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Created October 28, 2010 19:48
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King County Tree Disposal Line - Callout to Socrata
def lookup_facilities(zip_code)
log "Looking for facilities in zip code #{zip_code}..."
# This looks complicated, but I'm just building the hash that I'll convert to
# JSON in order to run a dynamic filter against the Socrata API.
query = {
# The 4-4 view ID of the ID I want to filter against
"originalViewId" => "zqwi-c5q3",
# A temporary name for my filter
"name" => "What do I do with",
# The heart of the matter - our filter hash
"query" => {
"filterCondition" => {
"type" => "operator",
# We want to filter on the "AND" of two conditions
"value" => "AND",
"children" => [ {
# The first condition checks that the "Zip Code" column matches the
# zip code that was passed in
"type" => "operator",
"value" => "EQUALS",
"children" => [ {
"columnId" => 2571137,
"type" => "column"
}, {
"type" => "literal",
"value" => zip_code
} ]
}, {
# The second condition filters to only return entries for facilities
# that accept "Yard Waste"
"type" => "operator",
"value" => "EQUALS",
"children" => [ {
"columnId" => 2571122,
"type" => "column"
}, {
"type" => "literal",
"value" => "Yard Waste"
} ]
} ]
# Here we just set up a simple Net::HTTP POST request including our query and
# a content-type
request ="/api/views/INLINE/rows.json?method=index")
request.body = query.to_json
request.content_type = "application/json"
response = Net::HTTP.start("", 80){ |http| http.request(request) }
# Check our response code and output our results
if response.code != "200"
log "Error code: #{response.code}"
log "Body: #{response.body}"
say "An error has occurred. I\'m very sorry. Please don\'t hate me."
results = JSON::parse(response.body)["data"]
if results.size <= 0
say "Sorry, I did not find any results for your search."
say "I found #{results.size} matches. I'll read them to you now."
say{|r| "#{r[9]} at #{r[10]}. Their hours are #{r[15]}." }.join(" or, ")
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