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Forked from adamcharnock/gist:1073858
Created July 26, 2011 09:44
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Save chrisroos/1106395 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Initial work on a Ruby/Rails setup script for
#!/bin/bash -e
# The following variables are available to you
# (values are examples only)
# TIMEZONE="UTC" # The timezone this server should be given
# CI_USER="ci" # The user to setup and run the tests as
# # (although you are free to ignore this)
# GIT_URI="git://" # The Git URL for this project
# GIT_PK_FILE="" # The Git PK file location
# GIT_BRANCH="master" # The Git branch to use
# BUILD_ID="123" # The continuous build ID
# BUILD_SECRET="aaabbbcccdddeeefff111222333" # The continuous build secret
# BUNDLE_ROOT_URL=" # The root URL to perform callbacks to
# Very few things here are actually required, and those that are are clearly
# marked. Root access is available via the 'sudo' command.
# You can customise variables within this script by setting up a .continuousrc file:
# The directory where the bootstrap has downloaded files to
# (including where this script is located)
echo "[INFO] The server is being configured (`lsb_release -sd` `lsb_release -sc` `uname -m`)"
# REQUIRED: Load the default values in
. ~/.bash_profile
# REQUIRED: Simple authentication for the benefit of the remote logger
# RECOMMENDED: Start with verbose (debugging) output
# (for easy debugging in the web UI)
set -x
# REQUIRED: Let continuous know that we configuring the instance now
curl -d "status=configuring&secret=$BUILD_SECRET" "$BUNDLE_ROOT_URL/buildservices/build/$BUILD_ID/update-status/"
# Check we are running as the expected user
if [ $USER != $CI_USER ]; then
echo "[ERROR] Script must be run as the user defined by CI_USER ($CI_USER)" >&2
exit 1
# Set the timezone
if [ "$TIMEZONE" ]; then
if [ ! -e "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$TIMEZONE" ]; then
echo "[WARNING] Timezone '$TIMEZONE' could not be found. Timezone will not be set." >&2
sudo su -c "echo $TIMEZONE > /etc/timezone"
sudo dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata
# Update apt
sudo apt-get -y -q update
# Accept ssh fingerprints (i.e. for when cloning Git repositories)
sudo su -c 'echo " StrictHostKeyChecking no" >> /etc/ssh/ssh_config'
# Install some packages which we will probably need
sudo apt-get -y -q install git-core build-essential
# RECOMMENDED: Install services the user has selected
# (not doing this will cause the service selection for this project to
# be ignored)
for serviceScript in `ls $SCRIPT_DIR/service-*`; do
echo "Running service script $serviceScript"
sudo chmod +x $serviceScript
sudo $serviceScript
echo "[INFO] Your project is now being loaded from source control"
# Setup the SSH agent
echo "eval \`ssh-agent -s\` > /dev/null" >> ~/.bash_profile
. ~/.bash_profile
# Get source (git/svn/tar.gz?)
get_from_git() {
# A useful subroutine for pulling a git repo into the home directory
local GIT_PATH="/tmp/git-$RANDOM"
if [ "$GIT_PK_FILE" ]; then
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
sudo cp $SCRIPT_DIR/$GIT_PK_FILE /home/$CI_USER/.ssh/id_rsa
sudo chmod 600 /home/$CI_USER/.ssh/id_rsa
sudo chown $CI_USER:$CI_USER /home/$CI_USER/.ssh/id_rsa
# Do the close
git clone $GIT_URI $GIT_PATH
# move the .git directory into the user's home dir
mv $GIT_PATH/.git ~
# now get the files back (thereby populating the home dir with the files)
git reset --hard HEAD
# get the branch we need
(git branch | grep $GIT_BRANCH) > /dev/null || git branch $GIT_BRANCH origin/$GIT_BRANCH
# checkout the branch
git checkout $GIT_BRANCH
# pull any updates
git pull
# setup the submodules (if any)
git submodule init
git submodule update
# Pull the code from git, putting it into the user's home dir
echo "[INFO] The environment is now being configured"
# RECOMMENDED: load in the .continuousrc file (if the repo contained one)
if [ -e ~/.continuousrc ]; then
echo "[INFO] A .continuousrc file was found, loading it in"
. ~/.continuousrc
echo "[INFO] No .continuousrc file was found, so it will not be loaded (this is okay!)"
# RECOMMENDED: Install any extra packages that are specified in .continuousrc
if [ "$EXTRA_PACKAGES" ]; then
sudo apt-get -y install $EXTRA_PACKAGES
# Setup Ruby & Ruby Gems
sudo apt-get -y install ruby rubygems rdoc libopenssl-ruby
echo "gem: --no-ri --no-rdoc" >> ~/.gemrc
# Setup commonly needed packages
PACKAGES_LIBXML="libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev"
PACKAGES_SQLITE="sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev"
export PATH=/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin:$PATH
echo "export PATH=/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile
sudo gem install ci_reporter bundler
install_setup_code() {
code="require 'rubygems'
require 'ci/reporter/rake/test_unit'
require 'ci/reporter/rake/rspec'
require 'ci/reporter/rake/cucumber'"
awk -v text="$code" '!/^#/ && !p {print text; p=1} 1' $1 > $tmpfile
mv $tmpfile $1
echo "" >> ~/Gemfile
echo "gem 'ci_reporter'" >> ~/Gemfile
install_setup_code $HOME/Rakefile
bundle install
# Copy any example config files into position
for from in `find config -name "*.example"`; do
to=`echo "$from" | sed -e 's/\(.*\).example/\1/'`
if [ ! -f "$to" ]; then
cp $from $to
bundle exec rake db:create:all
bundle exec rake db:migrate
# REQUIRED: Let continuous know that we are going to run the tests now
curl -d "status=running&secret=$BUILD_SECRET" "$BUNDLE_ROOT_URL/buildservices/build/$BUILD_ID/update-status/" > /dev/null
echo "[INFO] Running your tests"
export CI_REPORTS="$HOME/cireports"
bundle exec rake ci:setup:testunit test
bundle exec rake ci:setup:rspec spec
bundle exec rake ci:setup:cucumber features
send_results() {
for f in `find $RESULT_DIR -iname "*.xml"`; do
cat $f >> $RESULT_FILE
echo "---------- NEXT ----------" >> $RESULT_FILE
curl --data-binary @$RESULT_FILE $BUNDLE_ROOT_URL/buildservices/build/$BUILD_ID/xml/?secret=$BUILD_SECRET > /dev/null
# REQUIRED: Post the XML output back to continuous for parsing
send_results $CI_REPORTS
# REQUIRED: Let continuous know that we are done
curl -d "status=done&secret=$BUILD_SECRET" "$BUNDLE_ROOT_URL/buildservices/build/$BUILD_ID/update-status/" > /dev/null
# REQUIRED: A simple was to ensure the setup script finished
touch /tmp/passed
echo "[INFO] All done"
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