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Created November 19, 2011 22:59
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Habari Theme Updates for Page Caching
* @package Habari
* Habari Theme Class
* The Theme class is the behind-the-scenes representation of
* of a set of UI files that compose the visual theme of the blog
class Theme extends Pluggable
public $name = null;
public $version = null;
public $template_engine = null;
public $theme_dir = null;
public $config_vars = array();
private $var_stack = array( array() );
private $current_var_stack = 0;
public $context = array();
* We build the Post filters by analyzing the handler_var
* data which is assigned to the handler ( by the Controller and
* also, optionally, by the Theme )
public $valid_filters = array(
* Constructor for theme
* If no parameter is supplied, then the constructor
* Loads the active theme from the database.
* If no theme option is set, a fatal error is thrown
* @param name ( optional ) override the default theme lookup
* @param template_engine ( optional ) specify a template engine
* @param theme_dir ( optional ) specify a theme directory
public function __construct( $themedata )
$this->name = $themedata->name;
$this->version = $themedata->version;
$theme_dir = Utils::single_array($themedata->theme_dir);
// Set up the corresponding engine to handle the templating
$this->template_engine = new $themedata->template_engine();
$this->theme_dir = $theme_dir;
$this->template_engine->set_template_dir( $theme_dir );
$this->plugin_id = $this->plugin_id();
* Loads a theme's metadata from an XML file in theme's
* directory.
public function info()
$xml_file = $this->theme_dir . '/theme.xml';
if(!file_exists($xml_file)) {
return new SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<pluggable type="theme">
<name>Unknown Theme</name>
if ( $xml_content = file_get_contents( $xml_file ) ) {
$theme_data = new SimpleXMLElement( $xml_content );
return $theme_data;
* Assign the default variables that would be used in every template
public function add_template_vars()
// set the locale and character set that habari is configured to use presently
if ( !isset( $this->locale ) ) {
$this->locale = Options::get('locale', 'en'); // default to 'en' just in case we somehow don't have one?
if ( !isset( $this->charset ) ) {
$this->charset = MultiByte::hab_encoding();
if ( !$this->template_engine->assigned( 'user' ) ) {
$this->assign( 'user', User::identify() );
if ( !$this->template_engine->assigned( 'loggedin' ) ) {
$this->assign( 'loggedin', User::identify()->loggedin );
if ( !$this->template_engine->assigned( 'page' ) ) {
$this->assign( 'page', isset( $this->page ) ? $this->page : 1 );
$handler = Controller::get_handler();
if ( isset( $handler ) ) {
Plugins::act( 'add_template_vars', $this, $handler->handler_vars );
* Find the first template that matches from the list provided and display it
* @param array $template_list The list of templates to search for
public function display_fallback( $template_list, $display_function = 'display' )
foreach ( (array)$template_list as $template ) {
if ( $this->template_exists( $template ) ) {
$this->assign( '_template_list', $template_list );
$this->assign( '_template', $template );
return $this->$display_function( $template );
return false;
* Determine if a template exists in the current theme
* @param string $template_name The name of the template to detect
* @return boolean True if template exists
public function template_exists( $template_name )
return $this->template_engine->template_exists( $template_name );
* Grabs post data and inserts that data into the internal
* handler_vars array, which eventually gets extracted into
* the theme's ( and thereby the template_engine's ) local
* symbol table for use in the theme's templates
* This is the default, generic function to grab posts. To
* "filter" the posts retrieved, simply pass any filters to
* the handler_vars variables associated with the post retrieval.
* For instance, to filter by tag, ensure that handler_vars['tag']
* contains the tag to filter by. Simple as that.
