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Created May 6, 2024 09:19
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This Google Apps Script automatically searches a calendar you specify for events within the last year that contains specific text and writes their details to a Google Spreadsheet. You can further modify and extend this script as needed.
function importCalendarEventsToSheet() {
//Set the calendar ID and text to search for
var calendarId = '';
var searchText = 'your_search_text';
// Get calendar events
var events = getCalendarEvents(calendarId, searchText);
//Write event data to the spreadsheet
function getCalendarEvents(calendarId, searchText) {
var calendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(calendarId);
var now = new Date();
var oneYearAgo = new Date(now.getFullYear() -1 , now.getMonth(), now.getDate());
var events = calendar.getEvents(oneYearAgo, now, {search: searchText});
return events;
function writeEventsToSheet(events) {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
//Write title row
sheet.getRange(1, 1).setValue('Event name');
sheet.getRange(1, 2).setValue('Start time');
sheet.getRange(1, 3).setValue('End time');
sheet.getRange(1, 4).setValue('Description');
//Write event data
for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
sheet.getRange(i + 2, 1).setValue(events[i].getTitle());
sheet.getRange(i + 2, 2).setValue(events[i].getStartTime());
sheet.getRange(i + 2, 3).setValue(events[i].getEndTime());
sheet.getRange(i + 2, 4).setValue(events[i].getDescription());
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