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Last active October 30, 2015 00:41
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  • Save chrismurrph/af9e1311859aad4878e5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save chrismurrph/af9e1311859aad4878e5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(ns training.component-factory
(:require-macros [re-com.core :refer [handler-fn]])
(:require [training.utils :as u]
[re-com.util :refer [deref-or-value px]]))
;; A row is a {}. Each key of this {} will have a control as its value. Then also have an :id which we are going to
;; make the row number. The control when created will look like []. See my-checkbox below which is the actual control.
(defn gen-table-row [create-control-fn column-keys row]
(let [col-infos (zipmap column-keys (range))
create-control-has-row (partial create-control-fn row)
cols (vals col-infos)
controls (map create-control-has-row cols)
col-keys (keys col-infos)
_ (u/log col-keys)
keys-with-controls (map vector col-keys controls)
res-as-coll (conj keys-with-controls [:id row])
res (into {} res-as-coll)]
;; Does everything I want and it is centered in the table
(defn my-checkbox [& {:keys [model on-change]}]
(let [model (deref-or-value model)
callback-fn #(on-change)]
[:input.toggle {:type "checkbox" :checked model
:on-change (handler-fn (callback-fn))}]))
(defn my-table
(let [labels (into {} table-columns)
col-keys (or (not-empty (map first table-columns))
(->> table-rows
(mapcat keys)
div-body-style {:overflow-y "scroll" :height "178px"}
row-style {:align "center" :width "50px" :text-align "center" :horizontal-align "center"}
table-head (fn []
[:table {:class table-css-str}]
(for [col col-keys]
[:th {:style row-style} (or (labels col) col)])))])]))
table-body (fn []
[:table {:class table-css-str}]
(for [row table-rows]
(for [col col-keys]
[:td {:style row-style} (row col)])))))]))
[:div (table-head) [:div {:style div-body-style} (table-body)]]))
;; This is how the above are called so ought to be commented-out.
(defn trend-selection-table []
(let [toggle-checkbox (fn [pos]
;(u/log "To toggle" pos)
(dispatch [:toggle-selected-combo pos]))
chkb-model? (fn [pos]
(let [res (subscribe [:particular-combo pos])
;_ (u/log "Enquired on chkb-model? for " pos " where res is " @res)
columns @(subscribe [:column-display-names])
columns-with-column-header (into [{:name "Tube"}] columns)
_ (u/log columns-with-column-header)
column-keys (map first columns)
create-chkbox-fn (partial create-chkbox chkb-model? toggle-checkbox)
row-gen-fn (partial (with-col-header cf/gen-table-row) create-chkbox-fn column-keys)
rows (map row-gen-fn (range @(subscribe [:tubes-count])))
;_ (u/log (first rows))
(cf/my-table "my-table table-striped"
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