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Last active November 22, 2017 11:29
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Search and replace for going to Fulcro 2.0
(ns general.replace
(:require [clojure.string :as s]
[ :as io]
[clojure.pprint :as pp]))
(defn indexes-of [in-str find-str]
(loop [idx 0
indexes []]
(let [found-idx (s/index-of in-str find-str idx)]
(if found-idx
(recur (inc found-idx) (conj indexes found-idx))
(defn pp
([n x]
(binding [pp/*print-right-margin* n]
(-> x pp/pprint)))
(pp 120 x)))
(defn directory->files [root-dir-path file-name-pattern]
(filter #(re-matches file-name-pattern (.getName %))
(file-seq (io/file root-dir-path))))
(defn replace-in-file-hof [search-text replace-text]
(fn [java-file]
(spit java-file (s/replace (slurp java-file) search-text replace-text))))
(defn show-in-file-hof [search-text]
(fn [java-file]
[search-text (.getName java-file) (indexes-of (slurp java-file) search-text)]))
;; For some reason .cljc files were not caught
(defn clojure-files []
(->> (directory->files "src" #".*\.clj|.*\.cljs|.*\.cljc")
(map (juxt #(.getPath %) identity))))
(defn edn-files []
(->> (directory->files "src" #".*\.edn")
(map (juxt #(.getPath %) identity))))
(defn ->replacer-fns [xs]
(mapv (fn [[from to]]
(replace-in-file-hof from to)) xs))
(defn ->show-fns [xs]
(mapv (fn [txt]
(show-in-file-hof txt))
;; If these pairs ever become the same then you haven't excluded this file,
;; and subsequent replacements won't be effective!
(def from-tos
;; Not reversible
;; If these pairs ever become the same then you haven't excluded this file,
;; and subsequent replacements won't be effective!
(def requires-from-tos
[[" :as"
"fulcro.client.impl.parser :as"]
[" :as"
"fulcro.client.impl.protocols :as"]
;; Not reversible
[" :as"
"fulcro.server :as"]
["om.dom :as"
"fulcro.client.dom :as"]
["om.tempid :as"
"fulcro.tempid :as"]
["om.util :as"
"fulcro.util :as"]
[" :as"
"fulcro.client.primitives :as"]])
(def exclude-f #(or
(s/starts-with? % "src/main/fulcro")
;; Overwriting this present file will mean nothing happens!
(s/ends-with? % "replace.clj")))
;; File replace, to use as a manual 'play' test to verify
;; replacing works as you understand it.
(defn play-test []
(let [replacements [[" :refer"
" :refer"]]
replacers (->replacer-fns replacements)
files (->> (clojure-files)
(remove #(-> % first exclude-f))
(filter #(s/starts-with? (first %) "src/main/accounting/test_data")))]
(assert (= 1 (count files)))
(assert (= 1 (count replacers)))
(doseq [[_ java-file] files]
(doseq [replacer! replacers]
(replacer! java-file)))))
(defn fulcro1->2
"require replacements for going from Fulcro 1 to Fulcro 2"
(let [replacers (->replacer-fns requires-from-tos)
files (->> (clojure-files)
(remove #(-> % first exclude-f)))]
(doseq [[_ java-file] files]
(doseq [replace-all-in-file! replacers]
(replace-all-in-file! java-file)))))
;; If you don't crash your JVM (by asking to compile for instance) then using this to
;; reverse out all changes is possible. If crash it just use discard from version control.
(defn fulcro2->1
"require replacements for going from Fulcro 2 to Fulcro 1"
(let [to-froms (mapv (comp vec reverse) requires-from-tos)
replacer-fns (->replacer-fns to-froms)
files (->> (clojure-files)
(remove #(-> % first exclude-f)))]
(doseq [[_ java-file] files]
(doseq [replace-all-in-file! replacer-fns]
(replace-all-in-file! java-file)))))
(defn show-files []
(->> (clojure-files)
(remove #(-> % first exclude-f))
(map first)
(filter #(s/ends-with? % ".cljc"))
(defn show-in-clojure-files []
(let [show-fns (->> from-tos (map first) ->show-fns)
files (clojure-files)]
(->> files
(mapcat (fn [[_ java-file]]
(map (fn [show] (show java-file)) show-fns)))
(filter #(-> % last seq))
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