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Created June 20, 2013 00:16
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Aurdino is C++ "Build Chain" v1.5.2 using Visual Micro on Visual Studio 2012
int connectionEstablished;
int counter;
void setup()
connectionEstablished = 0;
counter = 0;
Serial.println("Initialize Channel");
connectionEstablished = 1;
Serial.println("Serial Connection Established");
}while(connectionEstablished == 0);
void loop()
Serial.print("In the Loop");
printIt("Print it, Aurguments");
void printIt()
Serial.println("Print it, no aurguments");
void printIt(const char b[])
Port open
Initialize Channel
Serial Connection Established
In the LoopPrint it, no aurguments
Print it, Aurguments
In the LoopPrint it, no aurguments
Print it, Aurguments
In the LoopPrint it, no aurguments
Print it, Aurguments
In the LoopPort closed
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