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url: "<%= assets_path %>",
method: 'POST',
params: {
authenticity_token: "<%= form_authenticity_token %>"
lucasfais / gist:1207002
Created September 9, 2011 18:46
Sublime Text 2 - Useful Shortcuts

Sublime Text 2 – Useful Shortcuts (Mac OS X)


⌘T go to file
⌘⌃P go to project
⌘R go to methods
⌃G go to line
⌘KB toggle side bar
⌘⇧P command prompt
cblunt / Gemfile
Created October 21, 2011 08:55
Configure Carrierwave for Amazon S3 Storage and Heroku
# ...
gem 'carrierwave'
gem 'fog', '~> 1.0.0' # Need to specify version, as carrierwave references older (0.9.0) which doesn't allow configuration of Rackspace UK Auth URL
tmaier / bootstrap_topbar_list.rb
Created January 2, 2012 11:08
BootstrapTopbarList for simple-navigation and Twitter Bootstrap integration
# Renders an ItemContainer as a <ul> element and its containing items as <li> elements.
# Prepared to use inside the topbar of Twitter Bootstrap
# Register the renderer and use following code in your view:
# render_navigation(level: 1..2, renderer: :bootstrap_topbar_list, expand_all: true)
class BootstrapTopbarList < SimpleNavigation::Renderer::Base
def render(item_container)
if options[:is_subnavigation]
ul_class = "dropdown-menu"
jamiehodge / Gemfile
Created January 15, 2012 22:37
Spine.js contacts demo Sinatra backend
source ''
gem 'sinatra', git: 'git://'
gem 'sequel'
gem 'sqlite3'
gem 'yajl-ruby', require: 'yajl'
melito /
Created March 18, 2012 05:20
Coffee Script html5 uploader
class HTML5Uploader
constructor:(obj, options) ->
@method = options['method'] ||= "POST"
@url = options['url'] ||= "/"
@params = options['params']
@obj = $(obj)
@files = []
@alerted = false
them0nk / rspec_rails_cheetsheet.rb
Created March 23, 2012 03:39
Rspec Rails cheatsheet (include capybara matchers)
@user.should have(1).error_on(:username) # Checks whether there is an error in username
@user.errors[:username].should include("can't be blank") # check for the error message
response.should render_template(:index)
response.should redirect_to(movies_path)
maccman / juggernaut.rb
Created June 26, 2012 02:49
Sinatra Server Side Event streaming.
# Usage: redis-cli publish message hello
require 'sinatra'
require 'redis'
conns = []
get '/' do
erb :index
maccman / juggernaut_channels.rb
Created June 26, 2012 04:56
Sinatra Server Side Event streaming with private channels.
# Usage: redis-cli publish message.achannel hello
require 'sinatra'
require 'redis'
conns = {|h, k| h[k] = [] }
Thread.abort_on_exception = true
get '/' do
danparsons / gist:3195652
Created July 29, 2012 01:46
How to stream the London 2012 Olympics

How to stream the London 2012 Olympics

There have been several HOWTOs posted regarding streaming the 2012 Olympics using HTTP / SOCKS proxies via SSH and other similar methods. None of these actually work using the latest Flash on Mountain Lion (with Firefox, Chrome or Safari). Additionally, the third-party streaming sites don't provide BBC's amazing interface, which lets you quickly skip to individual competitors and events. However, setting up an OpenVPN server does work, with some tweaks. You'll get the exact same UX that people in England receive.