public function act_display( $paramarray = array( 'user_filters'=> array() ) )
Utils::check_request_method( array( 'GET', 'HEAD', 'POST' ) );
// Get any full-query parameters
$possible = array( 'user_filters', 'fallback', 'posts', 'post', 'content_type' );
foreach ( $possible as $varname ) {
if ( isset( $paramarray[$varname] ) ) {
$$varname = $paramarray[$varname];
$where_filters = array();
$where_filters = Controller::get_handler_vars()->filter_keys( $this->valid_filters );
$where_filters['vocabulary'] = array();
if ( array_key_exists( 'tag', $where_filters ) ) {
$tags = Tags::parse_url_tags( $where_filters['tag'] );
$not_tag = $tags['exclude_tag'];
$all_tag = $tags['include_tag'];
if ( count( $not_tag ) > 0 ) {
$where_filters['vocabulary'] = array_merge( $where_filters['vocabulary'], array( Tags::vocabulary()->name . ':not:term' => $not_tag ) );
if ( count( $all_tag ) > 0 ) {
$where_filters['vocabulary'] = array_merge( $where_filters['vocabulary'], array( Tags::vocabulary()->name . ':all:term' => $all_tag ) );
$where_filters['tag_slug'] = Utils::slugify( $where_filters['tag'] );
unset( $where_filters['tag'] );
if ( !isset( $_GET['preview'] ) ) {
$where_filters['status'] = Post::status( 'published' );
if ( !isset( $posts ) ) {
$user_filters = Plugins::filter( 'template_user_filters', $user_filters );
$user_filters = array_intersect_key( $user_filters, array_flip( $this->valid_filters ) );
// Work around the tags parameters to Posts::get() being subsumed by the vocabulary parameter
if( isset( $user_filters['not:tag'] ) ) {
$user_filters['vocabulary'] = array( Tags::vocabulary()->name . ':not:term' => $user_filters['not:tag'] );
unset( $user_filters['not:tag'] );
if( isset( $user_filters['tag'] ) ) {
$user_filters['vocabulary'] = array( Tags::vocabulary()->name . ':term_display' => $user_filters['tag'] );
unset( $user_filters['tag'] );
$where_filters = $where_filters->merge( $user_filters );
$where_filters = Plugins::filter( 'template_where_filters', $where_filters );
$posts = Posts::get( $where_filters );
$this->assign( 'posts', $posts );
if ( $posts !== false && count( $posts ) > 0 ) {
if ( count( $posts ) == 1 ) {
$post = $posts instanceof Post ? $posts : reset( $posts );
Stack::add( 'body_class', Post::type_name( $post->content_type ) . '-' . $post->id );
else {
$post = reset( $posts );
Stack::add( 'body_class', 'multiple' );
$this->assign( 'post', $post );
$type = Post::type_name( $post->content_type );
elseif ( ( $posts === false ) ||
( isset( $where_filters['page'] ) && $where_filters['page'] > 1 && count( $posts ) == 0 ) ) {
if ( $this->template_exists( '404' ) ) {
$fallback = array( '404' );
// Replace template variables with the 404 rewrite rule
$this->request->{URL::get_matched_rule()->name} = false;
$this->request->{URL::set_404()->name} = true;
$this->matched_rule = URL::get_matched_rule();
// 404 status header sent in act_display_404, but we're past
// that, so send it now.
header( 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found', true, 404 );
else {
$this->display( 'header' );
echo '<h2>';
_e( "Whoops! 404. The page you were trying to access is not really there. Please try again." );
echo '</h2>';
header( 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found', true, 404 );
$this->display( 'footer' );
$extract = $where_filters->filter_keys( 'page', 'type', 'id', 'slug', 'posttag', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'tag', 'tag_slug' );
foreach ( $extract as $key => $value ) {
$$key = $value;
$this->assign( 'page', isset( $page )? $page:1 );
if ( !isset( $fallback ) ) {
// Default fallbacks based on the number of posts
$fallback = array( '{$type}.{$id}', '{$type}.{$slug}', '{$type}.tag.{$posttag}' );
if ( count( $posts ) > 1 ) {
$fallback[] = '{$type}.multiple';
$fallback[] = 'multiple';
else {
$fallback[] = '{$type}.single';
$fallback[] = 'single';
$searches = array( '{$id}','{$slug}','{$year}','{$month}','{$day}','{$type}','{$tag}', );
$replacements = array(
( isset( $post ) && $post instanceof Post ) ? $post->id : '-',
( isset( $post ) && $post instanceof Post ) ? $post->slug : '-',
isset( $year ) ? $year : '-',
isset( $month ) ? $month : '-',
isset( $day ) ? $day : '-',
isset( $type ) ? $type : '-',
isset( $tag_slug ) ? $tag_slug : '-',
$fallback[] = 'home';
$fallback = Plugins::filter( 'template_fallback', $fallback, $posts, isset( $post ) ? $post : null );
$fallback = array_values( array_unique( MultiByte::str_replace( $searches, $replacements, $fallback ) ) );
for ( $z = 0; $z < count( $fallback ); $z++ ) {
if ( ( MultiByte::strpos( $fallback[$z], '{$posttag}' ) !== false ) && ( isset( $post ) ) && ( $post instanceof Post ) ) {
$replacements = array();
if ( $alltags = $post->tags ) {
foreach ( $alltags as $current_tag ) {
$replacements[] = MultiByte::str_replace( '{$posttag}', $current_tag->term, $fallback[$z] );
array_splice( $fallback, $z, 1, $replacements );
else {
// @todo probably need to make this private if the user is logged in so proxy's don't cache it?
