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Last active February 12, 2016 09:52
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Phoenix 0.10 to 0.11.0 upgrade instructions


Add these functions to the bottom of mix.exs:

  # Specifies which paths to compile per environment
  defp elixirc_paths(:test), do: ["lib", "web", "test/support"]
  defp elixirc_paths(_),     do: ["lib", "web"]

Next, add these entries to your def project config:

     elixirc_paths: elixirc_paths(Mix.env),
     compilers: [:phoenix] ++ Mix.compilers,
     build_embedded: Mix.env == :prod,
     start_permanent: Mix.env == :prod,


  • mix phoenix.gen.resource renamed to mix phoenix.gen.html


use Phoenix.HTML no longer imports controller functions. You must add import Phoenix.Controller, only: [get_flash: 2] manually to your views or your web.ex, ie:

# your_app/web/web.ex
defmodule MyApp.Web do
  def view do
    quote do
      import Phoenix.Controller, only: [get_flash: 2]


The endpoint now requires a :root entry in your config/config.exs:

config :my_app, MyApp.Endpoint,
  root: Path.expand("..", __DIR__),

Code reloader must now be configured in your endpoint instead of Phoenix. Therefore, upgrade your config/dev.exs replacing

config :phoenix, :code_reloader, true


config :your_app, Your.Endpoint, code_reloader: true

Live Reload

Th live reloader is now a dependency instead of being shipped with Phoenix. Please add {:phoenix_live_reload, "~> 0.3"} to your dependencies in mix.exs

Additionally, the live_reload configuration has changed to allow a :url option and to work with :patterns instead of paths:

config :your_app, Your.Endpoint,
  code_reloader: true,
  live_reload: [
    # url is optional
    url: "ws://localhost:4000", 
    # `:patterns` replace `:paths` and are required for live reload
    patterns: [~r{priv/static/.*(js|css|png|jpeg|jpg|gif)$},

Next, the Code and live reloader must now be explicitly plugged in your endpoint. Wrap them inside lib/your_app/endpoint.ex in a code_reloading? block:

if code_reloading? do
  plug Phoenix.LiveReloader
  plug Phoenix.CodeReloader

Channels - Server

Channels received major updates in functionality and tweaking of the APIs and return signatures. Most notably, each channel now runs in its own process, supporthing handle_info/2 and more closely matching GenServer APIs. Additionally "synchronous" messaging is now supported from client to server. By synchronous, I mean being able to reply to an incoming event directly, while ensuring messaging ordering for the same incoming events. This not only lets you do proper request/response messaging where necessary, but it also fixes issues we have in our <= 0.10 apis where joins were not synchronous and messages could be dropped if you fired them before you were fully joined.


  • The leave/2 callback has been removed. If you need to cleanup/teardown when a client disconnects, trap exits and handle in terminate/2, ie:
def join(topic, auth_msg, socket) do
  Process.flag(:trap_exit, true)
  {:ok, socket}

def terminate({:shutdown, :client_left}, socket) do
  # client left intentionally
def terminate(reason, socket) do
  # terminating for another reason (connection drop, crash, etc)
  • reply has been renamed to push to better signify we are only push a message down the socket, not replying to a specific request. Update your function calls accordingly.

  • The return signatures for handle_in/3 and handle_out/3 have changed, ie:

handle_in(event :: String.t, msg :: map, Socket.t) ::
  {:noreply, Socket.t} |
  {:reply, {status :: atom, response :: map}, Socket.t} |
  {:reply, status :: atom, Socket.t} |
  {:stop, reason :: term, Socket.t} |
  {:stop, reason :: term, reply :: {status :: atom, response :: map}, Socket.t} |
  {:stop, reason :: term, reply :: status :: atom, Socket.t}

handle_out(event :: String.t, msg :: map, Socket.t) ::
  {:ok, Socket.t} |
  {:noreply, Socket.t} |
  {:error, reason :: term, Socket.t} |
  {:stop, reason :: term, Socket.t}

For existing applications, you can simply change the return signatures of handle_in/handle_out from {:ok, socket} to {:noreply, socket}. For code moving forward, you can now reply directly to an incoming event and pick up the reply on the client using the {:reply, {status, response}, socket} or {:reply, status, socket}. More examples below.

