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Last active November 22, 2023 01:22
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  • Save chriskyfung/ff65df9a60a7a544ff12aa8f810d728a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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A PowerShell script to resize all YouTube thumbnails down to 30% in your theBrain Notes
Resize YouTube thumbnails down to 30% in theBrain Notes
Append `#$width=30p$` to the image address within the Markdown files
PS C:\> .\Resize-TheBrainNotesYouTubeThumbnail.ps1
Version: 1.1.5
Author: chriskyfung
Creation Date: 2023-04-28
Last Modified: 2023-11-14
# Enable Verbose output
$BrainFolder = -join([Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments'), '\Brains\')
$MatchInfo = Get-ChildItem -Path $BrainFolder -Filter '' -Recurse | Select-String '\/(hq|maxres)default.jpg\)' -List
# For each matching result
ForEach ($Match in $MatchInfo) {
$FilePath = $Match.Path | Convert-Path # FilePath of the file
$ParentFolder = Split-Path -Path $FilePath # Path of the parent folder
# Check if any backup files exist in the parent folder
$NewIndex = 1
if (Test-Path -Path ( -join ($FilePath, '.bak*')) -PathType leaf) {
# If true then determine the index of the last backup file
$LastIndex = (Get-ChildItem -Path $ParentFolder -Filter '*.bak*' | Select-Object Extension -Unique |
Sort-Object -Property Extension | Select-Object -Last 1)[0] -replace ('\D*', '')
$NewIndex = [int]$LastIndex
# If there are more than three backup files
if ($NewIndex -ge 3) {
# Remove the first backup file and re-index the rest of the backup files
Remove-Item ( -join ($FilePath, '.bak1'))
Rename-Item ( -join ($FilePath, '.bak2')) -NewName ( -join ($FilePath, '.bak1'))
Rename-Item ( -join ($FilePath, '.bak3')) -NewName ( -join ($FilePath, '.bak2'))
else {
# Else increment the index for the new backup file
$NewName = -join ($FilePath, '.bak', $NewIndex) # FilePath of the new backup file
Copy-Item $FilePath -Destination $NewName # Backup the file
Write-Verbose "Created -->' $NewName"
# Amend the link of the YouTube thumbnail with UTF8 encoding
$Pattern = $Match.Matches.Value
$NewString = $Pattern.Replace(')', '#$width=30p$)')
(Get-Content $FilePath -Encoding UTF8).Replace($Pattern, $NewString) | Set-Content $FilePath -Encoding UTF8
Write-Verbose "Modified -->' $FilePath"
Write-Host $MatchInfo.Length 'file(s) found' # Output the number of files found
$MatchInfo | Format-Table Path | Out-Host # Output the path of the files found
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1.1.1 Changelog

  • Fixed UTF-8 encoding issue
  • Fixed issues with creating backup files

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The gist has been merged to my GitHub repo, My-PowerShell-Script. Please visit the repository to find the latest version of the script.

Also, check out other PowerShell scripts at the repo as well. I hope you find them useful! 🙂

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