header('Pragma: public', true);
header('Cache-Control: public, max-age=' . HabariDateTime::DAY * 30, true);
$etag = var_export( $this, true );
$etag = sha1( $etag );
header('ETag: ' . $etag, true);
if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] ) ) {
if ( $etag == $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] ) {
header( 'HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified', true, 304);
header( 'X-Habari-Cache-Match: ETag');
if ( isset( $post ) ) {
$last_modified = $post->modified->set_timezone( 'UTC' )->format( 'D, d M Y H:i:s e' );
$expires = HabariDateTime::date_create( '30 days' )->set_timezone( 'UTC' )->format( 'D, d M Y H:i:s e' );
header('Last-Modified: ' . $last_modified, true);
if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] ) ) {
$if_modified_since = HabariDateTime::date_create( $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] );
if ( $post->modified <= $if_modified_since ) {
header( 'HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified', true, 304 );
header( 'X-Habari-Cache-Match: Modified' );
header('Expires: ' . $expires, true);
return $this->display_fallback( $fallback );
* Helper function: Displays the home page
* @param array $user_filters Additional arguments used to get the page content
public function act_display_home( $user_filters = array() )
$paramarray['fallback'] = array(
// Makes sure home displays only entries
$default_filters = array(
'content_type' => Post::type( 'entry' ),
$paramarray['user_filters'] = array_merge( $default_filters, $user_filters );
return $this->act_display( $paramarray );
* Helper function: Displays multiple entries
* @param array $user_filters Additional arguments used to get the page content
public function act_display_entries( $user_filters = array() )
$paramarray['fallback'] = array(
// Makes sure home displays only entries
$default_filters = array(
'content_type' => Post::type( 'entry' ),
$paramarray['user_filters'] = array_merge( $default_filters, $user_filters );
return $this->act_display( $paramarray );
* Helper function: Display a post
* @param array $user_filters Additional arguments used to get the page content
public function act_display_post( $user_filters = array() )
$paramarray['fallback'] = array(
// Does the same as a Post::get()
$default_filters = array(
'fetch_fn' => 'get_row',
'limit' => 1,
// Remove the page from filters.
$page_key = array_search( 'page', $this->valid_filters );
unset( $this->valid_filters[$page_key] );
$paramarray['user_filters'] = array_merge( $default_filters, $user_filters );
return $this->act_display( $paramarray );
* Helper function: Display the posts for a tag
* @param array $user_filters Additional arguments used to get the page content
public function act_display_tag( $user_filters = array() )
$paramarray['fallback'] = array(
// Makes sure home displays only entries
$default_filters = array(
'content_type' => Post::type( 'entry' ),
$this->assign( 'tag', Controller::get_var( 'tag' ) );
// Assign tag objects to the theme
$tags = Tags::parse_url_tags( Controller::get_var( 'tag' ), true );
$this->assign( 'include_tag', $tags['include_tag'] );
$this->assign( 'exclude_tag', $tags['exclude_tag'] );
$paramarray['user_filters'] = array_merge( $default_filters, $user_filters );
return $this->act_display( $paramarray );
* Helper function: Display the posts for a specific date
* @param array $user_filters Additional arguments used to get the page content
public function act_display_date( $user_filters = array() )
$handler_vars = Controller::get_handler()->handler_vars;
$y = isset( $handler_vars['year'] );
$m = isset( $handler_vars['month'] );
$d = isset( $handler_vars['day'] );
if ( $y && $m && $d ) {
$paramarray['fallback'][] = 'year.{$year}.month.{$month}.day.{$day}';
if ( $y && $m && $d ) {
$paramarray['fallback'][] = '';
if ( $m && $d ) {
$paramarray['fallback'][] = 'month.{$month}.day.{$day}';
if ( $y && $m ) {
$paramarray['fallback'][] = 'year.{$year}.month.{$month}';
if ( $y && $d ) {
$paramarray['fallback'][] = 'year.{$year}.day.{$day}';
if ( $m && $d ) {
$paramarray['fallback'][] = '';
if ( $y && $d ) {
$paramarray['fallback'][] = '';
if ( $y && $m ) {
$paramarray['fallback'][] = 'year.month';
if ( $m ) {
$paramarray['fallback'][] = 'month.{$month}';
if ( $d ) {
$paramarray['fallback'][] = 'day.{$day}';
if ( $y ) {
$paramarray['fallback'][] = 'year.{$year}';
if ( $y ) {
$paramarray['fallback'][] = 'year';
if ( $m ) {
$paramarray['fallback'][] = 'month';
if ( $d ) {
$paramarray['fallback'][] = 'day';
$paramarray['fallback'][] = 'date';
$paramarray['fallback'][] = 'multiple';
$paramarray['fallback'][] = 'home';
$paramarray['user_filters'] = $user_filters;
if ( !isset( $paramarray['user_filters']['content_type'] ) ) {
$paramarray['user_filters']['content_type'] = Post::type( 'entry' );
$this->assign( 'year', $y ? (int)Controller::get_var( 'year' ) : null );
$this->assign( 'month', $m ? (int)Controller::get_var( 'month' ) : null );
$this->assign( 'day', $d ? (int)Controller::get_var( 'day' ) : null );
return $this->act_display( $paramarray );
* Helper function: Display the posts for a specific criteria
* @param array $user_filters Additional arguments used to get the page content
public function act_search( $user_filters = array() )
$paramarray['fallback'] = array(
$paramarray['user_filters'] = $user_filters;
$this->assign( 'criteria', Controller::get_var( 'criteria' ) );
return $this->act_display( $paramarray );
* Helper function: Display a 404 template
* @param array $user_filters Additional arguments user to get the page content
public function act_display_404( $user_filters = array() )
$paramarray['fallback'] = array(
header( 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found' );
$paramarray['user_filters'] = $user_filters;
return $this->act_display( $paramarray );
* Helper function: Avoids having to call $theme->template_engine->display( 'template_name' );
* @param string $template_name The name of the template to display
public function display( $template_name )
$this->template_engine->assign( 'theme', $this );
$this->template_engine->display( $template_name );
* Helper function: Avoids having to call $theme->template_engine->fetch( 'template_name' );
* @param string $template_name The name of the template to display
* @param boolean $unstack If true, end the current template variable buffer upon returning
* @return string The content of the template
public function fetch( $template_name, $unstack = false )
$this->template_engine->assign( 'theme', $this );
$return = $this->fetch_unassigned( $template_name );
if ( $unstack ) {
return $return;
* Play back the full stack of template variables to assign them into the template
protected function play_var_stack()
for ( $z = 0; $z <= $this->current_var_stack; $z++ ) {
foreach ( $this->var_stack[$z] as $key => $value ) {
$this->template_engine->assign( $key, $value );
* Calls the template engine's fetch() method without pre-assigning template variables.
