocked = false;
public Thalmic.Myo.Myo internalMyo {
get { return _myo; }
set {
if (_myo != null) {
_myo.ArmSynced -= myo_OnArmSync;
_myo.ArmUnsynced -= myo_OnArmUnsync;
_myo.OrientationData -= myo_OnOrientationData;
_myo.AccelerometerData -= myo_OnAccelerometerData;
_myo.GyroscopeData -= myo_OnGyroscopeData;
_myo.PoseChange -= myo_OnPoseChange;
_myo.Unlocked -= myo_OnUnlock;
_myo.Locked -= myo_OnLock;
_myo = value;
if (value != null) {
value.ArmSynced += myo_OnArmSync;
value.ArmUnsynced += myo_OnArmUnsync;
value.OrientationData += myo_OnOrientationData;
value.AccelerometerData += myo_OnAccelerometerData;
value.GyroscopeData += myo_OnGyroscopeData;
value.PoseChange += myo_OnPoseChange;
value.Unlocked += myo_OnUnlock;
value.Locked += myo_OnLock;
private Object _lock = new Object();
private bool _myoArmSynced = false;
private Arm _myoArm = Arm.Unknown;
private XDirection _myoXDirection = XDirection.Unknown;
private Thalmic.Myo.Quaternion _myoQuaternion = null;
private Thalmic.Myo.Vector3 _myoAccelerometer = null;
private Thalmic.Myo.Vector3 _myoGyroscope = null;
private int[] _myoEmg = new int[7];
private Pose _myoPose = Pose.Unknown;
private bool _myoUnlocked = false;
private StreamEmg _myoStreamEmg = StreamEmg.Enabled;
private Thalmic.Myo.Myo _myo;
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waane commented Feb 19, 2016

Is this patch works at Mac unity too?

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