With full credit where it is due: to @EH2406, who put the original together (here). Note that I'm doing a quick pass and confirming each of these as I get to them.
- #0241: deref-conversions 8.3.2 is missing one (arguably)
- #0940: hyphens-considered-harmful partially in, but it links to the RFC
- #0953: op-assign, the reference ignores this. (
documentation exists though) *
- #0087: trait-bounds-with-plus
- #0090: lexical-syntax-simplification
- #0116: no-module-shadowing
- #0130: box-not-special
- #0136: no-privates-in-public
- #0141: lifetime-elision documented int nomicon and book but it is not in the reference
- #0192: bounds-on-object-and-generic-types
- #0194: cfg-syntax
- #0195: associated-items
- #0201: error-chaining
- #0212: restore-int-fallback
- #0213: defaulted-type-params
- #0221: panic
- #0234: variants-namespace
- #0235: collections-conventions "This is a combined conventions and library stabilization RFC." so I am alsowe adding it to the conventions list.
- #0243: trait-based-exception-handling The "?", not entirely implemented.
- #0255: object-safety
- #0320: nonzeroing-dynamic-drop
- #0339: statically-sized-literals
- #0369: num-reform
- #0380: stabilize-std-fmt
- #0387: higher-ranked-trait-bounds
- #0401: coercions
- #0404: change-prefer-dynamic
- #0438: precedence-of-plus
- #0447: no-unused-impl-parameters
- #0458: send-improvements
- #0459: disallow-shadowing
- #0461: tls-overhaul
- #0463: future-proof-literal-suffixes
- #0474: path-reform
- #0486: std-ascii-reform
- #0490: dst-syntax
- #0494: c_str-and-c_vec-stability
- #0501: consistent_no_prelude_attributes no STD things.
- #0503: prelude-stabilization
- #0504: show-stabilization
- #0509: collections-reform-part-2
- #0517: io-os-reform
- #0522: self-impl
- #0526: fmt-text-writer
- #0529: conversion-traits
- #0546: Self-not-sized-by-default
- #0572: rustc-attribute
- #0587: fn-return-should-be-an-associated-type
- #0592: c-str-deref
- #0593: forbid-Self-definitions
- #0599: default-object-bound
- #0601: replace-be-with-become
- #0640: debug-improvements
- #0702: rangefull-expression
- #0735: allow-inherent-impls-anywhere
- #0736: privacy-respecting-fru
- #0738: variance
- #0769: sound-generic-drop replaced by 1238
- #0823: hash-simplification
- #0832: from-elem-with-love
- #0839: embrace-extend-extinguish
- #0840: no-panic-in-c-string.md Update 0840-no-panic-in-c-string
- #0879: small-base-lexing
- #0909: move-thread-local-to-std-thread
- #0921: entry_v3
- #0979: align-splitn-with-other-languages
- #0980: read-exact
- #0982: dst-coercion
- #1011: process.exit
- #1014: stdout-existential-crisis
- #1023: rebalancing-coherence orphan rules
- #1030: prelude-additions
- #1040: duration-reform
- #1044: io-fs-2.1
- #1047: socket-timeouts
- #1048: rename-soft-link-to-symlink
- #1135: raw-pointer-comparisons
- #1156: adjust-default-object-bounds
- #1174: into-raw-fd-socket-handle-traits
- #1184: stabilize-no_std
- #1193: cap-lints FCP in pr not issue. It is just a rustc flag.
- #1194: set-recovery stable in 1.9
- #1212: line-endings
- #1219: use-group-as
- #1229: compile-time-asserts maybe prosses.
- #1240: repr-packed-unsafe-ref Tracking issue is open, but the segfalts are not seen on playpen.
- #1252: open-options partially stableized.
- #1257: drain-range-2 partially stableized.
- #1260: main-reexport So the tracking issue is open, but the implomantation is merged, and I think it is insta-stable;
- #1268: allow-overlapping-impls-on-marker-traits
- #1270: deprecation
- #1288: time-improvements
- #1291: promote-libc
- #1300: intrinsic-semantics
- #1307: osstring-methods
- #1328: global-panic-handler
- #1359: process-ext-unix partially stableized.
- #1415: trim-std-os stable in 1.8
- #1443: extended-compare-and-swap
- #1461: net2-mutators stable in 1.9
- #1467: volatile
- #1479: unix-socket
- #1492: dotdot-in-patterns tracking issue
- #1506: adt-kinds
and open, but both parts are FCP approved. - #1510: cdylib.md Rename 1510-rdylib.md to 1510-cdylib
- #1513: less-unwinding
- #1535: stable-overflow-checks maybe just a rustc details.
