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Last active September 2, 2015 10:23
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Show Aspire lists links in Primo
$(function() {
// Aspire Reading Lists
// Get reading lists this item appears on.
// baseurl - url of Aspire tenancy
// outputstringprefix - html to add to front of list items in the Primo links list
// outputstringsuffix - html to add to end of list items in the Primo links list
// detailstabid - the css identifier of the details tab. #exlidResult-1-TabContent for the full details page
var aspire = {
baseurl : '',
urlsuffix : '/lists.json?cb=?',
outputstringprefix : '<li><span class="EXLDetailsLinksBullet"></span><span class="EXLDetailsLinksTitle"><a href="',
outputstringsuffix : '</a></span></li>',
detailstabid : '#exlidResult-1-TabContent'
// call back function. allows call to external API.
// if called will add html for links to reading lists.
var count=0;
jQuery.each(data, function(uri,name){
$(aspire.detailstabid + ' .EXLDetailsLinks ul').append(
aspire.outputstringprefix+uri+'">Reading List: '+name+aspire.outputstringsuffix);
// see if we can get some isbns from the page
var getAspireISBNs=function(cssid){
aspire.isbn = "";
aspire.identifierfield = $(cssid).text();
aspire.isbn10 = /ISBN(\d{9}[\d|X])/.exec(aspire.identifierfield);
aspire.isbn13 = /ISBN(\d{12}[\d|X])/.exec(aspire.identifierfield);
//console.log('getAspireISBN id field ' + aspire.identifierfield);
if (aspire.isbn13) {
aspire.isbn = aspire.isbn13[1];
} else if(aspire.isbn10) {
aspire.isbn = aspire.isbn10[1];
} else if(cssid == "#Identifier0") {
// this is messy. From search results, if user clicks on title
// then they are taken to page where all id numbering goes to hell
// the details tab button will be numbered 0 but the content will not
var detailstab2 = $(".EXLDetailsContent").text();
aspire.isbn = /ISBN(\d{12}[\d|X])/.exec(detailstab2);
if (!aspire.isbn) {
aspire.isbn = /ISBN(\d{9}[\d|X])/.exec(detailstab2);
aspire.isbn = aspire.isbn[1];
console.log ('no isbn found in identifier, but found in detailscontent ' + aspire.isbn);
console.log("this is getAspireISBN " + aspire.isbn + " id field " + cssid);
// see if we can get a doi from the display tab
var getAspireDOI=function(cssid){
aspire.doi = "";
aspire.doiraw = "";
//var cssid = "#Identifier1";
aspire.identifierfield = $(cssid).text();
aspire.doiraw = /dx\.doi\.org\/([^\s]+)/.exec(aspire.identifierfield);
aspire.doiraw2 = /DOI: ([^\s]+)/.exec(aspire.identifierfield);
if (aspire.doiraw) {
//console.log('doi1 ' + aspire.doiraw[1]);
aspire.doi = aspire.doiraw[1];
else if (aspire.doiraw2) {
aspire.doiraw = /DOI: ([^\s]+)/.exec(aspire.identifierfield);
//console.log('doi2 ' + aspire.doiraw[1]);
aspire.doi = aspire.doiraw2[1]
// connect to Talis Aspire api and see if there is a reading list for this id
var getReadingLists=function() {
aspire.url = "";
// see
if (aspire.isbn) {
aspire.url = aspire.baseurl + 'isbn/' + aspire.isbn + aspire.urlsuffix;
} else if (aspire.doi) {
aspire.url = aspire.baseurl + 'doi/' + aspire.doi + aspire.urlsuffix;
// only connect to aspire if we actually have an isbn or doi
if (aspire.url) {
type: 'GET',
url: aspire.url,
async: true,
jsonpCallback: 'AspireCallBack',
contentType: "application/json",
dataType: 'jsonp',
error: function(e) {
// Also add an option to bookmark this item in to Aspire
// only if we haven't already added it, ie if they click 'details' tab more than once.
console.log('aspire.detailstabid ' + aspire.detailstabid);
if ($(aspire.detailstabid + ' .EXLDetailsLinks ul:contains("Add to reading list")').length < 1) {
if (aspire.isbn) {
aspire.bookmarkurl = aspire.baseurl + "ui/forms/bookmarklet.html?rft.isbn=" + aspire.isbn;
$(aspire.detailstabid + ' .EXLDetailsLinks ul').append( aspire.outputstringprefix + aspire.bookmarkurl + '" target="_blank">Add to reading list' + aspire.outputstringsuffix);
} else if(aspire.doi) {
aspire.bookmarkurl = aspire.baseurl + "ui/forms/bookmarklet.html?rft_id=info:doi/" + aspire.doi;
$(aspire.detailstabid + ' .EXLDetailsLinks ul').append(aspire.outputstringprefix + aspire.bookmarkurl + '">Add to reading list' + aspire.outputstringsuffix);
// container function, to first get ISBNs, if any
// if not try DOIs
// and then call Aspire API.
// to be called on page load, for a page showing one record.
// and also when details tab is selected.
var doAspireIntegration=function(cssid) {
// if id doesn't exist. We may be on a page with one record,
// where the id of the details tab button does not match the numbering
// of the actual details tab content (grrrrrrr) so let us try and find it
if (!$(cssid).length) {
console.log('No Identifier called ' + cssid);
// try and get id's under EXLDetailsContent
// find one starting
aspire.altid = '#' + $("li[id^='Identifier']").prop('id');
if ($(aspire.altid).length) {
aspire.alttabnumber = aspire.altid.charAt(11);
console.log('FINALLY using alt ' + aspire.alttabnumber);
cssid = aspire.altid;
aspire.detailstabid = '#exlidResult' + aspire.alttabnumber + '-TabContent';
// if this is a page showing just one item, try and show lists asap.
// as it defaults to Details tab
// if we didn't find an isbn, perhaps we might find a doi
if (!aspire.isbn) {
// call the main function on page load - if we are displaying one record,
// which defaults to the Details tab
// otherwise wait until the user clicks the details tab...
// if user clicks on details tab, give it a sec to load and then go sniffing for ISBNS
var aspiredetailstab = {};
// get which details tab has been clicked....
aspiredetailstab.tabnumberid = $(this).prop('id');
// now get the number from that tab (exlidResult0-DetailsTab)
aspiredetailstab.tabnumber = aspiredetailstab.tabnumberid.charAt(11);
// now set a couple of identifiers based on the number
// used to get isbn
aspiredetailstab.identifierid = '#Identifier' + aspiredetailstab.tabnumber;
// used to set the right links list (exlidResult0-TabContainer-detailsTab)
aspiredetailstab.contentid = '#exlidResult' + aspiredetailstab.tabnumber + '-TabContent';
//console.log('tab num ' + aspiredetailstab.tabnumber);
// tbh, these var names are damn confusing.
aspire.detailstabid = aspiredetailstab.contentid;
// we wait a sec for the Details tab to load...
timeoutID = window.setTimeout(doAspireIntegration, 1000, aspiredetailstab.identifierid);
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