* Assumes that the template variables have already been set.
* @param string $template_name The name of the template to display
* @return string The content of the template
public function fetch_unassigned( $template_name )
return $this->template_engine->fetch( $template_name );
* Helper function: Avoids having to call $theme->template_engine->key= 'value';
public function assign( $key, $value )
$this->var_stack[$this->current_var_stack][$key] = $value;
* Aggregates and echos the additional header code by combining Plugins and Stack calls.
public function theme_header( $theme )
// create a stack of the atom tags before the first action so they can be unset if desired
Stack::add( 'template_atom', array( 'alternate', 'application/atom+xml', 'Atom 1.0', implode( '', $this->feed_alternate_return() ) ), 'atom' );
Stack::add( 'template_atom', array( 'edit', 'application/atom+xml', 'Atom Publishing Protocol', URL::get( 'atompub_servicedocument' ) ), 'app' );
Stack::add( 'template_atom', array( 'EditURI', 'application/rsd+xml', 'RSD', URL::get( 'rsd' ) ), 'rsd' );
Plugins::act( 'template_header', $theme );
$atom = Stack::get( 'template_atom', '<link rel="%1$s" type="%2$s" title="%3$s" href="%4$s">' );
$styles = Stack::get( 'template_stylesheet', array( 'Stack', 'styles' ) );
$scripts = Stack::get( 'template_header_javascript', array( 'Stack', 'scripts' ) );
$output = implode( "\n", array( $atom, $styles, $scripts ) );
Plugins::act( 'template_header_after', $theme );
return $output;
* Aggregates and echos the additional footer code by combining Plugins and Stack calls.
public function theme_footer( $theme )
Plugins::act( 'template_footer', $theme );
$output = Stack::get( 'template_footer_stylesheet', array( 'Stack', 'styles' ) );
$output .= Stack::get( 'template_footer_javascript', array( 'Stack', 'scripts' ) );
return $output;
* Display an object using a template designed for the type of object it is
* The $object is assigned into the theme using the $content template variable
* @param Theme $theme The theme used to display the object
* @param object $object An object to display
* @param string $context The context in which the object will be displayed
* @return
public function theme_content( $theme, $object, $context = null )
$fallback = array();
$content_types = array();
if ( $object instanceof IsContent ) {
$content_types = Utils::single_array( $object->content_type() );
if ( is_object( $object ) ) {
$content_types[] = strtolower( get_class( $object ) );
$content_types[] = 'content';
$content_types = array_flip( $content_types );
if ( isset( $context ) ) {
foreach ( $content_types as $type => $type_id ) {
$content_type = $context . $object->content_type();
$fallback[] = strtolower( $context . '.' . $type );
foreach ( $content_types as $type => $type_id ) {
$fallback[] = strtolower( $type );
if ( isset( $context ) ) {
$fallback[] = strtolower( $context );
$fallback = array_unique( $fallback );
$this->content = $object;
if(isset($context)) {
$this->context[] = $context;
$result = $this->display_fallback( $fallback, 'fetch' );
if(isset($context)) {
if( $result === false && DEBUG ) {
$fallback_list = implode( ', ', $fallback );
$result = '<p>' . _t( 'Content could not be displayed. One of the following templates - %s - has to be present in the active theme.', array( $fallback_list ) ) . '</p>';
return $result;
* Check to see if the theme is currently rendering a specific context
* @param string $context The context to check for.
* @return bool True if the context is active.
public function theme_has_context($theme, $context)
if(in_array($context, $theme->context)) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns the appropriate alternate feed based on the currently matched rewrite rule.