Channels - Client

var socket = new Phoenix.Socket("/ws")
  • socket.close() has been renamed to socket.disconnect()

  • socket.join(..) api has changed. See the examples below for more details, but all it means is your js goes from:

socket.join("foo:bar", {}, function(chan){


socket.join("foo:bar", {}).receive("ok", function(chan){
// or
var chan = socket.join("foo:bar", {})
chan.receive("ok", function(){

Sync Messaging

We've overhauled the channel API to allow "synchronous" messaging, and I really love the results. By synchronous, I mean being able to reply to an incoming event directly, while ensuring messaging ordering for the same incoming events. This not only lets you do proper request/response messaging where necessary, but it also fixes issues we have in our <= 0.10 apis where joins were not synchronous and messages could be dropped if you fired them before you were fully joined. With these changes, we have a few high-level concepts which make up channels:

  1. The client and server push messages down the socket to communicate
  2. The server can reply directly to a pushed message
  3. The server can broadcast events to be pushed to all subscribers

The flows looks like this:

  • client push("ev1") -> server handle_in("ev1") -> server push("ev2") -> client on("ev2")
  • client push("ev1") -> server handle_in("ev1") -> server broadcast("ev2") -> N subscribers handle_out("ev2") -> N subscribers push("ev2") -> N clients on("ev2")`
  • client push("ev1") -> server handle_in("ev") -> server {:reply, :ok, ...} -> client receive("ok", ...)

Now let's see some cli/server code:

    socket.join("rooms:lobby", {})
      .after(5000, () => console.log("We're having trouble connecting...") )
      .receive("ignore", () => console.log("auth error") )
      .receive("ok", chan => {

        // can now bind to channel crash/close events since channels are own processes
        chan.onClose( () => console.log("The channel disconnected") )
        chan.onError( () => console.log("The channel crashed!") )

        $input.onEnter( e => {
          // push without response
          chan.push("new_msg", {body: e.text, user: currentUser}) 
        chan.on("status_change", ({status}) => $status.html(status) )
        chan.on("new_msg", msg => $messages.append(msg) )
        // push with `receive`'d response, and optional `after` hooks
        $createNotice.onClick( e => {
              .receive("ok", notice =>  console.log("notice created", notice) )
              .receive("error", reasons =>  console.log("creation failed", reasons) )
              .after(5000, () => console.log("network interruption") )
defmodule Chat.RoomChannel do
  use Phoenix.Channel

  def join("rooms:lobby", message, socket) do
    send(self, {:after_join, message})

    {:ok, socket}
  def join("rooms:" <> _private_subtopic, _message, _socket) do

  def handle_info({:after_join, msg}, socket) do
    broadcast! socket, "user_entered", %{user: msg["user"]}
    push socket, "status_change", %{status: "waiting for users"}
    {:noreply, socket}

  def handle_in("create_notice", attrs, socket) do
    changeset = Notice.changeset(%Notice{}, attrs)

    if changeset.valid? do
      {:reply, {:ok, changeset}, socket}
      {:reply, {:error, changeset.errors}, socket}
  def handle_in("new_msg", msg, socket) do
    broadcast! socket, "new_msg", %{user: msg["user"], body: msg["body"]}
    {:noreply, socket}
  # this is forward by the default `handle_out`, but show here for clarity
  def handle_out("new_msg", msg, socket) do
    push socket, "new_msg", msg
    {:noreply, socket}

Note that {:reply, {:ok, resp}, socket} on the server, triggers .receive("ok", resp => {}) on the client. The "status" of the reply can be anything, ie {:reply, {:queued, resp}, socket} on the server, triggers .receive("queued", resp => { }) on the client. Also note that client joining, push, and receiving replies all have the same semantics and API now, which is quite nice.

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