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Last active October 19, 2015 20:40
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Save chrismurrph/cf5313b4eb7b1e860856 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Trying to put a Reforms component into re-frame
(ns training.views
(:require [re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[re-com.core :as re-com]
[reforms.reagent :include-macros true :as f]
[training.utils :as u]))
(def h-box re-com/h-box)
(def v-box re-com/v-box)
(def box re-com/box)
(def gap re-com/gap)
(def button re-com/button)
(defn map-tag [tag xs]
(map (fn [x] [tag x]) xs))
;; --------------------
(defn home-title []
(fn []
:label (str "This is the Home Page.")
:level :level1]))
(defn link-to-shed-page []
:label "go to Shed Page"
:href "#/shed"])
(defn home-panel []
:gap "1em"
:children [[home-title] [link-to-shed-page]]])
;; --------------------
(defn shed-title []
:label "This is the Shed Page."
:level :level1])
(defn simple-title [txt]
:label txt
:level :level1])
(defn simple-button [txt id]
:label txt
:on-click #(re-frame/dispatch [:set-active-panel id])])
(defn link-to-home-page []
:label "go to Home Page"
:href "#/"])
(defn shed-panel []
:gap "1em"
:children [[shed-title] [link-to-home-page]]])
(defn real-simple-example-table []
(list [:h1 "Schedule"]
[:table {
:style [:border 10 :width 1]
;(u/style :border 10 :width 1)
[:tr (map-tag :th ["Name" "Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri" "Sat" "Sun"])]
;; Uncaught Error: No protocol method IDeref.-deref defined for type
;; Then (when enclose it in a function):
;; Cannot read property 'unmountComponent' of undefined
(defn simple-view []
(fn []
; (f/text "Your name")
(f/button "Some button name" #(js/alert "Hi"))
; )
(defn trending-panel []
:gap "1em"
:children [[simple-view]]])
;; --------------------
(defmulti panels identity)
(defmethod panels :home [] [home-panel])
(defmethod panels :shed [] [shed-panel])
(defmethod panels :trending [] [trending-panel])
(defmethod panels :default [] [:div])
(defn main-panel []
(let [active-panel (re-frame/subscribe [:active-panel])]
(fn []
:height "100%"
:children [[h-box
:children [[simple-title "Should see right at top of page (works)"]]]
:height "250px"
;:child ""
:children [(panels @active-panel)]
:gap "1em"
;;Put this line back and get rid of h-box above to test again
;:align-self :end ;; Interprets as right end which is not desired
:children [[simple-button "Home" :home] [simple-button "Shed" :shed] [simple-button "Trending" :trending]]]]])))
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Works fine now. Seems like a simple matter of square brackets did the trick.

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