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Created June 17, 2014 15:09
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Classification of large acoustic datasets using machine learning and crowdsourcing: Application to whale calls Shamir+ 2014
The Milky Way Project: Leveraging Citizen Science and Machine Learning to Detect Interstellar Bubbles Beaumont+ 2014
GALEX J194419.33+491257.0: An unusually active SU UMa-type dwarf nova with a very short orbital period in the Kepler data Taichi & Yoji 2014
Galaxy Zoo: The Ultraviolet Attenuation Law in Backlit Spiral Galaxies Keel+ 2014
Galaxy Zoo: an independent look at the evolution of the bar fraction over the last eight billion years from HST-COSMOS Melvin+ 2014
The green valley is a red herring: Galaxy Zoo reveals two evolutionary pathways towards quenching of star formation in early- and late-type galaxies Schawinski+ 2014
P.Oxy 5156, Plutarch Moralia 660C, 661B-C (Quaestiones Convivales IV PR., 1.2), in The Oxyrhynchus Papyri Vol. 78 Brusuelas 2013
“I want to be a Captain! I want to be a Captain!": Gamification in the Old Weather citizen science project. Eveleigh+ 2013
Creativity in citizen cyberscience: All for one and one for all Jennett+ 2013
Learning by volunteer computing, thinking and gaming: What and how are volunteers learning by participating in Virtual Citizen Science? Kloezter+ 2013
Planet Hunters: KIC 9406652: An Unusual Cataclysmic Variable in the Kepler Field of View Gies+ 2013
Planet Hunters: New Kepler planet candidates from analysis of quarter 2 Lintott+ 2013
Planet Hunters: A Transiting Circumbinary Planet in a Quadruple Star System Schwamb+ 2013
Planet Hunters V. A Confirmed Jupiter-Size Planet in the Habitable Zone and 42 Planet Candidates from the Kepler Archive Data Wang+ 2013
Galaxy Zoo: quantifying morphological indicators of galaxy interaction Casteels+ 2013
Galaxy Zoo: Observing Secular Evolution Through Bars Cheung+ 2013
Galaxy Zoo: A Catalog of Overlapping Galaxy Pairs for Dust Studies Keel+ 2013
Galaxy Zoo: Motivations of Citizen Scientists Raddick+ 2013
The different star-formation histories of blue and red spiral and elliptical galaxies Tojeiro+ 2013
Galaxy Zoo 2: detailed morphological classifications for 304,122 galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Willett+ 2013
Galaxy Zoo: building the low-mass end of the red sequence with local post-starburst galaxies Wong+ 2013
Repeated call types in short-finned pilot whales, Globicephala macrorhynchus Sayigh+ 2012
2011 HM102: Discovery of a High-Inclination L5 Neptune Trojan in the Search for a post-Pluto New Horizons Target Parker+ 2012
The Milky Way Project: A Statistical Study of Massive Star Formation Associated with Infrared Bubbles Kendrew+ 2012
The Milky Way Project First Data Release: a bubblier Galactic disc Simpson+ 2012
Planet Hunters: the first two planet candidates identified by the public using the Kepler public archive data Fischer+ 2012
Planet Hunters: Assessing the Kepler Inventory of Short-period Planets Schwamb+ 2012
Five New Outbursting AM CVn Systems Discovered by the Palomar Transient Factory Levitan+ 2012
Hubble Space Telescope studies of low-redshift Type Ia supernovae: evolution with redshift and ultraviolet spectral trends Maguire+ 2012
Dynamic Bayesian Combination of Multiple Imperfect Classifiers Simpson+ 2012
The distribution of interplanetary dust between 0.96 and 1.04 au as inferred from impacts on the STEREO spacecraft observed by the heliospheric imagers Davis+ 2012
Observational Tracking of the 2D Structure of Coronal Mass Ejections Between the Sun and 1 AU Savani+ 2012
Spheroidal post-mergers in the local Universe Carpineti+ 2012
Polar ring galaxies in the Galaxy Zoo Finkelman+ 2012
The fraction of early-type galaxies in low-redshift groups and clusters of galaxies Hoyle+ 2012
Galaxy Zoo: dust and molecular gas in early-type galaxies with prominent dust lanes Kaviraj+ 2012
The Galaxy Zoo survey for giant AGN-ionized clouds: past and present black hole accretion events Keel+ 2012
Galaxy Zoo and ALFALFA: atomic gas and the regulation of star formation in barred disc galaxies Masters+ 2012
Galaxy Zoo: dust lane early-type galaxies are tracers of recent gas-rich minor mergers Shabala+ 2012
Galaxy Zoo: Bulgeless Galaxies With Growing Black Holes Simmons+ 2012
Galaxy Zoo: the environmental dependence of bars and bulges in disc galaxies Skibba+ 2012
Chandra Observations of Galaxy Zoo Mergers: Frequency of Binary Active Nuclei in Massive Mergers Teng+ 2012
PTF10ops - a subluminous, normal-width light curve Type Ia supernova in the middle of nowhere Maguire+ 2011
Galaxy Zoo: Supernovae Smith+ 2011
Galaxy Zoo Volunteers Share Pain and Glory of Research Clery 2011
Galaxy Zoo: multimergers and the Millennium Simulation Darg+ 2011
Galaxy Zoo: bar lengths in local disc galaxies Hoyle+ 2011
Tidal dwarf galaxies in the nearby Universe Kaviraj+ 2011
Galaxy Zoo 1: data release of morphological classifications for nearly 900 000 galaxies Lintott+ 2011
Galaxy Zoo: bars in disc galaxies Masters+ 2011
Galaxy Zoo Supernovae Smith+ 2011
Galaxy Zoo Morphology and Photometric Redshifts in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Way 2011
Galaxy Zoo: reproducing galaxy morphologies via machine learning Banerji+ 2010
Galaxy Zoo: the properties of merging galaxies in the nearby Universe - local environments colours masses star formation rates and AGN activity Darg+ 2010
Galaxy Zoo: the fraction of merging galaxies in the SDSS and their morphologies Darg+ 2010
Galaxy Zoo: a correlation between the coherence of galaxy spin chirality and star formation efficiency Jimenez+ 2010
Galaxy Zoo: passive red spirals Masters+ 2010
Galaxy Zoo: dust in spiral galaxies Masters+ 2010
Galaxy Zoo: Exploring the Motivations of Citizen Science Volunteers Raddick+ 2010
Galaxy Zoo: The Fundamentally Different Co-Evolution of Supermassive Black Holes and Their Early- and Late-Type Host Galaxies Schawinski+ 2010
Galaxy Zoo: the dependence of morphology and colour on environment Bamford+ 2009
Galaxy Zoo Green Peas: discovery of a class of compact extremely star-forming galaxies Cardamone+ 2009
Galaxy Zoo: `Hanny's Voorwerp' a quasar light echo? Lintott+ 2009
Galaxy Zoo: a sample of blue early-type galaxies at low redshift Schawinski+ 2009
Galaxy Zoo: disentangling the environmental dependence of morphology and colour Skibba+ 2009
Galaxy Zoo: chiral correlation function of galaxy spins Slosar+ 2009
Galaxy Zoo: the large-scale spin statistics of spiral galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Land+ 2008
Galaxy Zoo: morphologies derived from visual inspection of galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Lintott+ 2008
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