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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Literals
( eval
, env
, expr
, main
) where
import Data.String
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Applicative
type Env a = Map String a
type Expr a = Map String a -> a
instance IsString (Expr a) where
fromString s =
(error ("the variable " ++ s ++ " was not defined"))
instance (Applicative f, Num a) => Num (f a) where
(+) = liftA2 (+)
(*) = liftA2 (*)
(-) = liftA2 (-)
negate = fmap negate
abs = fmap abs
signum = fmap signum
fromInteger = pure . fromInteger
instance (Applicative f, Fractional a) => Fractional (f a) where
(/) = liftA2 (/)
recip = fmap recip
fromRational = pure . fromRational
-- for type inference in the repl
-- example:
-- eval ("a" + "b") env -- works
-- ("a" + "b") env -- can't unify
eval :: Expr a -> Env a -> a
eval = ($)
env :: Num a => Env a
env = Map.fromList [("a",3), ("b",4), ("c",7)]
expr :: Fractional a => Expr a
expr = (3 * "a" + 2 * "b" + 5 * "c") / 2.0 + 1
main :: IO ()
main = print (expr env :: Double)
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chrisnc commented Dec 30, 2014

If you want to use this in GHCi, you will need to do :set -XOverloadedStrings first, otherwise any symbolic variables you use will be defaulted to String.

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