* @param mixed $return Incoming return value from other plugins
* @param Theme $theme The current theme object
* @return string Link to the appropriate alternate Atom feed
public function theme_feed_alternate( $theme )
$matched_rule = URL::get_matched_rule();
if ( is_object( $matched_rule ) ) {
// This is not a 404
$rulename = $matched_rule->name;
else {
// If this is a 404 and no rewrite rule matched the request
$rulename = '';
switch ( $rulename ) {
case 'display_entry':
case 'display_page':
return URL::get( 'atom_entry', array( 'slug' => Controller::get_var( 'slug' ) ) );
case 'display_entries_by_tag':
return URL::get( 'atom_feed_tag', array( 'tag' => Controller::get_var( 'tag' ) ) );
case 'display_home':
return URL::get( 'atom_feed', array( 'index' => '1' ) );
return '';
* Returns the feedback URL to which comments should be submitted for the indicated Post
* @param Theme $theme The current theme
* @param Post $post The post object to get the feedback URL for
* @return string The URL to the feedback entrypoint for this comment
public function theme_comment_form_action( $theme, $post )
return URL::get( 'submit_feedback', array( 'id' => $post->id ) );
* Build a collection of paginated URLs to be used for pagination.
* @param string The RewriteRule name used to build the links.
* @param array Various settings used by the method and the RewriteRule.
* @return string Collection of paginated URLs built by the RewriteRule.
public static function theme_page_selector( $theme, $rr_name = null, $settings = array() )
// We can't detect proper pagination if $theme->posts isn't a Posts object,
// so if it's not, bail.
if(!$theme->posts instanceof Posts) {
return '';
$current = $theme->page;
$items_per_page = isset( $theme->posts->get_param_cache['limit'] ) ?
$theme->posts->get_param_cache['limit'] :
Options::get( 'pagination' );
$total = Utils::archive_pages( $theme->posts->count_all(), $items_per_page );
// Make sure the current page is valid
if ( $current > $total ) {
$current = $total;
else if ( $current < 1 ) {
$current = 1;
// Number of pages to display on each side of the current page.
$leftSide = isset( $settings['leftSide'] ) ? $settings['leftSide'] : 1;
$rightSide = isset( $settings['rightSide'] ) ? $settings['rightSide'] : 1;
// Add the page '1'.
$pages[] = 1;
// Add the pages to display on each side of the current page, based on $leftSide and $rightSide.
for ( $i = max( $current - $leftSide, 2 ); $i < $total && $i <= $current + $rightSide; $i++ ) {
$pages[] = $i;
// Add the last page if there is more than one page.
if ( $total > 1 ) {
$pages[] = (int) $total;
// Sort the array by natural order.
natsort( $pages );
// This variable is used to know the last page processed by the foreach().
$prevpage = 0;
// Create the output variable.
$out = '';
if ( 1 === count( $pages ) && isset( $settings['hideIfSinglePage'] ) && $settings['hideIfSinglePage'] === true ) {
return '';
foreach ( $pages as $page ) {
$settings['page'] = $page;
// Add ... if the gap between the previous page is higher than 1.
if ( ( $page - $prevpage ) > 1 ) {
$out .= '&nbsp;<span class="sep">&hellip;</span>';
// Wrap the current page number with square brackets.
$caption = ( $page == $current ) ? $current : $page;
// Build the URL using the supplied $settings and the found RewriteRules arguments.
$url = URL::get( $rr_name, $settings, false );
// Build the HTML link.
$out .= '&nbsp;<a href="' . $url . '" ' . ( ( $page == $current ) ? 'class="current-page"' : '' ) . '>' . $caption . '</a>';
$prevpage = $page;
return $out;
*Provides a link to the previous page
* @param string $text text to display for link
public function theme_prev_page_link( $theme, $text = null )
$settings = array();
// If there's no previous page, skip and return null
$settings['page'] = (int) ( $theme->page - 1 );
if ( $settings['page'] < 1 ) {
return null;
// If no text was supplied, use default text
if ( $text == '' ) {
$text = '&larr; ' . _t( 'Previous' );
return '<a class="prev-page" href="' . URL::get( null, $settings, false ) . '" title="' . $text . '">' . $text . '</a>';
*Provides a link to the next page
* @param string $text text to display for link
public function theme_next_page_link( $theme, $text = null )
$settings = array();
// If there's no next page, skip and return null
$settings['page'] = (int) ( $theme->page + 1 );
$items_per_page = isset( $theme->posts->get_param_cache['limit'] ) ?
$theme->posts->get_param_cache['limit'] :
Options::get( 'pagination' );
$total = Utils::archive_pages( $theme->posts->count_all(), $items_per_page );
if ( $settings['page'] > $total ) {
return null;
// If no text was supplied, use default text
if ( $text == '' ) {
$text = _t( 'Next' ) . ' &rarr;';
return '<a class="next-page" href="' . URL::get( null, $settings, false ) . '" title="' . $text . '">' . $text . '</a>';
* Returns a full qualified URL of the specified post based on the comments count, and links to the post.
