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Created February 8, 2011 01:59
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public class when_an_array_is_updated_internally : mongo_repository_context<CategoryModel>
static CategoryModel model = new CategoryModel { Name = "Test", FeatureTypes = new[] {
new FeatureTypeModel{ Name = "feature1", DefaultValue = "Test1" },
new FeatureTypeModel{ Name = "feature2", DefaultValue = "Test2" },
Establish context = () => {
cursor = InternalCollection.Find(Query.EQ("_id", "Test"));
Because of = () => _result = cursor.Collection.Update(
new QueryDocument{{"FeatureTypes.Name", "feature2" }},
Update.SetWrapped("FeatureTypes.$.DefaultValue", "Test3"));
It should_not_return_an_error = () => _result.ErrorMessage.ShouldBeEmpty();
It should_update_one_document = () => _result.DocumentsAffected.ShouldEqual(1);
It should_updated_the_default_value_of_the_second_feature = () =>
static SafeModeResult _result;
static MongoCursor<CategoryModel> cursor;
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