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Last active October 23, 2020 02:45
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U.S. Supreme Court nominations over the years.

On Oct. 6, 2018, the U.S Senate on Saturday approved Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court with a 50-48-1 vote, the narrowest margin for a confirmation vote in more than 130 years.

Kavanaugh's vote of 50-48-1 was 51.02%. Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) was attending his daughter's wedding Saturday, and with Kavanaugh having enough other votes to win confirmation, Daines did not return to Washington for the vote. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who had planned to vote against Kavanaugh, instead voted “present” as a courtesy to Daines.

Kavanaugh Vote

This dataset was used as the basis for this piece in the L.A. Times:

I put this dataset together from a variety of sources, including:

index nominee nominated_by to_replace nomination_date days_between_nomination_and_vote vote votes_for votes_against vote_other pct_of_approval_vote roll_call_vote_number result notes vote_date congressional_session presidential_party majority_party majority_seats minority_party minority_seats other total notes
165 Amy Coney Barrett President Donald Trump Ginsburg 2020-09-26 30 2020-10-26 116 Republican Republican 53 Democrat 45 2 100 2 Independents (both caucus with the Democrats)
164 Brett Kavanaugh President Donald Trump Kennedy 2018-07-10 88 50-48-1 50 48 1 51.020% null Confirmed and served 2018-10-06 115 Republican Republican 51 Democrat 47 2 100 2 Independents (both caucus with the Democrats)
163 Neil M. Gorsuch President Donald Trump Scalia 2017-02-01 65 54-45 54 45 54.545% Confirmed and served 2017-04-07 115 Republican Republican 51 Democrat 47 2 100 2 Independents (both caucus with the Democrats)
162 Merrick B. Garland President Barack Obama Scalia 2016-03-16 null null null null null No Action null 114 Democrat Republican 54 Democrat 44 2 100 2 Independents (both caucus with the Democrats)
161 Elena Kagan President Barack Obama Stevens 2010-05-10 87 63-37 63 37 63.000% Confirmed and served 2010-08-05 111 Democrat Democrat 57 Republican 41 2 100 1 Independent; 1 Independent Democrat
160 Sonia Sotomayor President Barack Obama Souter 2009-06-01 66 68-31 68 31 68.687% Confirmed and served 2009-08-06 111 Democrat Democrat 57 Republican 41 2 100 1 Independent; 1 Independent Democrat
159 Samuel A. Alito, Jr. President George W. Bush O'Connor 2005-11-10 82 58-42 58 42 58.000% Confirmed and served 2006-01-31 109 Republican Republican 55 Democrat 44 1 100 Independent (1 seat) (caucused with the Democrats)
158 Harriet Miers President George W. Bush O'Connor 2005-10-07 21 null null null null Withdrawn 2005-10-28 109 Republican Republican 55 Democrat 44 1 100 Independent (1 seat) (caucused with the Democrats)
157 John G. Roberts, Jr. President George W. Bush Rehnquist 2005-09-06 23 78-22 78 22 78.000% Confirmed and served Nominated to chief justice. 2005-09-29 109 Republican Republican 55 Democrat 44 1 100 Independent (1 seat) (caucused with the Democrats)
156 John G. Roberts, Jr. President George W. Bush O'Connor 2005-07-29 39 null null null null Withdrawn 2005-09-06 109 Republican Republican 55 Democrat 44 1 100 Independent (1 seat) (caucused with the Democrats)
155 Stephen G. Breyer President Bill Clinton Blackmun 1994-05-17 73 87-9 87 9 90.625% Confirmed and served 1994-07-29 103 Democrat Democrat 56 Republican 44 100 Party division changed to 56 Democrats and 44 Republicans after the June 5, 1993 election of Kay B. Hutchison (R-TX).
154 Ruth Bader Ginsburg President Bill Clinton White 1993-06-22 42 96-3 96 3 96.970% Confirmed and served 1993-08-03 103 Democrat Democrat 56 Republican 44 100 Party division changed to 56 Democrats and 44 Republicans after the June 5, 1993 election of Kay B. Hutchison (R-TX).