* Passed strings are localized prior to parsing therefore to localize "%d Comments" in french, it would be "%d Commentaires".
* Since we use sprintf() in the final concatenation, you must format passed strings accordingly.
* @param Theme $theme The current theme object
* @param Post $post Post object used to build the comments link
* @param string $zero String to return when there are no comments
* @param string $one String to return when there is one comment
* @param string $many String to return when there are more than one comment
* @param string $fragment Fragment (bookmark) portion of the URL to append to the link
* @param string $title Fragment (bookmark) portion of the URL to append to the link
* @return string Linked string to display for comment count
* @see Theme::theme_comments_count()
public function theme_comments_link( $theme, $post, $zero = '', $one = '', $many = '', $fragment = 'comments' )
$count = $theme->comments_count_return( $post, $zero, $one, $many );
return '<a href="' . $post->permalink . '#' . $fragment . '" title="' . _t( 'Read Comments' ) . '">' . end( $count ) . '</a>';
* Returns a full qualified URL of the specified post based on the comments count.
* Passed strings are localized prior to parsing therefore to localize "%d Comments" in french, it would be "%d Commentaires".
* Since we use sprintf() in the final concatenation, you must format passed strings accordingly.
* @param Theme $theme The current theme object
* @param Post $post Post object used to build the comments link
* @param string $zero String to return when there are no comments
* @param string $one String to return when there is one comment
* @param string $many String to return when there are more than one comment
* @return string String to display for comment count
public function theme_comments_count( $theme, $post, $zero = '', $one = '', $many = '' )
$count = $post->comments->approved->count;
if ( $count == 0 ) {
$text = empty( $zero ) ? _t( 'No Comments' ) : $zero;
return sprintf( $text, $count );
else {
if ( empty( $one ) && empty( $many ) ) {
$text = _n( '%s Comment', '%s Comments', $count );
else {
if ( empty( $one ) ) {
$one = $many;
if ( empty( $many ) ) {
$many = $one;
$text = $count == 1 ? $one : $many;
return sprintf( $text, $count );
* Returns the count of queries executed
* @return integer The query count
public function theme_query_count()
return count( DB::get_profiles() );
* Returns total query execution time in seconds
* @return float Query execution time in seconds, with fractions.
public function theme_query_time()
return array_sum( array_map( create_function( '$a', 'return $a->total_time;' ), DB::get_profiles() ) );
* Returns a humane commenter's link for a comment if a URL is supplied, or just display the comment author's name
* @param Theme $theme The current theme
* @param Comment $comment The comment object
* @return string A link to the comment author or the comment author's name with no link
public function theme_comment_author_link( $theme, $comment )
$url = $comment->url;
if ( $url != '' ) {
$parsed_url = InputFilter::parse_url( $url );
if ( $parsed_url['host'] == '' ) {
$url = '';
else {
$url = InputFilter::glue_url( $parsed_url );
if ( $url != '' ) {
return '<a href="'.$url.'">' . $comment->name . '</a>';
else {
return $comment->name;
* Detects if a variable is assigned to the template engine for use in
* constructing the template's output.
* @param key name of variable
* @returns boolean true if name is set, false if not set
public function __isset( $key )
return isset( $this->var_stack[$this->current_var_stack][$key] );
* Set a template variable, a property alias for assign()
* @param string $key The template variable to set
* @param mixed $value The value of the variable
public function __set( $key, $value )
$this->assign( $key, $value );
* Get a template variable value
* @param string $key The template variable name to get
* @return mixed The value of the variable
public function __get( $key )
if ( isset( $this->var_stack[$this->current_var_stack][$key] ) ) {
return $this->var_stack[$this->current_var_stack][$key];
return '';
* Remove a template variable value
* @param string $key The template variable name to unset
public function __unset( $key )
unset( $this->var_stack[$this->current_var_stack][$key] );
* Start a new template variable buffer
public function start_buffer()
$this->var_stack[$this->current_var_stack] = $this->var_stack[$this->current_var_stack - 1];
* End the current template variable buffer
public function end_buffer()
unset( $this->var_stack[$this->current_var_stack] );
* Handle methods called on this class or its descendants that are not defined by this class.
* Allow plugins to provide additional theme actions, like a custom act_display_*()
* @param string $function The method that was called.
