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Created December 6, 2018 15:21
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AoC 2018 day 5 in Elixir
defmodule Day5 do
@moduledoc """
Day 5 Elixir solutions for Advent of Code 2018
@doc """
Removes all reacting units from the input and returns the final length
Algorithm from a Haskell implementation in reddit:
## Examples
iex> Day5.react("dabAcCaCBAcCcaDA")
def react(input, test_unit \\ nil) do
|> do_react(test_unit)
|> length()
@doc """
Tests each type of unit to see if removing it reduces the result from react.
Returns the smallest size possible
## Examples
iex> Day5.remove_worst_unit("dabAcCaCBAcCcaDA")
def remove_worst_unit(input) do
# we can react first to reduce the input size to the loop
pre_react = do_react(input)
Enum.reduce(?A..?Z, 100000, fn (test_unit, best_score) ->
score = react(pre_react, test_unit)
cond do
score < best_score ->
true -> best_score
defp do_react(input, test_unit \\ nil)
defp do_react(input, test_unit) when is_binary(input) do
|> String.to_charlist()
|> do_react(test_unit)
defp do_react(input, test_unit) when is_list(input) do
List.foldr(input, [], fn(unit, acc) -> react(unit, acc, test_unit) end)
# two units react when the difference in their ASCII code is 32
defguardp reacts(unit, prev_unit) when abs(unit - prev_unit) == 32
# used when testing problem polymers
defguardp is_under_test(unit, test_unit) when test_unit != nil and unit == test_unit or unit == test_unit + 32
# unit is under test so remove
defp react(unit, tail, test_unit) when is_under_test(unit, test_unit), do: tail
# handle the empty case
defp react(unit, [], _test_unit), do: [unit]
# handle when the last two elements in the list react
defp react(unit, [prev_unit], _test_unit) when reacts(unit, prev_unit), do: []
# if there's a reaction just return the tail to remove reacting elements
defp react(unit, [prev_unit | tail], _test_unit) when reacts(unit, prev_unit), do: tail
# all good, just add the unit to the list
defp react(unit, tail, _test_unit), do: [unit | tail]
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