153 Clarence Thomas President George H.W. Bush Marshall 1991-07-08 99 52-48 52 48 52.000% Confirmed and served 1991-10-15 102 Republican Democrat 56 Republican 44 100
152 David H. Souter President George H.W. Bush Brennan 1990-07-25 69 90-9 90 9 90.909% Confirmed and served 1990-10-02 101 Republican Democrat 55 Republican 45 100
151 Anthony M. Kennedy President Ronald Reagan Powell 1987-11-30 65 97-0 97 0 100.000% Confirmed and served 1988-02-03 100 Republican Democrat 55 Republican 45 100
149 Robert H. Bork President Ronald Reagan Powell 1987-07-07 108 42-58 42 58 42.000% Rejected 1987-10-23 100 Republican Democrat 55 Republican 45 100
148 Antonin Scalia President Ronald Reagan Rehnquist 1986-06-24 85 98-0 98 0 100.000% Confirmed and served 1986-09-17 99 Republican Republican 53 Democrat 47 100
147 William H. Rehnquist President Ronald Reagan Burger 1986-06-20 89 65-33 65 33 66.327% Confirmed and served Sitting justice elevated to chief justice. 1986-09-17 99 Republican Republican 53 Democrat 47 100
146 Sandra Day O'Connor President Ronald Reagan Stewart 1981-08-19 33 99-0 99 0 100.000% Confirmed and served 1981-09-21 97 Republican Republican 53 Democrat 46 1 100 1 Independent (caucused with the Democrats)
145 John Paul Stevens President Gerald Ford Douglas 1975-11-28 19 98-0 98 0 100.000% Confirmed and served 1975-12-17 94 Republican Democrat 61 Republican 37 2 100 1 Conservative (caucused with the Republicans); 1 Independent (caucused with the Democrats)
144 William H. Rehnquist President Richard Nixon Harlan 1971-10-22 49 68-26 68 26 72.340% Confirmed and served 1971-12-10 92 Republican Democrat 54 Republican 44 2 100 1 Conservative (caucused with the Republicans); 1 Independent (caucused with the Democrats)
143 Lewis F. Powell, Jr. President Richard Nixon Black 1971-10-22 45 89-1 89 1 98.889% Confirmed and served 1971-12-06 92 Republican Democrat 54 Republican 44 2 100 1 Conservative (caucused with the Republicans); 1 Independent (caucused with the Democrats)
142 Harry Blackmun President Richard Nixon Fortas 1970-04-15 27 94-0 94 0 100.000% Confirmed and served 1970-05-12 91 Republican Democrat 57 Republican 43 100
141 G. Harrold Carswell President Richard Nixon Fortas 1970-01-19 79 45-51 45 51 46.875% Rejected 1970-04-08 91 Republican Democrat 57 Republican 43 100
140 Clement Haynsworth, Jr. President Richard Nixon Fortas 1969-08-21 92 45-55 45 55 45.000% Rejected 1969-11-21 91 Republican Democrat 57 Republican 43 100
139 Warren Burger President Richard Nixon Warren 1969-05-23 17 74-3 74 3 96.104% Confirmed and served Nominated to chief justice. 1969-06-09 91 Republican Democrat 57 Republican 43 100
138 Homer Thornberry President Lyndon Johnson Fortas 1968-06-26 100 null null null null Withdrawn 1968-10-04 90 Democrat Democrat 64 Republican 36 100
137 Abe Fortas President Lyndon Johnson Warren 1968-06-26 100 null null null null Withdrawn Sitting justice nominated to chief justice; nomination filibustered and withdrawn. 1968-10-04 90 Democrat Democrat 64 Republican 36 100
136 Thurgood Marshall President Lyndon Johnson Clark 1967-06-13 78 69-11 69 11 86.250% Confirmed and served 1967-08-30 90 Democrat Democrat 64 Republican 36 100
135 Abe Fortas President Lyndon Johnson Goldberg 1965-07-28 14 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1965-08-11 89 Democrat Democrat 68 Republican 32 100
134 Arthur Goldberg President John Kennedy Frankfurter 1962-08-31 25 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1962-09-25 87 Democrat Democrat 64 Republican 36 100
133 Byron White President John Kennedy Whittaker 1962-04-03 8 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1962-04-11 87 Democrat Democrat 64 Republican 36 100
132 Potter Stewart President Dwight Eisenhower Burton 1959-01-17 108 70-17 70 17 80.460% null Confirmed and served 1959-05-05 86 Republican Democrat 65 Republican 35 100
131 Charles Whittaker President Dwight Eisenhower Reed 1957-03-02 17 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1957-03-19 85 Republican Democrat 49 Republican 47 96
130 William Brennan, Jr. President Dwight Eisenhower Minton 1957-01-14 64 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1957-03-19 85 Republican Democrat 49 Republican 47 96
129 John Harlan President Dwight Eisenhower Jackson 1955-01-10 65 71-11 71 11 86.585% null Confirmed and served 1955-03-16 84 Republican Democrat 49 Republican 47 96
