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Last active November 24, 2018 23:29
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  • Save chrisoldwood/0894f002f40229ac7813 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save chrisoldwood/0894f002f40229ac7813 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Checks the solution's packages folder looking for multiple versions of the same package.
Looks for multiple versions of the same NuGet package in the NuGet
packages folder for a .Net based soluton.
If you check your NuGet dependencies into your source control repository
it's easy for old versions to be left hanging around. This script, a
companion to CheckPackageVersions, highlights where you might have stale
packages left behind.
The script terminates with a non-zero exit code if any duplicates are
found so it can be used as part of a build pipeline.
Note: it does not cross reference with the solution's packages.config
files, it only looks at the package folder names and infers from that.
.parameter PackagesFolder
The path to the packages folder. Assumes the CWD by default.
CheckPackageCache c:\solution\packages
[string] $PackagesFolder
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
$folder = '.'
if ($PackagesFolder -ne '')
$folder = $PackagesFolder
if (!(Test-Path $folder))
throw ("Invalid path: {0}" -f $folder)
$packageFolders = @( Get-ChildItem -Path $folder |
Where { $_.PSIsContainer -eq $true } )
$packages = @{}
foreach ($folder in $packageFolders)
# Version number is generally numeric with a variable number of version parts
# e.g. "x", "x.y", "x.y.z", etc. However the last part sometimes contain a dash
# and a textual suffix, e.g. "5.2.0-rc" or "3.0.0-beta1".
# But we don't want to match where a digit is in the name, e.g. "log4net".
if ($folder.Name -match '^(?<name>.+?)(?<version>[0-9\.]+|[0-9\.]+-[0-9a-z]+)$')
$packageName = $
$packageVersion = $matches.version.SubString(1)
$package = New-Object psobject -Property @{
Name = $packageName
Version = $packageVersion
if (!$packages.ContainsKey($packageName))
$packages.Add($packageName, @{})
if (!$packages[$packageName].ContainsKey($packageVersion))
$packages[$packageName].Add($packageVersion, @())
$packages[$packageName][$packageVersion] += $package
$duplicates = @( $packages.GetEnumerator() |
Where { $_.Value.Count -gt 1 } |
Sort Name )
foreach ($duplicate in $duplicates)
$heading = 'Package: ' + $duplicate.Name
Write-Output $heading
Write-Output ('=' * $heading.Length)
$versions = $duplicate.Value.GetEnumerator() | Sort Name
foreach ($version in $versions)
Write-Output $version.Name
Write-Output ''
$duplicateCount = $duplicates.Count
if ($duplicateCount -ne 0)
Write-Warning "$duplicateCount duplicate package(s) found"
exit 1
Write-Output "No duplicate packages found"
exit 0
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If you check-in your NuGet packages as part of your solution you may find over time that older, unreferenced versions of packages still exist in the packages folder as Visual Studio does not always clear up after itself, or the folder deletions may not get checked-in. This script just looks at the names of the packages sub-folders and points out any that have multiple versions.

Package: log4net

WARNING: 1 duplicate package(s) found

The script can be run automatically in a build pipeline as it correctly sets the exit code - 0 for success, or !0 if any duplicates have been found.

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