- #1552: contains-method-for-various-collections
- #1560: name-resolution
- #1717: dllimport partially insta-stable
- #1679: panic-safe-slicing partially stable
- #0086: plugin-registrar This is compiler plugins related.
- #0089: loadable-lints This is compiler plugins related.
- #0107: pattern-guards-with-bind-by-move
- #0469: feature-gate-box-patterns box patterns
- #0528: string-patterns
- #0639: discriminant-intrinsic
- #0809: box-and-in-for-stdlib
- #0888: compiler-fence-intrinsics all intrinsics are unstable
- #0911: const-fn
- #1183: swap-out-jemalloc
- #1192: inclusive-ranges Such bike sheding.
- #1201: naked-fns
- #1210: impl-specialization
- #1211: mir Mir is internal to rustc so may not nead eany docs, and the issue is open.
- out of order 1191-hir.md but hir needs the similar treatment as mir.
- #1216: bang-type is not yet stabilized.
- #1228: placement-left-arrow
- #1238: nonparametric-dropck
- #1298: incremental-compilation
- #1327: dropck-param-eyepatch
- #1399: repr-pack
- #1419: slice-copy
- #1422: pub-restricted
- #1434: contains-method-for-ranges
- #1440: drop-types-in-const
- #1444: union
- [#1445](https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/tree/master/text/1445-restrict-constants-in-patterns.md Remove duplicate 0000-restrict-constants-in-patterns.md): restrict-constants-in-patterns
- #1504: int128
- #1522: conservative-impl-trait
- #1542: try-from
- #1543: integer_atomics
- #1548: global-asm
- #1559: attributes-with-literals
- #1561: macro-naming
- #1581: fused-iterator
- #1696: discriminant
- #1682: field-init-shorthand is going to be covered by #38830
- #0202: subslice-syntax-change (in fact all of slice patterns)
- #0803: type-ascription
- #1845: shared-from-slice
- #1860: manually drop
- #1869: eprintln
- #1884: unstable-sort
#0160: if-let documented at 7.2.23 if let expressions
#0198: slice-notation documented at 8.1.3 Tuple types
#0246: const-vs-static documented at 6.1.7 Constant items and 6.1.8 Static items
#0326: restrict-xXX-to-ascii doc in Character escapes
#0169: use-path-as-id documented in 6.2.1 Moudles (this includes
extern crate
as well) -
#0534: deriving2derive 'derive' is used in all documentation as far as I can tell, see 6.1.2
#0168 and #0532: self-in-use (formerly
) documenented in -
#1623: static Now in beta reference 5.1
- #0100: partial-cmp doc in PartialOrd.partial_cmp
- #0111: index-traits doc in IndexMut and Index
- #0216: collection-views entry is docs at hash_map::Entry and btree_map::Entry
- #0580: rename-collections docs for std::collections use the new names.
- #1498: ipv6addr-octets docs at std::net::Ipv6Addr.octets
- #1521: copy-clone-semantics docs at std::clone::Clone, but dose it nead to be in the Reference?
- #1653: assert_ne in std std::assert_ne
- #0439: cmp-ops-reform mostly
in std::ops and std::cmp. Current expression section is fine for where this becomes a language issue. - #0574: drain-range std::vec::Vec std::string::String
- #0771: std-iter-once std::iter::once and std::iter::empty
- #1236: stabilize-catch-panic in std::panic
- #1152: slice-string-symmetry in str and std::string::String
- #1649: atomic-access stable in 1.15, documented in std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize and similar.
- #1660: try-borrow in std::cell::RefCell
closures are documented in 8.1.10 Closure types and 7.2.15 Lambda expressions. It neads to cover all the changes in:
- #0114: closures
- #0151: capture-by-value
- #0231: upvar-capture-inference more unboxed closures.
- #0968: closure-return-type-syntax
Some one more expert needs to check if all of these are documented:
- #0085: pattern-macros
- #0378: expr-macros
- #0453: macro-reform
- #0550: macro-future-proofing wow, I don't get this one.
- #0873: type-macros
- #1681: macros-1.1 stable in 1.15
- #1200: cargo-install
- #1241: no-wildcard-deps
- #1361: cargo-cfg-dependencies.md Add extension " cargo thing
- #1525: cargo-workspace
Just checking: this gist is the definitive current status of what needs to be done, right?
I'm seeing RFCs on the "need to review" list from #9 that have been moved to reviewed, like RFC 0086. Which listing is correct?