128 John Harlan President Dwight Eisenhower Jackson 1954-11-09 null null null null null No Action null Republican 0
127 Earl Warren President Dwight Eisenhower Vinson 1954-01-11 49 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served Nominated to chief justice. 1954-03-01 83 Republican Republican 48 Democrat 47 1 96 1 Independent
126 Sherman Minton President Harry Truman Rutledge 1949-09-15 19 48-16 48 16 75.000% null Confirmed and served 1949-10-04 81 Democrat Democrat 54 Republican 42 96
125 Tom Clark President Harry Truman Murphy 1949-08-02 16 73-8 73 8 90.123% null Confirmed and served 1949-08-18 81 Democrat Democrat 54 Republican 42 96
124 Fred Vinson President Harry Truman Stone 1946-06-06 14 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served Nominated to chief justice. 1946-06-20 79 Democrat Democrat 57 Republican 38 1 96 1 Progressive
123 Harold Burton President Harry Truman Roberts 1945-09-18 1 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1945-09-19 79 Democrat Democrat 57 Republican 38 1 96 1 Progressive
122 Wiley Rutledge President Franklin Roosevelt Byrnes 1943-01-11 28 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1943-02-08 78 Democrat Democrat 57 Republican 38 1 96 1 Progressive
121 Robert Jackson President Franklin Roosevelt Stone 1941-06-12 25 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1941-07-07 77 Democrat Democrat 66 Republican 28 2 96 1 Independent; 1 Progressive
120 James Byrnes President Franklin Roosevelt McReynolds 1941-06-12 0 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1941-06-12 77 Democrat Democrat 66 Republican 28 2 96 1 Independent; 1 Progressive
119 Harlan Stone President Franklin Roosevelt Hughes 1941-06-12 15 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served Sitting justice elevated to chief justice. 1941-06-27 77 Democrat Democrat 66 Republican 28 2 96 1 Independent; 1 Progressive
118 Frank Murphy President Franklin Roosevelt Butler 1940-01-04 12 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1940-01-16 76 Democrat Democrat 69 Republican 23 4 96 2 Farmer-Labor; 1 Progressive; 1 Independent
117 William Douglas President Franklin Roosevelt Brandeis 1939-03-20 15 62-4 62 4 93.939% null Confirmed and served 1939-04-04 76 Democrat Democrat 69 Republican 23 4 96 2 Farmer-Labor; 1 Progressive; 1 Independent
116 Felix Frankfurter President Franklin Roosevelt Cardozo 1939-01-05 12 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1939-01-17 76 Democrat Democrat 69 Republican 23 4 96 2 Farmer-Labor; 1 Progressive; 1 Independent
115 Stanley Reed President Franklin Roosevelt Sutherland 1938-01-15 10 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1938-01-25 75 Democrat Democrat 76 Republican 16 4 96 2 Farmer-Labor; 1 Progressive; 1 Independent
114 Hugo Black President Franklin Roosevelt Van Devanter 1937-08-12 5 63-16 63 16 79.747% null Confirmed and served 1937-08-17 75 Democrat Democrat 76 Republican 16 4 96 2 Farmer-Labor; 1 Progressive; 1 Independent
113 Benjamin Cardozo President Herbert Hoover Holmes 1932-02-15 9 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1932-02-24
112 Owen Roberts President Herbert Hoover Sanford 1930-05-09 11 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1930-05-20
111 John Parker President Herbert Hoover Sanford 1930-03-21 47 39-41 39 41 48.750% null Rejected 1930-05-07
110 Charles Hughes President Herbert Hoover Taft 1930-02-03 10 52-26 52 26 66.667% null Confirmed and served Nominated to chief justice. 1930-02-13
109 Harlan Stone President Calvin Coolidge McKenna 1925-01-05 31 71-6 71 6 92.208% null Confirmed and served 1925-02-05
108 Edward Sanford President Warren Harding Pitney 1923-01-24 5 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1923-01-29
107 Pierce Butler President Warren Harding Day 1922-12-05 16 61-8 61 8 88.406% null Confirmed and served 1922-12-21
106 Pierce Butler President Warren Harding Day 1922-11-21 null null null null null No Action null
105 George Sutherland President Warren Harding Clarke 1922-09-05 0 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1922-09-05
104 William Taft President Warren Harding White 1921-06-30 0 60-4 60 4 93.750% null Confirmed and served Nominated to chief justice. 1921-06-30
103 John Clarke President Woodrow Wilson Hughes 1916-07-14 10 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1916-07-24
102 Louis Brandeis President Woodrow Wilson Lamar 1916-01-28 125 47-22 47 22 68.116% null Confirmed and served 1916-06-01