* @param array $params An array of parameters passed to the method
public function __call( $function, $params )
if ( strpos( $function, 'act_' ) === 0 ) {
// The first parameter is an array, get it
if ( count( $params ) > 0 ) {
list( $user_filters )= $params;
else {
$user_filters = array();
$action = substr( $function, 4 );
Plugins::act( 'theme_action', $action, $this, $user_filters );
else {
$purposed = 'output';
if ( preg_match( '/^(.*)_(return|end|out)$/', $function, $matches ) ) {
$purposed = $matches[2];
$function = $matches[1];
array_unshift( $params, $function, $this );
$result = call_user_func_array( array( 'Plugins', 'theme' ), $params );
switch ( $purposed ) {
case 'return':
return $result;
case 'end':
return end( $result );
case 'out':
$output = implode( '', (array) $result );
echo $output;
return $output;
$output = implode( '', (array) $result );
return $output;
* Retrieve the block objects for the current scope and specified area
* Incomplete!
* @param string $area The area to which blocks will be output
* @param string $scope The scope to which blocks will be output
* @param Theme $theme The theme that is outputting these blocks
* @return array An array of Block instances to render
* @todo Finish this function to pull data from a block_instances table
public function get_blocks( $area, $scope, $theme )
$blocks = DB::get_results( 'SELECT b.* FROM {blocks} b INNER JOIN {blocks_areas} ba ON ba.block_id = WHERE ba.area = ? AND ba.scope_id = ? ORDER BY ba.display_order ASC', array( $area, $scope ), 'Block' );
$blocks = Plugins::filter( 'get_blocks', $blocks, $area, $scope, $theme );
return $blocks;
* Matches the scope criteria against the current request
* @param array $criteria An array of scope criteria data in RPN, where values are arrays and operators are strings
* @return boolean True if the criteria matches the current request
function check_scope_criteria( $criteria )
$stack = array();
foreach ( $criteria as $crit ) {
if ( is_array( $crit ) ) {
$value = false;
switch ( $crit[0] ) {
case 'request':
$value = URL::get_matched_rule()->name == $crit[1];
case 'token':
if ( isset( $crit[2] ) ) {
$value = User::identify()->can( $crit[1], $crit[2] );
else {
$value = User::identify()->can( $crit[1] );
$value = Plugins::filter( 'scope_criteria_value', $value, $crit[1], $crit[2] );
$stack[] = $value;
else {
switch ( $crit ) {
case 'not':
$stack[] = ! array_pop( $stack );
case 'or':
$value1 = array_pop( $stack );
$value2 = array_pop( $stack );
$stack[] = $value1 || $value2;
case 'and':
$value1 = array_pop( $stack );
$value2 = array_pop( $stack );
$stack[] = $value1 && $value2;
Plugins::act( 'scope_criteria_operator', $stack, $crit );
return array_pop( $stack );
* Retrieve current scope data from the database based on the requested area
* @param string $area The area for which a scope may be applied
* @return array An array of scope data
public function get_scopes( $area )
$scopes = DB::get_results( 'SELECT * FROM {scopes} s INNER JOIN {blocks_areas} ba ON ba.scope_id = WHERE ba.area = ? ORDER BY s.priority DESC', array( $area ) );
foreach ( $scopes as $key => $value ) {
$scopes[$key]->criteria = unserialize( $value->criteria );
$scopes = Plugins::filter( 'get_scopes', $scopes );
usort( $scopes, array( $this, 'sort_scopes' ) );
return $scopes;
* Sort function for ordering scope object rows by priority
* @param StdObject $scope1 A scope to compare
* @param StdObject $scope2 A scope to compare
* @return integer A sort return value, -1 to 1
public function sort_scopes( $scope1, $scope2 )
if ( $scope1->priority == $scope2->priority ) {
return 0;
return $scope1->priority < $scope2->priority ? 1 : -1;
* Displays blocks associated to the specified area and current scope.
* @param Theme $theme The theme with which this area will be output
* @param string $area The area to which blocks will be output
* @param string $context The area of context within the theme that could adjust the template used
* @param string $scope Used to force a specific scope
* @return string the output of all the blocks
public function theme_area( $theme, $area, $context = null, $scope = null )
// This array would normally come from the database via:
$scopes = $this->get_scopes( $area );
$active_scope = 0;
foreach ( $scopes as $scope_id => $scope_object ) {
if ( $this->check_scope_criteria( $scope_object->criteria ) ) {
$scope_block_count = DB::get_value( 'SELECT count( *) FROM {blocks_areas} ba WHERE ba.scope_id = ?', array( $scope_object->id ) );
if ( $scope_block_count > 0 ) {
$active_scope = $scope_object->id;
$area_blocks = $this->get_blocks( $area, $active_scope, $theme );
$this->area = $area;
if(isset($context)) {
$this->context[] = $context;
// This is the block wrapper fallback template list
$fallback = array(
$context . '.' . $area . '.blockwrapper',
$context . '.blockwrapper',
$area . '.blockwrapper',
$output = '';
$i = 0;
foreach ( $area_blocks as $block_instance_id => $block ) {
// Temporarily set some values into the block
$block->_area = $area;
$block->_instance_id = $block_instance_id;
$block->_area_index = $i++;
$hook = 'block_content_' . $block->type;
Plugins::act( $hook, $block, $this );
Plugins::act( 'block_content', $block, $this );
$block->_content = implode( '', $this->content_return( $block, $context ) );
if ( trim( $block->_content ) == '' ) {
unset( $area_blocks[$block_instance_id] );
// Potentially render each block inside of a wrapper.
