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Last active November 3, 2022 16:25
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Machine learning on economic time series example
# Training data available (for free) at the Federal Reserve website:
# According to the Universal Approximation Theorem
# (,
# a neural network should be able to approximate the CPI
# as a function of time with arbitrary accuracy.
import CSV
import Flux
import Plots
import Stardates
import TimeZones
using CUDA
@info "Loading data"
# Consumer price index as a function of time
cpiaucns = CSV.File("CPIAUCNS.csv")
@info "Transforming data"
y0 = 1970
yspan = 100
# Convert dates into a real number that can be fed as input to a neural net.
# Also, use the log of the CPI value as the desired output.
data1 = map(x->(
[(Stardates.Stardate(x.DATE, 16, 0, 0,"America/New_York").sd
- y0)/yspan],
[log10(x.CPIAUCNS)]), cpiaucns) .|> Flux.gpu
n_hidden = 3
@info "Hidden layer: $n_hidden"
@info "Creating model"
model1 = Flux.Chain(
Flux.Dense(1, n_hidden, Flux.σ),
Flux.Dense(n_hidden, 1, Flux.identity)) |> Flux.gpu
@info "Extracting parameters"
p1 = Flux.params(model1)
@info "Defining loss function"
loss1(x, y) = Flux.mse(model1(x), y)
@info "Defining optimization"
opt1 = Flux.Descent()
# Flux.train!(loss1, p1, data1, opt1); p1
for i1 in 1:500
@info "Training iteration $i1"
Flux.train!(loss1, p1, data1, opt1)
# Undo the transformations we did at the start to get
# a function that maps years into the actual CPI value.
function cpiest(x)
exp10(model1([(x - y0)/yspan])[1])
plot1 = Plots.plot(cpiest, 1913, 2021)
data2x = map(x->Stardates.Stardate(x.DATE, 16, 0, 0,"America/New_York").sd, cpiaucns)
data2y = map(x->x.CPIAUCNS, cpiaucns)
Plots.plot!(plot1, data2x, data2y)
# The result isn't too shabby:
# Problem is, increasing the number of neurons and hidden layers
n_hidden1 = 30
n_hidden2 = 30
n_hidden3 = 30
@info "Creating model"
model2 = Flux.Chain(
Flux.Dense(1, n_hidden1, Flux.σ),
Flux.Dense(n_hidden1, n_hidden2, Flux.σ),
Flux.Dense(n_hidden2, n_hidden3, Flux.σ),
Flux.Dense(n_hidden3, 1, Flux.identity)) |> Flux.gpu
# doesn't seem to improve the result:
# The resulting estimate looks way too smooth -- no overfitting despite increasing the number of
# model parameters. My guess is that it got trapped in a local optima.
# I tried increasing the number of neurons even higher in the hopes of escaping the local
# optima with increased dimensionality, or at least getting into a situation where I was
# seeing overfitting:
n_hidden1 = 300
n_hidden2 = 300
n_hidden3 = 300
@info "Creating model"
model = Flux.Chain(
Flux.Dense(1, n_hidden1, Flux.σ),
Flux.Dense(n_hidden1, n_hidden2, Flux.σ),
Flux.Dense(n_hidden2, n_hidden3, Flux.σ),
Flux.Dense(n_hidden3, 1, Flux.identity)) |> Flux.gpu
# but ended up with a total failure:
# Not sure what's wrong or how to fix it. I had expected the opposite result.
# vim: set et ff=unix ft=julia nocp sts=4 sw=4 ts=4:
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