101 James McReynolds President Woodrow Wilson Lurton 1914-08-19 10 44-6 44 6 88.000% null Confirmed and served 1914-08-29
100 Mahlon Pitney President William Taft Harlan 1912-02-19 23 50-26 50 26 65.789% null Confirmed and served 1912-03-13
99 Joseph Lamar President William Taft Moody 1910-12-12 3 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1910-12-15
98 Willis Van Devanter President William Taft White 1910-12-12 3 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1910-12-15
97 Edward White President William Taft Fuller 1910-12-12 0 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served Sitting justice elevated to chief justice. 1910-12-12
96 Charles Hughes President William Taft Brewer 1910-04-25 7 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1910-05-02
95 Horace Lurton President William Taft Peckham 1909-12-13 7 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1909-12-20
94 William Moody President Theodore Roosevelt Brown 1906-12-03 9 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1906-12-12
93 William Day President Theodore Roosevelt Shiras 1903-02-19 4 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1903-02-23
92 Oliver Holmes President Theodore Roosevelt Gray 1902-12-02 2 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1902-12-04
91 Joseph McKenna President William McKinley Field 1897-12-16 36 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1898-01-21
90 Rufus Peckham President Grover Cleveland Jackson 1895-12-03 6 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1895-12-09
89 Edward White President Grover Cleveland Blatchford 1894-02-19 0 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1894-02-19
88 Wheeler Peckham President Grover Cleveland Blatchford 1894-01-22 25 32-41 32 41 43.836% null Rejected 1894-02-16
87 William Hornblower President Grover Cleveland Blatchford 1893-12-05 41 24-30 24 30 44.444% null Rejected 1894-01-15
86 William Hornblower President Grover Cleveland Blatchford 1893-09-19 null null null null null No Action null
85 Howell Jackson President Benjamin Harrison Lamar 1893-02-02 16 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1893-02-18
84 George Shiras, Jr. President Benjamin Harrison Bradley 1892-07-19 7 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1892-07-26
83 Henry Brown President Benjamin Harrison Miller 1890-12-23 6 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1890-12-29
82 David Brewer President Benjamin Harrison Matthews 1889-12-04 14 53-11 53 11 82.813% null Confirmed and served 1889-12-18
81 Melville Fuller President Grover Cleveland Waite 1888-04-30 81 41-20 41 20 67.213% null Confirmed and served Nominated to chief justice. 1888-07-20
80 Lucius Lamar President Grover Cleveland Woods 1887-12-06 41 32-28 32 28 53.333% null Confirmed and served 1888-01-16
79 Samuel Blatchford President Chester Arthur Hunt 1882-03-13 9 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1882-03-22
78 Roscoe Conkling President Chester Arthur Hunt 1882-02-24 6 39-12 39 12 76.471% null Confirmed and declined to serve 1882-03-02
77 Horace Gray President Chester Arthur Clifford 1881-12-19 1 51-5 51 5 91.071% null Confirmed and served 1881-12-20
76 Stanley Matthews President James Garfield Swayne 1881-03-14 59 24-23 24 23 51.064% null Confirmed and served 1881-05-12
75 Stanley Matthews President Rutherford Hayes Swayne 1881-01-26 null null null null null No Action null
74 William Woods President Rutherford Hayes Strong 1880-12-15 6 39-8 39 8 82.979% null Confirmed and served 1880-12-21
73 John Harlan President Rutherford Hayes Davis 1877-10-16 44 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1877-11-29
72 Morrison Waite President Ulysses Grant Chase 1874-01-19 2 63-0 63 0 100.000% null Confirmed and served Nominated to chief justice. 1874-01-21
71 Caleb Cushing President Ulysses Grant Chase 1874-01-09 4 null null null null Withdrawn Unsuccessful nominee for chief justice. 1874-01-13
70 George Williams President Ulysses Grant Chase 1873-12-01 38 null null null null Withdrawn Unsuccessful nominee for chief justice. 1874-01-08
69 Ward Hunt President Ulysses Grant Nelson 1872-12-03 8 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1872-12-11
68 Joseph Bradley President Ulysses Grant (new seat) 1870-02-07 42 46-9 46 9 83.636% null Confirmed and served 1870-03-21
