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Created June 10, 2020 07:11
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[Enable hierarchical/nested sorting on a twill module] #twill

This method is slightly different from the docs site, and is pulled from this pull-request (which has been approved)


class Page extends Model implements sortable 
use Has Position, NodeTrait
public static function saveTreeFromIds($nodeTree)
        $nodeModels = self::all();
        $nodeArrays = self::flattenTree($nodeTree);

        foreach ($nodeArrays as $nodeArray) {
            $nodeModel = $nodeModels->where('id', $nodeArray['id'])->first();

            if ($nodeArray['parent_id'] === null) {
                if (!$nodeModel->isRoot() || $nodeModel->position !== $nodeArray['position']) {
                    $nodeModel->position = $nodeArray['position'];
            } else {
                if ($nodeModel->position !== $nodeArray['position'] || $nodeModel->parent_id !== $nodeArray['parent_id']) {
                    $nodeModel->position = $nodeArray['position'];
                    $nodeModel->parent_id = $nodeArray['parent_id'];

    public static function flattenTree(array $nodeTree, int $parentId = null)
        $nodeArrays = [];
        $position = 0;

        foreach ($nodeTree as $node) {
            $nodeArrays[] = [
                'id' => $node['id'],
                'position' => $position++,
                'parent_id' => $parentId,

            if (count($node['children']) > 0) {
                $childArrays = self::flattenTree($node['children'], $node['id']);
                $nodeArrays = array_merge($nodeArrays, $childArrays);

        return $nodeArrays;


In your repository you will need to override the setNewOrder function. If it is likely that this will be done on a large amount of records, then queue this action.

public function setNewOrder($ids)
    DB::transaction(function () use ($ids) {
    }, 3);

To ebable the UI for sorting/nesting, you need to add the following to the module controller

protected $indexOptions = [
    'reorder' => true,

protected function indexData($request)
    return [
        'nested' => true,
        'nestedDepth' => 2, // this controls the allowed depth in UI

protected function transformIndexItems($items)
    return $items->toTree();

protected function indexItemData($item)
    return ($item->children ? [
        'children' => $this->getIndexTableData($item->children),
    ] : []);

If you want to see parents/children in browser fields, also add this to the module controller

protected function getBrowserItems($scopes = [])
    return $this->repository->get(
        request('offset') ?? $this->perPage ?? 50,
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