reset( $area_blocks );
$firstkey = key( $area_blocks );
end( $area_blocks );
$lastkey = key( $area_blocks );
foreach ( $area_blocks as $block_instance_id => $block ) {
$block->_first = $block_instance_id == $firstkey;
$block->_last = $block_instance_id == $lastkey;
// Set up the theme for the wrapper
$this->block = $block;
$this->content = $block->_content;
// This pattern renders the block inside the wrapper template only if a matching template exists
$newoutput = $this->display_fallback( $fallback, 'fetch' );
if ( $newoutput === false ) {
$output .= $block->_content;
else {
$output .= $newoutput;
// Remove temporary values from the block so they're not saved to the database
unset( $block->_area );
unset( $block->_instance_id );
unset( $block->_area_index );
unset( $block->_first );
unset( $block->_last );
// This is the area fallback template list
$fallback = array(
$context . '.area.' . $area,
$context . '.area',
'area.' . $area,
$this->content = $output;
$newoutput = $this->display_fallback( $fallback, 'fetch' );
if ( $newoutput !== false ) {
$output = $newoutput;
$this->area = '';
if(isset($context)) {
return $output;
* A theme function for outputting CSS classes based on the requested content
* @param Theme $theme A Theme object instance
* @param mixed $args Additional classes that should be added to the ones generated
* @return string The resultant classes
function theme_body_class( $theme, $args = array() )
$body_class = array();
foreach ( get_object_vars( $this->request ) as $key => $value ) {
if ( $value ) {
$body_class[$key] = $key;
$body_class = array_unique( array_merge( $body_class, Stack::get_named_stack( 'body_class' ), Utils::single_array( $args ) ) );
$body_class = Plugins::filter( 'body_class', $body_class, $theme );
return implode( ' ', $body_class );
* Add javascript to the stack to be output in the theme.
* @param string $where Where should it be output? Options are header and footer.
* @param string $value Either a URL or raw JS to be output inline.
* @param string $name A name to reference this script by. Used for removing or using in $requires by other scripts.
* @param string|array $requires Either a string or an array of strings of $name's for scripts this script requires.
* @return boolean True if added successfully, false otherwise.
public function add_script ( $where = 'header', $value, $name = null, $requires = null )
$result = false;
switch ( $where ) {
case 'header':
$result = Stack::add( 'template_header_javascript', $value, $name, $requires );
case 'footer':
$result = Stack::add( 'template_footer_javascript', $value, $name, $requires );
return $result;
* Add a stylesheet to the stack to be output in the theme.
* @param string $where Where should it be output? Options are header and footer.
* @param string $value Either a URL or raw CSS to be output inline.
* @param string $name A name to reference this script by. Used for removing or using in $after by other scripts.
* @param string|array $requires Either a string or an array of strings of $name's for scripts this script requires.
* @return boolean True if added successfully, false otherwise.
public function add_style ( $where = 'header', $value, $name = null, $requires = null )
$result = false;
switch ( $where ) {
case 'header':
$result = Stack::add( 'template_stylesheet', $value, $name, $requires );
case 'footer':
$result = Stack::add( 'template_footer_stylesheet', $value, $name, $requires );
return $result;
* Provide a method to return the version number from the theme xml
* @return string The theme version from XML
public function get_version()
return (string)$this->info()->version;
* Get the URL for a resource in this theme's directory
* @param string $resource The resource name
* @return string The URL of the requested resource
* @todo This method needs to be aware of the class that called it so that it can find the right directory to use
public function get_url($resource = false)
$backtraces = debug_backtrace(false);
$stop = false;
foreach($backtraces as $b) {
if($stop) {
$backtrace = $b;
if($b['function'] = 'get_url') {
$stop = true;
$r_class = new ReflectionClass($backtrace['class']);
$classfile = $r_class->getFileName();
$themedir = basename(dirname($classfile));
$theme = $themedir; //basename(end($this->theme_dir));
if ( file_exists( Site::get_dir( 'config' ) . '/themes/' . $theme ) ) {
$url = Site::get_url( 'user' ) . '/themes/' . $theme;
elseif ( file_exists( HABARI_PATH . '/user/themes/' . $theme ) ) {
$url = Site::get_url( 'habari' ) . '/user/themes/' . $theme;
elseif ( file_exists( HABARI_PATH . '/3rdparty/themes/' . $theme ) ) {
$url = Site::get_url( 'habari' ) . '/3rdparty/themes/' . $theme;
else {
$url = Site::get_url( 'habari' ) . '/system/themes/' . $theme;
$url .= Utils::trail( $resource );
$url = Plugins::filter( 'site_url_theme', $url );
return $url;
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