67 William Strong President Ulysses Grant Grier 1870-02-07 11 null null null null Confirmed and served 1870-02-18
66 Edwin Stanton President Ulysses Grant Grier 1869-12-20 0 46-11 46 11 80.702% null Confirmed and served Confirmed, but died before he took office. 1869-12-20
65 Ebenezer Hoar President Ulysses Grant (new seat) 1869-12-14 51 24-33 24 33 42.105% null Rejected 1870-02-03
64 Henry Stanbery President Andrew Johnson Catron 1866-04-16 null null null null null No Action null
63 Salmon Chase President Abraham Lincoln Taney 1864-12-06 0 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served Nominated to chief justice. 1864-12-06
62 Stephen Field President Abraham Lincoln (new seat) 1863-03-06 4 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1863-03-10
61 David Davis President Abraham Lincoln Campbell 1862-12-01 7 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1862-12-08
60 Samuel Miller President Abraham Lincoln Daniel 1862-07-16 0 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1862-07-16
59 Noah Swayne President Abraham Lincoln McLean 1862-01-21 3 38-1 38 1 97.436% null Confirmed and served 1862-01-24
58 Jeremiah Black President James Buchanan Daniel 1861-02-05 16 25-26 25 26 49.020% null Rejected 1861-02-21
57 Nathan Clifford President James Buchanan Curtis 1857-12-09 34 26-23 26 23 53.061% null Confirmed and served 1858-01-12
56 John Campbell President Franklin Pierce McKinley 1853-03-21 1 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1853-03-22
55 William Micou President Millard Fillmore McKinley 1853-02-14 null null null null null No Action null
54 Geoge Badger President Millard Fillmore McKinley 1853-01-03 42 null null null null Withdrawn 1853-02-14
53 Edward Bradford President Millard Fillmore McKinley 1852-08-16 null null null null null No Action null
52 Benjamin Curtis President Millard Fillmore Woodbury 1851-12-11 9 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1851-12-20
51 Robert Grier President James Polk Baldwin 1846-08-03 1 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1846-08-04
50 Levi Woodbury President James Polk Story 1845-12-23 11 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1846-01-03
49 George Woodward President James Polk Baldwin 1845-12-23 30 20-29 20 29 40.816% null Rejected 1846-01-22
48 John Read President John Tyler Baldwin 1845-02-07 null null null null null No Action null
47 Samuel Nelson President John Tyler Thompson 1845-02-04 10 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1845-02-14
46 Reuben Walworth President John Tyler Thompson 1844-12-04 62 null null null null Withdrawn 1845-02-04
45 Edward King President John Tyler Baldwin 1844-12-04 65 null null null null Withdrawn 1845-02-07
44 Reuben Walworth President John Tyler Thompson 1844-06-17 0 null null null null No Action On motion to proceed to consider the nomination, an objection was made. 1844-06-17
43 John Spencer President John Tyler Thompson 1844-06-17 0 null null null null Withdrawn 1844-06-17
42 Edward King President John Tyler Baldwin 1844-06-05 10 29-18 29 18 61.702% null Postponed 1844-06-15
41 Reuben Walworth President John Tyler Thompson 1844-03-13 96 27-20 27 20 57.447% null Withdrawn 1844-06-17
40 John Spencer President John Tyler Thompson 1844-01-08 23 21-26 21 26 44.681% null Rejected 1844-01-31
39 Peter Daniel President Martin Van Buren Barbour 1841-02-26 4 25-5 25 5 83.333% null Confirmed and served 1841-03-02
38 John McKinley President Martin Van Buren (new seat) 1837-09-18 7 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1837-09-25
37 John Catron President Andrew Jackson (new seat) 1837-03-03 5 28-15 28 15 65.116% null Confirmed and served 1837-03-08
36 William Smith President Andrew Jackson (new seat) 1837-03-03 5 23-18 23 18 56.098% null Confirmed and declined to serve 1837-03-08
35 Philip Barbour President Andrew Jackson Duvall 1835-12-28 78 30-11 30 11 73.171% null Confirmed and served 1836-03-15
34 Roger Taney President Andrew Jackson Marshall 1835-12-28 78 29-15 29 15 65.909% null Confirmed and served Nominated to chief justice. 1836-03-15
33 Roger Taney President Andrew Jackson Duvall 1835-01-15 47 24-21 24 21 53.333% null Postponed 1835-03-03
32 James Wayne President Andrew Jackson Johnson 1835-01-06 3 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1835-01-09
31 Henry Baldwin President Andrew Jackson Washington 1830-01-04 2 41-2 41 2 95.349% null Confirmed and served 1830-01-06
