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Last active December 23, 2015 11:19
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  • Save chrisruffalo/6627490 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save chrisruffalo/6627490 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Cookie Clicker cheating. This script REQUIRES cookie monster (and JQUERY) to be loaded first!Install Cookie Monster from here:
// create variable
function ClickerCheat() {
// external settings
this.enabled = false; // enabled at all = true; // should it build things? = true; // should it click on the big cookie?
this.golden = true; // should it auto-click golden cookies?
this.upgrade = true; // should it upgrade when available?
this.interval = 1; // ms between 'clicks'
this.grandmapocalypse = true; // optimally work with the grandmapocalypse by default
this.wrinklers = true; // auto-kill wrinkly things
this.debug = false; // debug logging
// cheating with health!
this.healthratio = 0.05;
// safe logging
var log = function(message) {
if(console.log) {
console.log("[cookie bot] " + message);
// safe debug logging
var dlog = function(message) {
if (!this.debug) {
if(console.log) {
console.log("[cookie debug] " + message);
// safe way to log a purchase when given the element
// that was clicked to make the purchase
var plog = function(purchase) {
// early out beacuse this
// is fairly intensive
if(!console.log) {
if(!purchase) {
try {
var element = purchase.parent().first().find(".title:not('.owned')");
var title = element.html();
if(title.indexOf("<span") >= 0) {
title = element.children().first().html();
log("buying '" + title + "'");
} catch(e) {
// do nothing, no log
// cache the big cookie
var big = null;
// automatic click
this.autoClick = function() {
if ( {
if (!big) {
big = $("#bigCookie");
// create a random chance
var random = Math.random();
// if the random number is under the
// ratio that we want to cheat the
// big cookie, then set the last
// click time to 0 which will cause
// another click to be allowed to happen
if(random <= this.healthratio) {
dlog("hacking the last click time!");
Game.lastClick = 0;
// click on the big cookie;
this.autoGoldenClick = function() {
if (!this.enabled) {
log("disabled, stopping special clicker");
if(this.golden) {
dlog("checking for golden cookie...");
var cookie = $('#goldenCookie:not([style*="background-image: url("]):visible');
if(cookie.size() > 0) {;
log("clicked golden cookie!");
if(this.wrinklers) {
// also handle wrinklers
$.each(Game.wrinklers, function(index, item){
if(item.close > 0 && item.sucked > 500) {
item.hurt = 1;
if(item.hp == 0) {
dlog("destroyed wrinkler #" + index);
// schedule next attempt
var _this = this;
window.setTimeout(function(){_this.autoGoldenClick();}, (_this.interval*500));
this.autoBuild = function() {
dlog("in auto build");
if (!this.enabled) {
log("disabled, stopping auto-build");
// upgrade most obvious part that is enabled
if( {
dlog("checking for auto build...");
// select last green
var bestBuild = $(".product.enabled").find("span[style*='color: rgb(0, 255, 0)']:last");
// if a green is available, click it
if(bestBuild.size() > 0) {;
plog(bestBuild, true);
// set upgrade timeout
var _this = this;
window.setTimeout(function(){_this.autoBuild();}, (_this.interval*1500));
this.autoUpgrade = function() {
dlog("in auto upgrade");
if (!this.enabled) {
log("disabled, stopping auto-upgrade");
// select the first available upgrade and try
// to click it if the cycle is more than half over
if(this.upgrade) {
dlog("checking for auto upgrade...");
// click the first available upgrade
// (read: cheapest)
var upgrades = Game.UpgradesInStore;
for (var i = 0; i < upgrades.length; i++) {
var instance = upgrades[i];
// require a valid upgrade name
if (! {
// names
var name =;
// special case for grandmapocalypse
// if not handling it then don't buy
// those related upgrades
if (this.grandmapocalypse) {
if ("revoke elder covenant" == name) {
dlog("Declining to revoke 'Elder Covenant'")
} else if("elder covenant" == name) {
dlog("Declining to buy 'Elder Covenant'");
} else if ("elder pledge" == name) {
dlog("Declining to buy 'Elder Pledge'");
} else {
// never buy one mind if
// the apoc is not enabled
if("one mind" == name) {
dlog("Skipping 'One Mind'")
// upgrade cheapest one and quit loop
if (Game.cookies >= instance.basePrice) {
// grab upgrade and click through UI
//$("#upgrade" + i).click();;
// log
log("purchasing upgrade '" + + "'");
// no more upgrades
// set upgrade timeout
var _this = this;
window.setTimeout(function(){_this.autoUpgrade();}, (_this.interval*750));
// interlock
var running = false;
// timers
var clickTimer = null;
// timer
this.start = function() {
if (running) {
// start running
running = true;
// enable
this.enabled = true;
// alias variable
var _this = this;
// start autoclick
clickTimer = window.setInterval(function(){_this.autoClick();}, _this.interval);
// start auto-clicker for special things
// start auto build engine
// start auto upgrade engine
// started!
// stop running
this.stop = function() {
// don't do anything if not running
if (!running) {
// turn off running status
running = false;
// update enabled flag
this.enabled = false;
// set check value to -1
lastCheck = -1;
// stop click timer
if (clickTimer) {
log("stopped auto-click timer");
// stopped bot
clicker = new ClickerCheat();
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