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Last active March 13, 2020 12:35
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K usage statistics

Analytics on k code

Mildly interesting results from string analysis of a handful of k files. If you have more public k files or suggestions for further analysis, comment below!

This uses the latest Shakti.


Verb char frequency

Doesn't distinguish between monadic/dyadic/etc cases, unfortunately.

verbFreqs: |^#'= "~!@#$%^&*-_=+|,<.>?" #

Results are pretty consistent! +,*# at the top. Sorts (<>^) probably rank near the bottom because there's a lot of ways to do it. ? near the bottom too. % barely registers. Probably reflects the nature of the input set (Advent of Code challenges).

/ ngn-2019-aoc.k 
#| 96
|| 78
!| 76
-| 71
@| 60
.| 46
&| 42
=| 41
$| 41
^| 22
~| 21
<| 21
>| 16
_| 15
?| 15

/ ngn-2015-aoc.k 
~| 9
^| 9
<| 7
>| 4

/ kparc-2015-aoc.k 
^| 7
%| 7

/ ngn-euler.k
=| 95
_| 89
$| 55
.| 50
~| 46
>| 44
<| 42
^| 39
?| 30
%| 17

Adverb char frequency

Doesn't distinguish between c and c: cases yet.

adverbFreqs: |^#'= "/\\'" #
/ ngn-2019-aoc.k 
\| 78

/ ngn-2015-aoc.k 

/ kparc-2015-aoc.k 
'| 72
\| 27

/ ngn-euler.k

Bracket frequency: ( vs [ vs {

  • ( for verbose lists or controlling evaluation order
  • [ for m-expression style function call, explicit lambda arg lists or (in some dialects) dict or table literals
  • { for lambdas
bracketCount: #'= "([{" #

This will probably change once Shakti is used more widely ([ is used for dict and table literals).

/ ngn-2019-aoc.k 
[| 98
{| 77

/ ngn-2015-aoc.k

/ kparc-2015-aoc.k

/ ngn-euler.k

Top 25 most common char pairs

Until Shakti gets the ability to catch (and therefore filter out) parse errors, this will generate a lot of noise. And even then, different dialects will have different parsing rules.

+/ and *| rank high, as well as various reductions. 1_ was surprising! (Benford's Law?)

pairFreqs: 25#|^#'=2'
/ ngn 2019
0;  |53
x;  |36
:{  |35
a;  |31
+/  |31
00  |30
*|  |29
a:  |27
:(  |26
10  |25
];  |24
0:  |24
\n  |23
!0  |23
x}  |22
-1  |22
{(  |21
[x  |21
;(  |21
$[  |21
}/  |20
,/  |20

/ ngn 2015
+/  |23
a:  |18
x)  |17
0:  |16
;(  |15
x;  |14
a)  |14
/(  |14
-1  |14
a;  |13
:"  |13
 2  |13
}'  |12
|/  |12
1_  |12
1+  |12
"\  |12
{(  |10
x}  |10
\x  |10
:(  |10
2#  |10

/ kparc 2015
+/  |42
x)  |33
x:  |31
:{  |28
`p  |27
 1  |24
0   |22
x}  |21
),  |21
_x  |19
00  |19
x;  |18
};  |16
|/  |16
1_  |16
}'  |15
x   |15
10  |15
/x  |15
;x  |14
:x  |14
1;  |14
1+  |14
0:  |14

/ ngn euler
00  |261
10  |139
P   |100
 1  | 92
0a20| 88
+/  | 86
1+  | 81
-1  | 70
1;  | 67
x}  | 65
 2  | 62
x;  | 58
0;  | 57
:1  | 56
 /  | 55
0   | 51
s   | 49
,/  | 49
:{  | 47
300a| 46
x)  | 45
 3  | 45
pr  | 43
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