30 John McLean President Andrew Jackson Trimble 1829-03-06 1 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1829-03-07
29 John Crittenden President John Quincy Adams Trimble 1828-12-17 57 23-17 23 17 57.500% null Postponed 1829-02-12
28 Robert Trimble President John Quincy Adams Todd 1826-04-11 28 27-5 27 5 84.375% null Confirmed and served 1826-05-09
27 Smith Thompson President James Monroe Livingston 1823-12-05 4 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1823-12-09
26 Gabriel Duvall President James Madison Chase 1811-11-15 3 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1811-11-18
25 Joseph Story President James Madison Cushing 1811-11-15 3 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1811-11-18
24 John Quincy Adams President James Madison Cushing 1811-02-21 1 null null null null Confirmed and declined to serve 1811-02-22
23 Alexander Wolcott President James Madison Cushing 1811-02-04 9 9-24 9 24 27.273% null Rejected 1811-02-13
22 Levi Lincoln President James Madison Cushing 1811-01-02 1 null null null null Confirmed and declined to serve 1811-01-03
21 Thomas Todd President Thomas Jefferson (new seat) 1807-02-28 2 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1807-03-02
20 H. Brockholst Livingston President Thomas Jefferson Paterson 1806-12-13 4 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1806-12-17
19 William Johnson President Thomas Jefferson Moore 1804-03-22 2 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1804-03-24
18 John Marshall President John Adams Ellsworth 1801-01-20 7 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served Nominated to chief justice. 1801-01-27
17 John Jay President John Adams Ellsworth 1800-12-18 1 null null null null Confirmed and declined to serve Nominated to chief justice. 1800-12-19
16 Alfred Moore President John Adams Iredell 1799-12-04 6 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1799-12-10
15 Bushrod Washington President John Adams Wilson 1798-12-19 1 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1798-12-20
14 Oliver Ellsworth President George Washington Jay 1796-03-03 1 21-1 21 1 95.455% null Confirmed and served Nominated to chief justice. 1796-03-04
13 Samuel Chase President George Washington Blair 1796-01-26 1 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1796-01-27
12 William Cushing President George Washington Jay 1796-01-26 1 null null null null Confirmed and declined to serve Sitting justice nominated to chief justice, but declined and continued to serve as an associate justice. 1796-01-27
11 John Rutledge President George Washington Jay 1795-12-10 5 10-14 10 14 41.667% null Rejected Offered his services as a replacement for the soon-to-retire John Jay in June 1795, so President Washington offered him a temporary commission (Senate was in recess). The Senate convened in December and voted on the nomination, making Rutledge the first rejected Supreme Court nominee and the only "recess appointed" justice not to be subsequently confirmed by the Senate. 1795-12-15
10 William Paterson President George Washington Johnson 1793-03-04 0 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1793-03-04
9 William Paterson President George Washington Johnson 1793-02-27 1 null null null null Withdrawn 1793-02-28
8 Thomas Johnson President George Washington Rutledge 1791-10-31 7 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1791-11-07
7 James Iredell President George Washington Harrison 1790-02-08 2 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1790-02-10
6 John Blair President George Washington 1789-09-24 2 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1789-09-26
5 James Wilson President George Washington 1789-09-24 2 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1789-09-26
4 Robert Harrison President George Washington 1789-09-24 2 null null null null Confirmed and declined to serve 1789-09-26
3 William Cushing President George Washington 1789-09-24 2 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1789-09-26
2 John Rutledge President George Washington 1789-09-24 2 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served 1789-09-26
1 John Jay President George Washington 1789-09-24 2 Voice Vote null null null Confirmed and served Nominated to chief justice. 1789-09-26
150 Douglas H Ginsburg President Ronald Reagan Powell Withdrawn
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